Squeezeserver and upsampling

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  • 1. Juni 2018 at 14:41 #36008


    For fun and to feed my super DAC, I wanted to know if it is possible to upsample flac files to 24/192 or 24/384 and if yes how to do it?

    Having a quick search on the net, I found that „custom-convert.conf“ files should be modified in that purpose. Even if I am able to connect through SSH to my PI, I dont really know the „linux procedure“ to do that. I have also read about C3PO but did not manage to have it working.

    Before going into complex and technical (geek?) solution, is there any easier way to do so?


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by lynoo.
    4. Juni 2018 at 12:22 #36044

    Hi lynoo,

    This plugin might be of help, but we have not tested it with Max2Play yet, so we cannot offer any further guidance.

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