Pimoroni Pirate Audio


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  • 2. Februar 2020 at 23:41 #47986

    Would be amazing if you could ad support for for the Pimoroni Pirate Audio devices DAC, display and buttons!

    Pirate Audio: Line-out for Raspberry Pi

    24. März 2020 at 14:49 #48235

    Hi purist,

    According to Pimoroni’s documentation, they also use the default hifiberry driver. So the card should work by selecting „HiFiBerry DAC“ in the Raspberry Settings and rebooting, automatically.

    6. Dezember 2020 at 5:01 #50438

    Please add Jivelite support for 240×20 screen of the Piromoni.

    8. Dezember 2020 at 13:00 #50448

    Hi psleertouwer,

    Which display do you mean exactly? I can only find the 240×240 display from Pimoroni. Unfortunately we are not responsible for the development of Jivelite. The best thing to do is to ask in the Slimdevices forum whether someone can add support for this resolution.

    10. Dezember 2020 at 12:06 #50470

    The Skin for a 240×240 screen is now included in Jivelite. But when I use Max2play the screen stays black. Is there a way to force the use of this skin?

    10. Dezember 2020 at 13:18 #50474

    Hi psleertouwer,

    After updating Jivelite, I was actually able to select the skin. Changing the skin went without any problems and I was able to use Jivelite normally. Is your display a touch display? It may be that the screen automatically turns black if no input is made after a while. Check in the screen saver settings whether the Blank Screen option is selected and switch off the screen saver there if necessary. If you don’t have any other way to use Jivelite, use our VNC plugin. This allows you to view and control the desktop of your Pi on a PC.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by MarioM.
    11. Dezember 2020 at 17:07 #50480

    I did the same, installed VNC and I could select the skin. But still no axtive display. For this player I’ve switched to PiCorePlayer now. Following their manual it now works.

    23. August 2021 at 23:48 #51596


    Habe jetzt den auch den Pirate Audio 3W AMP mit Display.
    Kann mir wer weiter helfen, wie ich das Display + Amp zum Laufen bekomme?

    VG Daniel

    4. März 2022 at 4:05 #52113

    Any News on the Pirate Audio: 3W Stereo Speaker Amp for Raspberry Pi?

    15. März 2022 at 15:54 #52132

    Hi Daniel,

    We currently do not plan to actively support Pirate Audio products. But as Heiner already said, they use the normal HiFiBerry driver. Here you can find information about the configuration: https://github.com/pimoroni/pirate-audio

    And here is explained how to install the display: https://github.com/pimoroni/st7789-python

    However, we can’t guarantee that this will work with Max2Play, as we can’t test it ourselves.

    15. März 2022 at 16:08 #52135

    Hi there,
    That‘s bad News as pirate audio products are very insteresting for diy builders.
    I hope there will be more activly requesting support.

    But I‘ll try First with the links you kindy provided.


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