Stand alone player

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  • 30. Juni 2020 at 3:36 #49110


    I have been trying to get my Pi3b+, HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro, 7 inch touchscreen, case etc to work as a stand alone Squeezebox (LMS) player, without success! (Music library is on a SSD connected via USB.)

    Everything works fine so long as I am connected to a network, either via WiFi or ethernet but as soon as I activate the Access Point and check the Standalone checkbox and disconnect the ethernet cable and reboot the device, nothing! LMS cannot see the USB drive, I cannot connect to the device at the IP address that is announced on the Access Point page.

    Any suggestions?



    30. Juni 2020 at 14:44 #49128

    Hi Robin,

    A similar problem has already been solved in this thread, starting with Post #48639: Maybe this will already help you.

    What device are you trying to use to connect to the access point?

    30. Juni 2020 at 17:55 #49130

    Thanks for pointing me to that thread. I didn’t find it when I was searching the forum. I don’t need to connect to the access point, I just want the whole little package to work on its own, server, player and music library on the USB drive accessed at the touchscreen. And, it all works, but only if I am connected to a network, which is not available where I want to use it, a shed at the bottom of the garden with no ethernet and out of range of the wifi.

    I have done a couple of things mentioned in the thread, restarting/installing Jivelite and Squeezelite, with no change (I don’t really understand why I need both).


    1. Juli 2020 at 13:15 #49149

    Hi Robin,

    Apparently, Jivelite still has problems when there is no internet connection available. If you don’t want to connect any other device to your system, you don’t actually need access point mode. You could uninstall it and theoretically turn off the automatic access point too. Please enter „-s“ in the command line options of Squeezelite so that you can at least play your music via the Squeezebox Server web interface when no internet connection is established. This way, the player should be accessible from the server.

    I will pass your concern again to our chief developer. Maybe we’ll find a workaround after all. I suspect that somewhere in a config there is an IP address that Jivelite is trying to access. You might just have to change this to But I’m not sure about that. If this is the case, you could try uninstalling Jivelite and reinstalling it as soon as you have disconnected the system from the Internet. This could „force“ Jivelite to adjust the IP address accordingly. Maybe this thread in the slim devices forum will help you furthermore:

    Edit: Jivelite is a graphic interface to control the playback of music played by the Squeezelite players via the Squeezebox server.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by MarioM.
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