Hallo I just purchased a HifiBerry Amp2 card and Raspberry PI3 and Max2play version 2.45 image stored on an SD card from Max2play, I installed Shairport, Squeezelite and Squeezebox server. I can play music fine either using iPeng app orfrom the Music app + airplay on the iphone.
In both these situations my left channel plays music interrupted by continuous static noises. I tried inverting the speakers, playing using the Hifiberry +raspi 3 board as an Airplay speaker, or accessing the player through Ipeng and Squeezebox. The static noise on 1 of the channels continues without stop. I think I have a defective HiFiBerry board. How can I fix this?
Sincerely, Daniele
This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by dcassin.
Please first try adding the following paramter to your command line options in Squeezelite: -C 5
Make sure that hardware volume control is correctly working. (volume sliders should automatically adjust to changes in volume in the LMS interface)
The previous entries in the command line options of Squeezelite should be -o hw:0 -V Digital when built-in audio is deactivated in the Raspberry Settings.
I did it but it keeps doing it. The volume changes as I change it in Logiteck media server. I noticed that the static is heard more on a pause or when the music track has less volume. Say in a pause. You hear it less with high Volume. Also if I change a radio channel.