What kind of USB DAC supported by max2play for multiroom purpose?

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) What kind of USB DAC supported by max2play for multiroom purpose?

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  • 17. Februar 2016 at 16:09 #18545

    Hello everyone,

    I got a „raspberry pi b+“ and a „HiFiBerry DAC+ (RCA version)“ running for almost one year with squeezeplug. Everything works fine.
    I would like to set up two additional rooms on this raspberry. So I plan to buy two USB DAC (minimum quality: 24bits/96Khz) and to switch to Max2Play (plug-in multisqueeze). Before buying USB DAC, I would like to be sure they will be supported by Max2Play.
    Could you please advise me? For instance, will this kind of card/chip be supported? : http://www.audiophonics.fr/fr/appareils-hifi-dac/dac-usb-sa9027-es-9023-24bits96khz-asynchrone-p-10572.html
    For info, I got these Amp to be linked to the DAC : http://store3.sure-electronics.com/aa-ab32166

    Thanks for your help/support !

    17. Februar 2016 at 21:02 #18564

    Sorry, should read the question next time completely 😉

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Bort.
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Bort.
    18. Februar 2016 at 15:09 #18580

    Hi mbricogn,

    Thank you for your post.

    Since there exist so many differenz USB DACs, it is impossible to do tests with each of them. Accordingly, we cannot tell you if the USB DAC you mentioned would work with Max2Play. However, we have made good experiences with the Logilink 7.1 and X-Fi USB-DACs so far.

    Maximilian from Max2Play

    21. Februar 2016 at 16:44 #18624

    Do you know if with the Logilink 7.1 each channel is seen independently and would I be able to point a separate Squeezelite instance to each channel?


    29. Februar 2016 at 15:03 #18840

    Hi Simon,
    This application has been discussed here already (https://www.max2play.com/forums/topic/multisqueeze-mit-logflink-7-1-usb-soundkarte/). However, it was unfortunately a German thread. So I will try to convey the discussion in English with the technical logs and commands inserted.

    kippi has a Logilink 7.1 and wants to give each channel on the card a different binding. He uses the Premium Plugin „Multisqueeze“ for these separate channels. In Audioplayer he sets the parameter „-o hw:1,0“, the sound card as USB sound card and sysdefault….alsa
    In MultiSqueeze he goes to the Advanced Options and puts in „-o garage“ (which refers to a binding in the asound.conf)

    He then configures the following under asound.conf (where he set up the sound card and split up the bindings by testing them with headphones):

    `pcm_slave.logilink {
    pcm “hw:1,0″
    channels 8
    rate 44100
    # format “S16_LE”
    # periods 128
    # period_time 0
    period_size 1024
    buffer_size 4096

    pcm.garage {
    type plug
    slave.pcm {
    type dshare
    ipc_key 1024
    ipc_key_add_uid false
    ipc_gid audio
    ipc_perm 0660
    slave logilink
    bindings [ 0 1 ]

    pcm.bad {
    type plug
    slave.pcm {
    type dshare
    ipc_key 1024
    ipc_key_add_uid false
    ipc_gid audio
    ipc_perm 0660
    slave logilink
    bindings [ 2 ]

    pcm.schlaf {
    type plug
    slave.pcm {
    type dshare
    ipc_key 1024
    ipc_key_add_uid false
    ipc_gid audio
    ipc_perm 0660
    slave logilink
    bindings [ 7 ]

    I hope this helped you. If you still have questions about the setup, you might contact kippi in his thread.

    14. Mai 2016 at 14:24 #20138

    Is there a step by step tutorial on the web, that shows for LinuxNoobs, how the configuration is done?

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