Max2Play Home › Forums › Max2Play on Raspberry PI › Rpi2 + Hifiberry Amp + 7" official Touchscreen = no USB harddisk (no power)
Tagged: harddrive, power supply, usb
- This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by
Posted in: Max2Play on Raspberry PI
26. August 2016 at 8:11 #22589
Dear M2P community,
I’m using a Raspberry Pi 2, a Hifiberry Amp+, a official 7″ touchscreen and a Edimax Wifi stick with max2play Hifiberry edition v. 2.34.
I’m using a 19V 3,42A power supply as recommended and everything works fine. Except when I plug in a USB harddrive. Even when I set USB output to max in the Raspberry Pi settings (I even checked in config.txt), the harddrive won’t come up. You can hear that well known hanging/klicking sound when a harddisk does not get enough power. I tried with a USB 3.0 Western Digital 2 TB 2,5″ external disk that worked very well on another Raspberry Pi (without 7″ Display). And I also tried another external 2,5″ harddrive an a no name USB 3.0 case. Same result.
Is there an issue in combination with the 7″ display or what can I do to make the harddrives work?
Many thanks and best regards
Muhackl26. August 2016 at 13:04 #22614Hello muhackl,
you need an extra power supply for your hard drive. I got the same issue with my 2,5″ hard drive. It works with an additional usb hub with a additional power supply for the hard drive. The power supply of the computer consumes all the energy already for the WLAN stick, the amplifier and the Raspberry Pi.
28. August 2016 at 17:20 #22679Hi Christoph,
I’m sorry, but this is not true. To test it, I set up a new Raspberry Pi 2 with a Hifiberry Amp + and Max2Play latest version.
I’m using a Editmax Wifi stick. The only thing that differs from the system described above is the display. I did not use or attach a display.
I used the same harddrive as above. Works perfectly!
So I assume the power supply has got to do with the display. As it does not consume this much power, I’m really hoping I can use a harddrive additionally.
Appreciate any help how to make this possible.
Many tanks and best regards
Muhackl29. August 2016 at 13:02 #22693Hello muhackl,
You were right.
Now I was testing both. Here are my results. The problem is still a to low energy.
First test: Raspberry Pi 2 and HifiBerry AMP+ (with edimax wifi dongle, 2.5″ hard drive and the hifiberry amp+ power supply). My hard drive is hanging/klicking like you said.
The problem was a to low energy. For this you have to change the Raspberry Settings and set a tick under max USB current (Increases the intensity of current on USB-Ports. If enabled, the USB-Ports get 1.2A instead of only 0.6A.) – now my hard drive run without hanging.
Second test: Raspberry Pi 2 and HifiBerry AMP + (with edimax wifi dongle; 7″ touch screen and only with the hifiberry amp+ power supply)
Now my hard drive having the same issue. I restart my system but first I plug in an additional 2,5A power supply into the raspberry pi. Now the hard drive is running without a issue.
So please try these two things: activate the „max. usb current“ in Raspberry Settings and plug in a additional power supply. I hope it is a help for you to solve the problem.
Best Regards.
29. August 2016 at 13:29 #22694Hi Christoph,
I’m sorry I forgot to mention in my second post too, that I already activated max usb current (and even checkt it in the config.txt).
Regarding the additional 2,5A power supply I’m a little bit confused. Where exactly should I plug it in?
At the moment, I am powering the display via GPIO jumpers / cables. 5V+- from the pi GPIOs to the power input pins of the display board.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to power the display separately? The official raspberry pi page is talking about 500 mA that are needed´(
I think, I’ll try this one first. But it really would be a pitty if I needed two seperate power supplies as I am planning to integrate the display and the amp in a box and just wanted one single cable to plug into an power inlet.I’m looking forward to any further ideas and hope we will get the display and the harddrive powered by one supply.
Muhackl13. Oktober 2016 at 19:07 #23409Hi,
I just wanted to come back to this issue and ask, if there are any news or new ideas?
I really loved to have just one single power supply.
I tried removing the WIFI stick. Also I removed the overclocking. Nothing helped.
The Pi even reboots at the moment I plug in a external harddrive.
I would really appreciate if there was any solution because the way I want to use the Pi with M2P and display is its absolute origin.
Many thanks and best regards
Muhackl19. Oktober 2016 at 10:14 #23446I’v the same hardware. The Raspberry is very critical on power consumption from the USBports so I feed my 2.5 harddisk (0.95 A) separate with a 1A powerregulator (TSR 1-2450). You can connect the regulator + en – parallel on the amp and the other + (5V) goes to the 5V display pin. The – you already use. Be aware of the little rainbow in the right corner but this can be switches off but I do not know. With m2p there is option for this.
Regards Ronald
23. Oktober 2016 at 18:01 #23528Hi Muhackl, on the face of it you have a 60 watt power supply (19v x 3.42A) feeding an amplifier rated at 2 x 25 watts output power, even with 100% efficiency this leaves only 10 watts (2A at 5v) to feed the pi, the screen and the hard drive. The hard drive will take about 1A at start up, leaving 1A to power screen and pi, at a time (ie boot up) when the pi is busy and taking maximum juice, too! A higher rated power supply might help but the 5v regulator built in to the amp may be a limiting factor, 2A at 5v was good for a pi supply when the amp was was designed, once you start stressing it to the limit you lose regulation and the voltage will drop anyway. You need to check with Hifiberry support what current it is designed to supply.
If you intend to build it all into a box there are plenty of cheap voltage regulators you could use to power the screen and/or the hard drive seperately whilst still retaining a single external feed. Try
18. Oktober 2017 at 3:41 #31954Yes there is 60 watts total in that power supply but it is the amount of current at 5VDC needed to start the display and spin up a hard dive plus power the Pi, the issue of it being the 5VDC that is driving the display and hard drive (not 19VDC) additionally increasing the total inrush current. Even with NO music playing at start up, all the devices draw more current at 5VDC then the Amp+ 5VDC regulator can supply. Lastly during start up at boot or plugging a USB drive in after boot with no music playing, the Amp+ is NOT using 50 watts because No Music Is Playing more importantly the Amp+ is NOT Class A, it is Class D and very efficient so it is never drawing 50 watts continuous. There simply isn’t enough amperage at 5VDC to go around even with the Amp+ drawing minimal current at 19VDC.
One of the solutions to this issue is to add a TSR1-2450 to the 19VDC rail to supply another 5VDC 1A source to power the Display separately. By doing this, there is enough available current for all 5VDC devices.
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