Slow Spotify

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  • 7. September 2018 at 18:29 #37723


    I use a Pi3 model B in a typical installation (Hifiberry, Squeezybox server). I try Spotify Connect and Spotty for Squeezebox, but both is very slow.
    When I start a music or step next track, it has a 6-8-10 sec. delay. If I stop or start the current track it has no delay.
    I check the system load, CPU is below 2%, and no significant load on the SD card.
    Any suggestion?


    10. September 2018 at 11:19 #37735

    Hi Peter,

    Thank you for your request.

    Does your system run via WiFi or ethernet? If you have not, please try connecting ethernet to rule out your WiFi as a possible source of error.

    Also, you can check your Settings/Reboot’s Health Checker to make sure the Pi itself is not overloaded.

    1. Dezember 2018 at 2:15 #42464

    Dear Max2Play,
    I also have installed the spotify addon but it is VERY slow to play with a delay of about 15-20 seconds. I am running Sparky and running over ethernet. Spotify is normally near instant on my network on other devices.

    I also have used spotty for Logitech media Server and that is slowish but only a few seconds.

    any Ideas?


    3. Dezember 2018 at 13:48 #42498

    Hi lpnb,

    The Sparky Board version of Max2Play is maintained by Allo themselves. You can contact them for technical support here.

    2. Januar 2019 at 17:24 #43003

    Hallo everybody,

    i just bought a premium subscription of Max2Play for testing the spotify connect feature.
    Sadly i had to see, it is the same librespot integration as it is in Volumio and other raspberry pi OS.
    The issues are well-known in the raspberry community and i’m quite sad that there was no information here that i have to find the same issues on a paid subscription…

    Will there be a fix of that in the near feature or is a refund on my premium subscription possible?…

    3. Januar 2019 at 12:09 #43059

    Hi Heiner!

    I reinstalled my Max2Play and I now use with ethernet connection with 1Gbits internet connection. But the problem is the same!
    The Spotty is slow and it disconnects randomly from Spotify Connect and stop the current track. I tried another Pi board but nothing changed.

    Will there be any improvments of that malfunction?


    3. Januar 2019 at 14:25 #43075

    Hi FreFi,

    Do you use your Pi on a WiFi or ethernet connection? Also, which Pi version do you use? We do not encounter particularly slow performance in Spotify Connect Plugin.

    Hi Peter,

    Are the delays still as large as in your original post? We will set up a new image with Pi 3B and see if we can recreate it. Very odd that there are not more people reporting this issue if it is a general one. Could you paste the debug info from your Spotify Connect plugin?

    10. Januar 2019 at 18:30 #43430


    i use the raspberry direct attached on my Fritz!box 6490 Cable at 200 mbit/s.
    The skipping takes at least 10 seconds, on big playlists with 100+ songs the skipping won’t even work at all after skipping two or three tracks.
    I have to restart the spotify connect service after that, and it works again (slowly) for 3 tracks .

    11. Januar 2019 at 17:03 #43534

    Hi FreFi,

    Have you tried changing the bitrate yet to see if it changes the skipping? We have not received any similar negative feedback on the Spotify Connect Plugin yet, so I would appreciate it if you could share your exact setup and perhaps playlist/songs that particularly prompt these issues in your setup so I can recreate it in our office.

    Please contact us via email to get a refund on your trial license.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Heiner.
    12. Januar 2019 at 23:14 #43561


    my hifi setup won’t allow me to downgrade on a low bitrate, I’d like to enjoy my music in highest bitrate possible provided by spotify because i would hear the lower quality on my hifi equipment – and thats not what it is supposed to be used for.

    My exact hardware setup:
    – Raspberry Pi Rev. 2 Model B with a HifiBerry Digi – output via optical SPDIF on my av receiver
    – Spotify clients: samsung galaxy s8, a tablet with windows 8.1 pro and a desktop client lan-attached

    I installed the latest available max2play image on my sd card, and tried the spotify connect plugin first.
    It didn’t work very well and as an alternative i installed the logitech media server environment with the spotty plugin and encountered the same skipping issues. Due to the higher hardware load, i’d say the skipping issues were even more dramatic with the logitech media server installed.

    The problem comes up on all songs / playlists i use in spotify and is not music specific. With the size of the playlist the problem grows, though.

    After some days of try and error with different media solutions, i finally switched back to volumio – but without a spotify connect plugin (which also works very slow on volumio). As an alternative, the volumio client runs on a DLNA / AirPlay basis, and with the Android App namened ‚HiFy‘ i can emulate a spotify connect accountant in my network. With this, skipping is a pure joy, even if there is a minimal lag of 1 or 2 seconds in the playback.

    15. Januar 2019 at 13:37 #43653

    Hi FreFi,

    The request on lower bitrate is only to monitor whether the skipping goes down, indicating a correlation with the performance.

    Thank you for your feedback.

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