Tidal help request – no longer working on Max2play

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  • 8. April 2018 at 19:08 #35060

    I had tidal working for several months last summer but it stopped and I have not been able to get it to work for the last 6 months any help would be appreciated.
    I have a squeezebox touch operating on the squeezebox server . I have a valid tidal account that works on my phone and also works if I connect my touch directly to the mysqueezebox.com server and not go through the max2play server.
    When I connect the touch to the max2play server the player works except for the Tidal plugin. I get an error:
    invalid phone number or password error when trying to open tidal . I went into the logitech media server web interface to verify the mysqueezebox.com settings and all is ok.
    I am stumped , any help would be appreciated

    10. April 2018 at 10:23 #35094

    Hi airheader,

    Could you check whether the plugin can be updated? Also, can you check the advanced options of the plugin and the mysqueezebox.com entry for any error messages or irregularities?

    14. April 2018 at 13:46 #35181

    I could not see any way to update the plugin. There is no advanced settings for the tidal plug in. I disabled and reenabled it, also uninstalled and reinstalled the server.
    It seems to be a max2play problem as it works fine through the sqeezebox if I log into mysqueezebox.com directly (means I lose my home network music)
    I have the tidal hifi subscription but I wonder if there a requirement to have a max2play premium subscription to use the tidal plugin ? Currently I do not have one but did when I first got tidal working I did.
    Tidal is not listed as a premium plugin on the site but maybe that is the issue , if so I will resubscribe , I just want to know it will work before I commit as I don’t use any other premium plugins

    23. April 2018 at 10:51 #35266

    Hi airheader,

    Tidal is not a premium plugin and not handled by us. Unfortunately, third-party players do not work with mysqueezebox.com plugins while our server installation does.

    23. April 2018 at 21:24 #35284

    I am not sure exactly that this latest comment means. I am using a squeezebox player , not a third party player.
    Tidal works when I don’t sign into the max2play server installation but does work when log into mysqueezebox.com directly from the squeezebox player. This makes it appear to me that it is a max2play server side issue which I cannot diagnose.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by airheader911.
    26. April 2018 at 12:50 #35341

    Hi airheader,

    That is very odd since we do not alter the LMS installation aside from some plugin integrations. But these should not be able to affect other plugins or the general structure of the LMS. Which version did you install?

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