Some LMS needs clearing the cache.db once in e while. I do that manually when one of the plugins fail etc.
Is it possible to add a scheduled Max2Play reboot with „delete LMS cache.db“ check option on to the UI?
Hi mykkah,
That’s a good idea! Please tell us in detail how you currently clear the cache and what you would want from the implementation in Max2Play so we can consider your steps and wishes for our solution.
Hi Heiner,
My steps are:
-Stop LMS
-ssh to odroid
-delete /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/cache.db
-reboot or restart LMS
I’m sure you know picoreplayer’s UI, there is a section where you setup a cronjob for a reboot. I think an automatic daily/weekly/monthly reboot can be chosen in one of the Max2Play UI tabs. Additionally a checkbox for „LMS cache cleanup“ can be integrated to that reboot.
Best Regards,
BTW: I can’t edit my first post, there is a missing word, it should be „some LMS plugins..“ In my case smartmix plugin needs regular cache cleanup, otherwise it’s not playing my receipes.
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by mkkyah.
Hi, has this feature already been built in or is there a plugin available for this. Because my server/player hangs once in a while, this option may be the solution. I am running the latest version of max2play (2.33) but I cannot find the setting.
Hi benny,
We looked into this procedure and it does not seem to have any benefit on the system. The LMS manages its own cache perfectly and we have Squeezebox Servers in constant use for several years without issues.
Thanks Heiner for your reply. I cannot confirm that the problems that I had, where the server and player were not running/accessible, had to do with the LMS caching. I must say that since I changed the SD card and installed from a fresh image of max2play the LMS is running without any problem for about one month now. Fingers crossed 🙂