Playername with whitespaces, special characters ( Squeezelite and Multisqueeze)

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Development (Ideas, Wishes) Playername with whitespaces, special characters ( Squeezelite and Multisqueeze)

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  • 25. Oktober 2020 at 23:05 #49912


    Squeezelite and Multisqueeze allows playernames with whitespaces, special characters and mutated vowels like äöüß() and so on. Only requirement is to put the name in double quotes at the -n-Option. For example -n "Test (ÖÄÜ)".

    Max2Play strips them when saving e.g. in updatePlayername() with the line $name = preg_replace('=[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]=i', '', $name);.

    Are there other issues except the missing double quotes in Max2Play squeezlite startup-code?
    For /etc/hostname you could use the preg_replace above, e.g. with replacing whitespaces by hyphens and mutated vowels by using Normalizer::normalize().

    It would be great to have names with whitespaces, special characters and mutated vowels allowed.

    Is ist conceivable, that it can by build in? Or can I help / co-develop the code? What do you think about?

    Thanks so far!

    Cheers, Matthias

    27. Oktober 2020 at 13:11 #49928

    Hi Matthias,

    Special characters, mutated vowels and whitespaces can cause various problems with the system and should therefore be avoided when naming players. We are currently not planning to redesign the code so that such characters can be used without hesitation, as problems can arise at any point. Nevertheless, thank you for the hint and the offer! I will discuss the topic again with our developer.

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