Currenty I have M2P running on an odroid U3, and 4 other players around the place – 2 Booms, a Squeezebox Touch and RPi Model B+ with an IQAudio DAC.
I am trying to eliminate as much stuff and complexity from my place as I can.
If I upgraded to an RPi 3 Could I put the Server + the IQ Audio Player all on the one box – would it have enough grunt to stream to the other 3 devices synchronisded?
I have an RPi3 with an IQaudIO Pi-DAC+ running the current Max2Play image 2.37. My Logitech Media Server runs directly on the Pi (using the latest nightly build) and it gets its music – 35.000+ tracks – from a simple NAS (actually a USB HDD attached to a Fritz Box router). Squeezeplay is also running on the Pi. It works beautifully, the only performance bottleneck being the slow performance of the USB HDD itself… but even that works nicely. 🙂 With this setup it takes around 10 minutes for a library scan to add new music, and a few hours if you’re doing a full database rebuild. I use it entirely via WLAN – and the network throughput works well up to 16 Bit FLAC filesizes. 24 Bit and you would probably fare better using ethernet. My suggestion – go for it and enjoy. 😉
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by jcu-muc.
I forgot to mention that the sound quality is GREAT. The IQaudIO feeds a Linn pre-amp –> Linn power amp –> Linn speakers and am smitten to say the least.