[SOLVED] Spotify connect problems

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons [SOLVED] Spotify connect problems

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  • 14. Februar 2018 at 16:55 #34006

    I’m new to this so please forgive me for a stupid question. When I try to initialize spotify connect I get the following error message. Any ideas how to solve it?

    System: Raspberry pi3
    SD: 32GB
    Network: Wired


    Spotify Connect Setup

    Trying to launch … NOT successful Click here to show detailed information
    /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.17′ not found (required by /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot)
    /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.18′ not found (required by /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot)

    14. Februar 2018 at 18:00 #34009

    Hi Martin,

    I checked and with a default image you should be able to launch the player right away after installation.

    Possible issues might be:
    – Your Output Device. It should have the name of your sound card in the title and start with default or sysdefault.
    – Your other Audio Players. Make sure they are not running with the same output device.

    14. Februar 2018 at 18:11 #34010

    Thanks for the reply.

    I’m using Hifiberry Amp2. In the output section of Spotify connect is stated „hw:sndrpihifiberry – sndrpihifiberry, hw:sndrpihifiberry“

    As an alternative I can choose „hw: ALSA-ALSA, hw:ALSA“

    But how to I choose Hifiberry Amp 2 as output in the Spotify Connect setion?

    Everywhere else in M2P Hifiberry Amp2 is the defined soundcard.
    No other audioplayers are running.
    Help is very much appreciated.

    14. Februar 2018 at 18:19 #34011

    The hifiberry output should work. Squeezelite and Shairport are both not running and have autostart removed? Please reboot to be sure.

    Please also make sure your login is Spotify Premium. Please also share the debug info on the Spotify Connect page when are start fails.

    14. Februar 2018 at 18:28 #34012

    Hi again,
    Appreciate your help.
    I have done and checked Everything suggested by you but unfortunately still does not work. Below is the debug info:

    #### Librespot Output ####
    Starting Spotify Connect Service

    #### Librespot Command Line Options ####
    /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.17′ not found (required by /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot)
    /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.18′ not found (required by /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot)

    14. Februar 2018 at 23:01 #34014

    Hi Martin

    install the Spotty-Plugin in LMS

    17. Februar 2018 at 22:45 #34037


    PLease forgive a newbie for asking stupid questions…..

    I made a reinstall of Max2play and after updates etc I managed to get spotify connect running and I can identify it in my iphone. However, next problem….No sound.

    When I check the output device in Spotify Connect tab there is only one choice available „hw:alsa – alsa, hw:alsa“, although I identified Hifiberry Amp2 as my soundcard on the hifiberry tab in max2play and on the Raspberry settings tab.

    Any suggestions at all are very much appreciated.

    18. Februar 2018 at 9:35 #34040

    Hi again,
    I managed to solve the previous issue but the problems continues….spotify won’t start…again.
    Now i get this info from debug:

    #### Librespot Output ####
    Starting Spotify Connect Service

    #### Librespot Command Line Options ####
    error: Required option ’name‘ missing.
    Usage: /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot [options]

    -c, –cache CACHE Path to a directory where files will be cached.
    Disable caching of the audio data.
    -n, –name NAME Device name
    –device-type DEVICE_TYPE
    Displayed device type
    -b, –bitrate BITRATE
    Bitrate (96, 160 or 320). Defaults to 160
    –onstart PROGRAM
    Run PROGRAM when playback is about to begin.
    –onstop PROGRAM
    Run PROGRAM when playback has ended.
    -v, –verbose Enable verbose output
    -u, –username USERNAME
    Username to sign in with
    -p, –password PASSWORD
    Disable discovery mode
    –backend BACKEND
    Audio backend to use. Use ‚?‘ to list options
    –device DEVICE Audio device to use. Use ‚?‘ to list options
    –mixer MIXER Mixer to use (e.g. alsa)
    –mixervolume MIXERVOLUME
    Alsamixer Volume control to use

    27. Februar 2018 at 16:26 #34100

    Hi Martin,

    Sorry about the late response. I was on holiday for the last week and am still catching up.

    The error says that your login name is missing. I set up a tester and got the plugin running successfully with our premium account.

    Please make sure you still have Spotify Premium and that your output device is still correct and that your other players are not running or are already configured for automatic switch.

