RaspberryPi 3B
HiFiBerry Dac+
M2P v2.41
Player Model: SqueezeLite
Firmware: Max2Play v1.0.1 based on v1.8.4-726
Squeeze Server installed from M2P web interface: Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 – 1485931015 @ Wed Feb 1 07:15:57 UTC 2017
I’ve successfully mounted a share on my Synology Diskstation using CIFS as //
From the LMS Server Settings -> Basic settings, I can browse the /Media share.
It shows up as
/Music test
When I select /eBooks, the folder expands and I can browse to the subdirectories, but when I select /Music, the folder does NOT expand. A scan of /mnt/mountdir/Music returns 0 tracks, artists, albums.
I’ve checked the permissions on the Diskstation, and applied the same permissions across everything in /Media.
Any suggestions for how to troubleshoot this further?
When you configure Filesystem – mount network paths (Samba or NFS), you can try to create one mount point, and one Sambashare and choose writeable option „Yes“ and the create mode „644“, which guarantee full permission to the folder, then go the folders explorer in Windows, then create the sub folders from there.