Can I get the old wolfson DAC (not the cirrus logic, the wolfson one) working on my Pi B with max2play? I tried the squeezleplug, the m2p_rpi3 and the m2p_default_266 images, but they dont seem to work. I can boot up, select wolfson dac (kernel change) from the drop down and the reboot. But the card does not seem to be recognized. The cards works so the hardware is fine, it is just not recognized when using a max2play image.
Any clue on how to solve it? The goal is to create an LMS server and squeezelite player which uses the Wolfson audio card….
Please take a look into this topic. You only have to update to the newest Max2Play version (2.37) and choose the cirrus logic sound card in the Raspberry settings. Then it should work.