I am running Version 2.47 on a Raspberry PI 3. The interface tells me that there is an update available, but when I click on „Update Max2Play“ a waitng wheel appears for a short moment, disappears and I am still with version 2.47.
On a side note, on the squeezebox server page it does not show me available versions anymore. This did also work in the past and might be related.
Seems to be ok. The Raspi is connected to a FritzBox via LAN and appears in the FritzBox interface as ok as well. The Raspi based Squeezebox Server is also capable to receive online streams.
Either the system somehow blocks connection only to the servers of slimdevices and max2play or there is some other underlying error in the system that prevents an update.
Can you check which version of Max2Play you have? (Settings/Reboot debug info -> last section „Linux Version“)
We moved from wheezy to jessie to stretch and now the newest, buster, is our beta for the Pi4.
Yes – it shows available versions of the Logitech Media Server.
The only interesting thing is that the interface of the media server shows an available update: 7.9.2 – 38514, while the Rasp interface offers 7.9.0, 7.9.1 and Nightly 7.9. Installed is version Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 – 1550612824.
But since everything is running ok, I assume there is no need for action.