Squeezebox/LMS Internet radio

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • 27. Dezember 2016 at 1:16 #25252

    Why do some radio stations play and some do not?
    For example, in North America, KDFC plays and KPFA does not.


    28. Dezember 2016 at 13:01 #25288

    Hi Hilary

    this is a problem of SqueezeboxServer, not of Max2Play

    But I will try to help.

    – What version of the Squeezeboxserver do you use?
    – do you use the radiostations of myharmony or TuneIn

    With the Squeezeboxserver 7.9 an TuneIn Radio I can find a lot of stations with „kpfa“ and can play them.
    Put an account on TuneIn Homepage,then configure your account under „plugins“ in SBS

    I hope you can understand my bad english

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by std.
    30. Dezember 2016 at 2:20 #25319

    Hi std,
    Your English is fine! 🙂
    1) what version do I use: how would I know? The Squeezebox Server tab in Max2Play does not give the version number anywhere that I can see. However, your instructions say to install 7.9 nightly, so that is what I did.
    2) no, I do not use those radio stations. In LMS, under Radio, I use Search to find my station (or Local, FM). I enter KPFA and get a long list, but they are all programs at the same station — Pacifica Radio Berkeley 94.1 — and I choose „Play“ for the top of the list. The right-hand side of the screen shows
    64kbps CBR, MP3 Radio
    and the time-line progresses, and there is no sound. I assume this is what you mean by „problem of SqueezeboxServer“?

    I looked at Tunein Radio, but it offers a free trial and then it seems you have to pay for a subscription. Is that what I have to do? So I created an account at Tunein. I looked at the list of plugins in LMS (SBS) Settings and cannot find Tunein.

    Myharmony appears to be selling remote control devices, nothing to do with radio stations.

    3) In the plugins list, I saw Pandora, so I clicked on „Logitech“ and set it up with my account. It appears under MyApps in LMS but when I click on it I get an error „You must be a subscriber to use Pandora from this device.“ What else do I need to do?


    30. Dezember 2016 at 11:15 #25320

    Hi Hilary

    in my view TuneIn is a free offer. But I signed in with Google+. I don’t know if this make a difference

    To find TuneIn in LMS is a little bit tricky, it is not in the normally plugin-list. Go to Plugins in LMS an click „settings“ of any Plugin. In the next Window you click on the dropdown-menü in the upper left corner. There you will find TuneIn. After configuring your account the radiomenü in LMS is for Tunein, no longer for MSBC

    i’d searched „Pacifica Radio Berkeley 94.1“ an played it

    The Version of the SBS you can see under „Information“ in the SBS-settings

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by std.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by std.
    31. Dezember 2016 at 3:32 #25325

    Hi std,
    Tunein was trying to sell me a Premium account — that’s why I thought I would have to pay. I have a free account now.
    „a little bit tricky“!?!? How is anyone supposed to know how to do that? (no need to answer that)
    I am very encouraged by the fact that you can play KPFA (not only because it is a great station!) because I still cannot get it to play, even though it is now in MyPresets under Internet Radio like you said. There are 3 non-commercial stations in our area that we like to listen to: KPFA, KQED (San Francisco 88.5FM) and KALW (San Francisco 91.7FM). All other stations — local, or Los Angeles or Boston — play. There must be something those 3 have in common that is a problem. I hope we can solve it! I paste the information from SBS Settings below in the hopes it might give you an idea.
    Here’s something I noticed about KPFA: If I listen to it on TuneIn, the URL is http://tunein.com/radio/KPFA-941-s34653/ , but when I am in SBS and save it from MyPresets to Favorites, the URL is http://opml.radiotime.com/Tune.ashx?id=s34653&formats=aac,ogg,mp3,wmpro,wma,wmvoice&partnerId=16&serial=f4276c20f3bb41fead043053822287ea — I don’t understand why it is different.
    However, I looked at a station that DOES play, and again compared the TuneIn URL to the Favorites URL, and it is similar –opml.radiotime.com. So maybe that doesn’t mean anything?


    Logitech Media Server Status
    Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 – 1483028105 @ Thu Dec 29 17:43:44 UTC 2016
    Hostname: max2play
    Server IP Address:
    Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
    Operating system: Debian – EN – utf8
    Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
    Perl Version: 5.20.2 – arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
    Audio::Scan: 0.95
    Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
    Total Players Recognized: 1

    Library Statistics
    Total Images: 0
    Total Videos: 0
    Total Tracks: 53
    Total Albums: 6
    Total Artists: 39
    Total Genres: 3
    Total Playing Time: 3:27:37

    Media Scan Details
    Discovering files/directories: /mnt/mpd (1 of 1) Complete 00:00:01

    Scanning new media files: /mnt/mpd (0 of 0) Complete 00:00:00

    Building full text index (7 of 7) Complete 00:00:01

    Database Optimize (2 of 2) Complete 00:00:00

    The server has finished scanning your media library.
    Total Time: 00:00:02 (Wednesday, December 21, 2016 / 11:52 pm)

    Player Information
    Information on all identified devices connected to Logitech Media Server

    Player Model: SqueezeLite
    Player Type: squeezelite
    Firmware: v1.8.4-726
    Player IP Address:
    Player MAC Address: 00:0f:60:07:16:95


    Cache Folder
    Preferences Folder
    Plugin Folders
    /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins, /usr/sbin/Plugins, /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Plugins
    Helper Applications Folder
    /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/armhf-linux, /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin, /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/arm-linux, /usr/local/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /sbin, /bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/sbin
    Logitech Media Server Log File
    /var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log (100, 500, 1000 lines, everything, ZIP archive)

    Scanner Log File
    /var/log/squeezeboxserver/scanner.log (100, 500, 1000 lines, everything, ZIP archive)

    31. Dezember 2016 at 6:05 #25327


    can you copy the Url from TuneIn into the SBS?

    “a little bit tricky”!?!? How is anyone supposed to know how to do that? (no need to answer that)

    did you fid this option to switch the radiomenü to TuneIn?

    Tunein was trying to sell me a Premium account — that’s why I thought I would have to pay

    no, you must sign in to use Tunein at AV-Rceiver, or in SBS. But it’s for free

    1. Januar 2017 at 1:17 #25342

    Hi std,

    >can you copy the Url from TuneIn into the SBS?
    Yes, I tried that before. You mean under the „Radio“ folder, right? (where the top item is „MyPresets“ and the bottom is „Tune in URL“). I took the KPFA URL <http://tunein.com/radio/KPFA-941-s34653/&gt; and pasted into „Tune in URL“, added to Current Playlist, and then clicked „Play“ — no sound. The timer increments for 5 secs and then resets to 0.

    >did you find this option to switch the radiomenu to TuneIn?
    Yes, my TuneIn Favorites appear under „MyPresets“. The 3 I mentioned above (KPFA, KQED and KALW) still do not play.

    So the question is, what is the difference between my set-up and yours, that you can play KPFA and I cannot?


    1. Januar 2017 at 2:04 #25343

    So the question is, what is the difference between my set-up and yours, that you can play KPFA and I cannot?

    that is a good question. Unfortunately I dindn’t know an answer 🙁

    1. Januar 2017 at 11:38 #25344

    Good morning Hilary

    As I said at the beginning this is a problem with SBS.
    Try http://forums.slimdevices.com/

    I would be glad if you report again if you find a solution

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