    1. März 2018 at 5:51 #34153

    I’m having problems maintaining a connection to spotify connect. My android phone connects to max2play for a few seconds but max2play disappears from the device list as soon as I select it. I have Spotify Premium, and an active max2play license. It worked perfectly for several weeks and stopped working last weekend. It’s on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Allo digione player. I have disconnected the other music players, have installed the beta version of Spotify Connect, updated the max2play to v.2.25, tried with the Beta version, but nothing works.

    The Spotify Connect page shows this error:

    Trying to launch … NOT successful Click here to show detailed information
    INFO:librespot: librespot (). Built on 2017-08-17. Build ID: fMyATDNy
    INFO:librespot_core::session: Connecting to AP „guc3-accesspoint-b-7frq.ap.spotify.com:4070“
    INFO:librespot_core::session: Authenticated as „[useraccount]“ !
    INFO:librespot::audio_backend::alsa: Using alsa sink
    INFO:librespot_core::session: Country: „CA“
    thread ‚main‘ panicked at ‚called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: WireError(InvalidEnumValue(13))‘, /checkout/src/libcore/result.rs:860
    note: Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 for a backtrace.


    1. März 2018 at 13:50 #34160

    Hi there,

    This error message seems to be related to this issue shared on github.

    To make sure it is not a general issue, please try running Spotify via the Spotty plugin on LMS. (How-To)

    2. März 2018 at 19:56 #34183

    I have been trying to install Spotty but the instructions are missing details that are essential for noobies. For example, the ‚How-To‘ link didn’t say which version of deb should be downloaded (I guess it’s arm).
    How can I attach the Squeezebox player? It isn’t showing any player even though I entered authentication for spotify at
    The settings page says, „Cannot access Spotify services without a player connected.“
    I have disabled all active plugins except for spotty as instructed. Were the player settings on the active plugins page? Is there another set of instructions that I’m missing?
    Sorry for these basic questions. I had not realized how complex max2play was.

    5. März 2018 at 11:49 #34207


    Sorry about the confusion.

    – The versions are only 7.9 and 7.9 nightly when you select them. You do not need to manually enter a URL, it’s inserted when you select.
    – The player is „Squeezelite“ in the Audioplayer menu. If it’s running it shows up on the LMS in the top right corner under the name of your Max2Play device.
    – The activation does not require entering any credentials. Just use the Spotify app on your phone or tablet, select the player with the name of your Max2Play device and the LMS has authenticated your premium account and can now run Spotify on all players.
    – You just need to deactivate the other Spotify plugins.

    5. März 2018 at 18:05 #34229


    We now updated the build of librespot for our Spotify Connect to account for some new changes.

    Just click „reinstall“ and it should work again.

    5. März 2018 at 18:46 #34230

    Thanks, I installed Spotty successfully on LMS (using your instructions). I have installed the new Spotify Connect and it has not resolved the problem, so I’m going back to Spotty until the next Spotify Connect update.

    6. März 2018 at 16:24 #34240


    Thanks for sharing. Could you also share the error message you got, after reinstalling with the button in Spotify Connect menu, reentering credentials and making sure Squeezelite is not occupying the same output option?

    6. März 2018 at 16:48 #34241

    The error message yesterday referred to the wrong sound card (I have Allo Digital and the error message referred to ALSA) but I didn’t save the message. I will in the future.
    Just now I deactivated the Squeezebox and Audioplayer plugins and moved back the Spotify Connect, and the process is running (no error messages) but there is no sound from our system. This time the Android phone shows that music is playing on the max2play device, so the device itself is remaining stable (not disappearing after a second like it did previously), but no sound. A reboot and a reinstallation of Spotify Connect (and then another Reboot) did not resolve the issue.

    Active plugins are just ALLO, Settings/Reboot, WiFi/LAN, Raspberry Settings and Spotify Connect, in that order. I’m running version 2.45 Rasberry Pi 3 and the output device is allo digione.

    Yesterday when I was running Squeezebox, Squeezelite and Spotty, the music kept stopping every few minutes and then starting again. The max2play device stayed on the phone, but the music dropped out repeatedly.

    Thanks for following up on this issue. We only listen to Spotify on Max2Play, and I’m spending hours trying to troubleshoot.

    7. März 2018 at 11:49 #34257

    Sorry about the inconvenience. The Spotify Connect Player should be fixed, now.

    Please try selecting „none“ in the Allo Plugin, rebooting, selecting the DigiOne again, rebooting and selecting the correct output device in Spotify Connect again.

    Also, please make sure the autostart checkbox is deactivated in Squeezelite and Shairport to rule these out as sources of error.

