I decided to install the SD write protection since my setup was stable for months. After a reboot Jive didn’t run anymore and the webinterface jivelite tab says „No running X-Server found!“.
Uninstalled SD write protection without effect. The Xserver won’t start.
Tried disabling and enabling the autostart desktop. Tried updating to latest beta and back to 2.42. Tried updating and upgrading packages. All in the hope some magic would do the trick.
The console on the TV now forever displays „starting user manager for UID 1000“ and next „stopping user manager for UID 1000“
Last resort I tried „Reset configs to Max2Play delivery configuration“ which made things even worse (the network and or webserver died.
I have no idea what the SD write protection plugin does and what files it changed. Maybe some bugs?
Reinstalled everything from scratch, except SD write protection 🙂 and back to normal.
This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by repiuk.
This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Mbydeen.
This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Mbydeen.
We have simulated your technical problem in our lab, and everything worked well. Please try to burn new image and make sure that you have the latest update, install the other plugins that you need then make sure when you enable the SD write protection plugin to reboot the system, we recommend you to make all the configuration to your system before installing the SD card protection plugin.
Thanks for your feedback. Reinstalled everything and after that I noticed the Health Checker on the settings page and also the Cam software was updated to 6.3.3. I had max2play 2.42 running for some days or weeks. Maybe previous updates didn’t update everything correctly.