They have a new "Cirrus Audio Card" now.

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI They have a new "Cirrus Audio Card" now.

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  • 26. Oktober 2015 at 19:39 #16563

    It cost $38.40 more then the $35 pi.

    Can you get it working with Max2play?

    -Raymond Day

    7. November 2015 at 10:50 #16801

    Hi Ray,

    I have and use it. It is the former „Wolfson“ card. Cirrus took over Wolfson some time ago.
    It works without problems with m2play and sounds crystal clear with hardware volume control.

    The only downside I see so far:
    You cannot update the kernel without losing support for this card.


    2. Februar 2016 at 16:27 #18317

    Hi Mike,
    With our new version 2.27, we now support Wolfson Cirrus Audio Cards with newer Raspberry Pi Kernels (4.x).

    3. Februar 2016 at 1:31 #18331

    Hello Heiner,

    I have recently set up max2play (Premium) on a Raspberry Pi 2 with the Cirrus Logic card. My ‚install‘ of m2p shows Version 2.27 / Raspberry Pi at the top right corner. Does this mean that I can now ‚use‘ the ‚Kernel and Package Updates and Upgrades‘ options on the ‚Raspberry Settings‘ tab, even though it warns ‚Upgrade to latest Kernel (breaks Wolfson Audio cards!‘ ?

    Is there any benefit in upgrading to the latest Kernel?


    3. Februar 2016 at 11:58 #18336

    Hi Heiner,

    thanks for the info, but I’ve tried this already after updating to 2.27 and my Cirrus Audio Card did NOT work after kernel update.
    I will try it again, but need to wait for my Raspi to return from repair/exchange. It broke down last weekend.
    To Simon:
    I hope that the new kernel will support Bluetooth connections, so that I can stream audio to my Raspi.


    3. Februar 2016 at 15:27 #18344

    Hi Mike,
    I just tested the setup with an older image 2.12 that I updated, updated the kernel and activated the Cirrus card. It worked after a reboot. If you are experiencing difficulties, please share your error messages and the steps you took. Also a quick fix would be to try and select none in the sound card option, reboot and select the Cirrus card again. Also make sure you have selected the correct output.

    3. Februar 2016 at 23:48 #18378

    Hi Mike and Heiner,

    Mike, thank you for the info. Bluetooth would be great.

    Please excuse my novice questions, as I am completely new to the Raspi and know nothing of programming. I guess the fact that the Raspi, Cirrus card, and max2play is all working for me is a testament to max2play, and it’s ease of setup. Especially, after reading of others problems with the setup.

    My question is, if I update the Kernel and it all stops working for me, am I able to go back, or is the kernel update a permanent ‚thing‘, like a bios update?


    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by gapmedia.
    7. Februar 2016 at 22:53 #18400

    Hi Simon,

    I don’t know of any „roll back“ function via the web front end of max2play. So you better make a backup of your sd-card before updating the kernel. But even if you don’t do this, you can always simply make a new installation and redo the settings.

    I will try the update as soon as my Raspi returns from repair.


    8. Februar 2016 at 0:24 #18401

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your reply, and clarification. I am such a novice, that I wasn’t sure if a kernel update was a software or hardware update. Obviously it is software, and doesn’t permanently ‚change‘ the Raspberry Pi.


    5. März 2016 at 13:02 #19125

    Hi Heiner,

    now I have a new Raspi2 running. Kernel update worked fine this time. Cirrus card still working!

    I am looking forward to your new version that includes Bluetooth streaming!


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