Hello again,
I have a problem setting up the squeezebox server on my pi.
My setup:
1 Raspberry Pi, Max2Play HifiBerry Vers. 2.39 (newly installed and updated); Squeezbox Server Nightly 7.9, installed via webinterface.
1 Raspberry Pi, Raspbian Jessie, with USB-Drives connected to it; some folders are shared via SMB.
The shares work perfectly, I can access the folder and files from different computers (Windows) and from my stand-alone-mediaplayer (Ziova Clearstream).
I can also mount them on my HifiBerry-Pi using the webinterface. I can see/browse the files if I login via SSH, so the mountpoint is created successfully.
However, I cannot access them using Squeezebox Server, the folder simply does not show up.
Hi Gerstel,
Sorry about the late response. Have you checked whether your music files and folders might have special writing and reading rights? This might result in the LMS not integrating them correctly.