Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons PLEASE PLEASE PLASE HELP

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  • 5. Juli 2023 at 11:23 #52867

    Hi I am really really frustrated as I urgently need some help please.

    I’d like to set up the accesspoint plugin but I’m having issues with it. I’ll not explain here yet.

    The bottom line is I’d like to know IF the accesspoint when set as a STANDALONE system with the server and player plug-in’s installed (but no network cable or external wifi connected), does it or can it output to the 3.5mm audio jack socket that I can control with Squeezer via the accesspoints own WIFI.

    But for now any help would be very much appreciated as I’ve run out of ideas and I am 100% stuck. Thanks in advance Guys

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Alex. Reason: make the issue easier to understand
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