now, I resolved my sound problem with Hifiberry DAC+ and RPI, I tried to configure airplay with LMS.
In airplay config without LMS, no problem -> OK
In Squeezebox advanced install, nothing works, I can see my device but I have no sound :(.
I tried to install LMS and Shairtunes 2. Since I installed Shairtunes 2, Shairport is always started at startup even if I force it to stop and save the case to not start at startup.
This is some additionnal informations :
Etat du Logitech Media Server
Logitech Media Server Version : 7.9.2 - 1524136933 @ Thu Apr 19 13:38:54 CEST 2018
Nom d'hôte : Max2Play
Adresse IP du serveur :
Port HTTP du serveur : 9000
Système d'exploitation : Debian - FR - utf8
Architecture de la plate-forme : armv7l-linux
Version de Perl : 5.24.1 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan : 0.95
Version de la base de données : DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Platines identifiées : 1
Some screenshots also:
Shairport config :
Squeezebow & AirPlay :
Thanks 🙂
This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by thierryb180381.
Sorry about the confusion, shairtunes2 runs this instance of shairport which is recognized by Max2Play as such. You do not need to shut it down and can keep it running.