    8. März 2018 at 3:23 #34268

    I’ve followed your directions (several times) and there was still no sound coming out when I select the max2play device. Music plays on my other devices (phones, Google Home). I deactivated the Spotify Connect plugin, reinstalled Squeezebox and Audioplayer, and the music played for a minute or so and then dropped out. I could restart the music from the phone and it seems to be okay right now. No Spotify Connect though.
    Thanks for your persistence.

    9. März 2018 at 16:47 #34300

    Very odd, has the playback behaviour changed since then or do you still need to restart in order to get sound? We have not had this error before.

    Did you activate Spotify Connect in the spotty plugin?

    10. März 2018 at 15:53 #34308

    Hello Heiner,

    I have also problems with the Spotyfy-Connect-Plugin too.
    When I try to start the service in the Spotify-Conncet-Setup I get the following message:

    Versucht zu starten … NICHT Erfolgreich Hier klicken für weitere Informationen

    By clicking the link „Hier klicken für weitere Inforationen“ the following informations will be shown:

    error: Unrecognized option: ‚onstart‘
    Usage: /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot [options]

    -c, –cache CACHE Path to a directory where files will be cached.
    Disable caching of the audio data.
    -n, –name NAME Device name
    –device-type DEVICE_TYPE
    Displayed device type
    -b, –bitrate BITRATE
    Bitrate (96, 160 or 320). Defaults to 160
    –onevent PROGRAM
    Run PROGRAM when playback is about to begin.
    -v, –verbose Enable verbose output
    -u, –username USERNAME
    Username to sign in with
    -p, –password PASSWORD
    Disable discovery mode
    –backend BACKEND
    Audio backend to use. Use ‚?‘ to list options
    –device DEVICE Audio device to use. Use ‚?‘ to list options if using
    –mixer MIXER Mixer to use
    –initial-volume VOLUME
    Initial volume in %, once connected (must be from 0 to
    –zeroconf-port ZEROCONF_PORT
    The port the internal server advertised over zeroconf
    Play all tracks at the same volume
    –normalisation-pregain PREGAIN
    Pregain (dB) applied by volume normalisation

    I have also try to reinstall the service by clicking „Reinstall Spotify Connect Service“ but the problem isn’t solved.

    Please can you help me?

    Thanks very lot!


    11. März 2018 at 17:05 #34315

    Hi, Heiner, I’ve been out of town and not listening to music; I’ll update you when I’m back.

    12. März 2018 at 17:11 #34343

    Hi guys,

    : according to your log, you have an irregular command in your command line options. Please check the advanced options and delete anything that might be entered in your command line options.

    13. März 2018 at 9:52 #34371

    Hello Heiner,

    I have checked the entries in my „Spotify Plugin“. But there are no commands in the command line options. This field is only blank.
    I have just only in the advanced options of the squeezelite filled out the „kommandozeilen optionen“ with the entry „-C 10“ and activated the checkbox „nutze usb-soundkarte“.


    13. März 2018 at 15:45 #34397

    Hi Stefan,

    Firstly, please try running the Spotify Connect without any other players running. (You have to add the IP address of the device with LMS installed in order to run both Squeezelite and Spotify Connect at the same time)

    If this does not change your situation, please try reinstalling Spotify Connect to rule out an issue with the install. We have not encountered this error message yet and according to my search, it also has not been reported on the librespot github as well.

    14. März 2018 at 9:38 #34413

    Hi Heiner,

    I have updated the plugins in the webinterface „Einstellungen / Reboot“ und then the spotifyplugin reinstalled. Now I get another error, when I try to connect with SpotifyConnect:

    #### Librespot Output ####
    INFO:librespot: librespot cc9dba8 (2017-03-26). Built on 2017-07-17. Build ID: 8zQE3Bpb
    INFO:librespot::session: Connecting to AP "gew1-accesspoint-b-zjkl.ap.spotify.com:4070"
    INFO:librespot::session: Authenticated as "USERNAME" !
    INFO:librespot::audio_backend::alsa: Using alsa sink
    INFO:librespot::session: Country: "DE"
    thread 'main' panicked at 'called <code>Result::unwrap()</code> on an <code>Err</code> value: WireError("invalid value for enum: 13")', /checkout/src/libcore/result.rs:859
    note: Run with <code>RUST_BACKTRACE=1</code> for a backtrace.
    #### Librespot Command Line Options ####
    error: Required option 'name' missing.
    Usage: /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot [options]
        -c, --cache CACHE   Path to a directory where files will be cached.
                            Disable caching of the audio data.
        -n, --name NAME     Device name
        -b, --bitrate BITRATE
                            Bitrate (96, 160 or 320). Defaults to 160
            --onstart PROGRAM
                            Run PROGRAM when playback is about to begin.
            --onstop PROGRAM
                            Run PROGRAM when playback has ended.
        -v, --verbose       Enable verbose output
        -u, --username USERNAME
                            Username to sign in with
        -p, --password PASSWORD
                            Disable discovery mode
            --backend BACKEND
                            Audio backend to use. Use '?' to list options
            --device DEVICE Audio device to use. Use '?' to list options
            --mixer MIXER   Mixer to use

