I just burned Max2Play on a SD card and started it up.
I couldn’t set any settings for Max2Play, I guess I have to control Max2Play with a browser on my iPad or something. But I also couldn’t change my WIFI settings in Debian, so I can’t connect to my local network with the Pi.
Also, I’m wondering what I exactly get if I use the free version of M2P. Can I make and edit playlist? Use Mixcloud or SoundCloud? SomaFM?
You can ocntrol everything from any browser in your network, just type „max2play/“ in the URL.
You can use the full scope of the Squeezebox system. Therein, a lot of plugins for multiroom audio use are included. Radio is no problem as are creating playlists and editing them.
Rune and Volumio are both more singular solutions. Our Audio-Setup revolves around the Squeezebox system with a central server and as many players as desired.