steps to the squeezeboxtouch

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) steps to the squeezeboxtouch

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  • 5. Juli 2016 at 13:44 #21202

    Hi community!
    I am new in the raspberry world and I am very exited by all I have seen on Max2play so far! congratz!
    I bought my hardwares and will receive them in couple of days.
    I just wanted to check with you the necessary steps to transform my PI3 into a squeezebox touch using JiveLite and the touch display.

    Please note,
    I bought: PI3, the offical 7″ touch display, a digipi+, SD card, PSU (2A),
    I want to connect my system to an external DAC.
    I will use my LMS server that is already working on my NAS.

    It would be great if you could help me to confirm and complement the following steps to achieve my goal:
    – burn the SD card with Max2play
    – install Max2play on the PI3
    – expland the SD
    – install touch screen
    – install Jivelite
    Did I forget something?
    Do you have any advice?

    Have fun! thanks for your answers

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by lynoo.
    5. Juli 2016 at 14:59 #21213


    Those are the main steps indeed. You might also need to do something to install/configure the digipi+ and make sure squeezelite uses it as an output but that should be very straightforward as well (I have a similar set-up but I use bluetooth instead of an extra soundcard)

    Be aware that the 2A adapter might be on the edge for this. I regularly had the „low power“ symbol when I first started working with the RPi3 and the touchscreen (different usage though, not max2play). I don’t understand why vendors don’t supply or at least advice for a 2,5A or a 3A PSU when buying the 7″ Touchscreen.


    6. Juli 2016 at 10:20 #21239

    Thanks for your answer!
    I am now looking forward for receiving hardwares!
    Regarding PSU, I also have a strong linear power supply, used for my Hifi. I will look for a micro usb adapter.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by lynoo.
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