    Then the SpotifyConnect service is stopping.

    I have add the IP adress of the device in the option of the plugin.

    Because of these errors I have updated my system withe the commands „apt-get update“ and „apt-get upgrade“ to the newest version of „jessie“. But without success…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Stefan121.
    15. März 2018 at 13:53 #34448

    Hi Stefan,

    There seems to be a general issue with the current install of the Spotify Connect player. We are investigate this at the moment.

    For now, you can use the Spotty plugin of our Squeezebox Server. Here’s our tutorial on setting it up.

    15. März 2018 at 16:31 #34456

    We found the fix, you can make a beta update and reinstall in the Spotify Connect Player to get it working again.

    For new installations of Max2Play, the fix will be added automatically.

    18. März 2018 at 8:01 #34506

    Thanks Heiner, Just wanted to say thanks as whatever you did made it work for me in the update2beta + reinstall spotify connect.

    19. März 2018 at 13:55 #34532

    Hi Heiner,

    thank you for your fast reply!
    I have updated my raspberry pi3 to the latest beta (version 180315) und tried to reinstall the spotify connect plugin. the reinstallation was successful but when I try to start the service I get the following message:

    #### Librespot Output ####
    error: Unrecognized option: 'onstart'
    Usage: /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot [options]
        -c, --cache CACHE   Path to a directory where files will be cached.
                            Disable caching of the audio data.
        -n, --name NAME     Device name
            --device-type DEVICE_TYPE
                            Displayed device type
        -b, --bitrate BITRATE
                            Bitrate (96, 160 or 320). Defaults to 160
            --onevent PROGRAM
                            Run PROGRAM when playback is about to begin.
        -v, --verbose       Enable verbose output
        -u, --username USERNAME
                            Username to sign in with
        -p, --password PASSWORD
                            Disable discovery mode
            --backend BACKEND
                            Audio backend to use. Use '?' to list options
            --device DEVICE Audio device to use. Use '?' to list options if using
            --mixer MIXER   Mixer to use
            --initial-volume VOLUME
                            Initial volume in %, once connected (must be from 0 to
            --zeroconf-port ZEROCONF_PORT
                            The port the internal server advertised over zeroconf
                            Play all tracks at the same volume
            --normalisation-pregain PREGAIN
                            Pregain (dB) applied by volume normalisation
    #### Librespot Command Line Options ####
    error: Required option 'name' missing
    Usage: /opt/spotifyconnect/librespot [options]
        -c, --cache CACHE   Path to a directory where files will be cached.
                            Disable caching of the audio data.
        -n, --name NAME     Device name
            --device-type DEVICE_TYPE
                            Displayed device type
        -b, --bitrate BITRATE
                            Bitrate (96, 160 or 320). Defaults to 160
            --onevent PROGRAM
                            Run PROGRAM when playback is about to begin.
        -v, --verbose       Enable verbose output
        -u, --username USERNAME
                            Username to sign in with
        -p, --password PASSWORD
                            Disable discovery mode
            --backend BACKEND
                            Audio backend to use. Use '?' to list options
            --device DEVICE Audio device to use. Use '?' to list options if using
            --mixer MIXER   Mixer to use
            --initial-volume VOLUME
                            Initial volume in %, once connected (must be from 0 to
            --zeroconf-port ZEROCONF_PORT
                            The port the internal server advertised over zeroconf
                            Play all tracks at the same volume
            --normalisation-pregain PREGAIN
                            Pregain (dB) applied by volume normalisation

    Before the reinstallation I have delete the spotifyconnect-folders in /opt/ and var/www/max2play/applications/plugins and hte librespot.zip-file in /opt/max2play/cache. But the problem ist the same before.

    Do you have any tips for me?

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