Raspberry Pi Upgrade 2 -> 3 (Wheezy -> Jessie?)

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Raspberry Pi Upgrade 2 -> 3 (Wheezy -> Jessie?)


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  • 10. Juli 2016 at 12:45 #21405


    If I chose the wrong forum I apologize. Feel free to move into the correct one.

    I plan to upgrade my existing Max2Play-installation based on a Raspberry Pi 2 (Wheezy) to a Raspberry Pi 3 (Jessie) because next to Max2Play I use it for more applications and want to benefit from build-in bluetooth, build-in WiFi and slightly increased performance of Raspberry Pi itself.

    Therefore I have some questions:

    1. Is the upgrade of OS necessary or is latest version of Wheezy also capable to use Raspberry Pi 3’s build in Wifi / Bluetooth? The answer of this question leads to question nr.

    2. Could I just use the current SD-card from Raspberry Pi 2 in Raspberry Pi 3? If not:

    3. Is it recommended to build the system new with Jessie-based image of Max2Play from scratch or could I go the way of upgrading the distribution following RaspberryPi-Forums which seems a bit stressing.

    Thank you very much in advance,


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Steffen. Reason: typos
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Steffen.
    11. Juli 2016 at 14:26 #21413

    Hi zerbes,
    1. The Raspberry Pi 3 runs only with the Jessie Images on our download page.
    2. You can use the same SD card but need to burn the Jessie Image on it.
    3. We recommend a freshly burned Image since the configuration should be quicker with the web interface.

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