[SOLVED] multiroom delay

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons [SOLVED] multiroom delay

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  • 26. Januar 2017 at 16:10 #26333

    Hello I have max2play multiroom sound in my house and I have a raspberry pi in a room connected to a bluetooth speaker placed in the bathroom near it, I notice a delay of more than a second with respect to the rest of devices. How can I solve that?

    26. Januar 2017 at 21:51 #26351


    I mean there is no way with ah BT-Device
    You should use a Squeezebox Radio or an Airplay-Device . I’d tested my AV-Receiver with Airplay and there ist no Delay to the other Squeezeboxes
    Used Airplay-Speakers at Ebay are not expensive

    27. Januar 2017 at 10:20 #26355

    Hi, is possible to do multiroom audio with airplay? how can i see an airplay device in my squeezebox server?

    27. Januar 2017 at 18:28 #26367


    install „Airplay-Bridge“ Plugin in Squeezebox Server

    29. Januar 2017 at 17:58 #26390


    I’ve bought a Philips Fidelio DS3880 (Soundring) for 55€ at Ebay today. I’ll report

    30. Januar 2017 at 10:16 #26398

    Could you give me ebay link, I have not found it for less than 77 euros. Thank you

    30. Januar 2017 at 15:02 #26408


    it was an single offer from a private citizen.
    But not on ebay.de
    In Germany wie have also ebay-kleinanzeigen.de
    I don’t know what it is in english. But I think 77€ is also a good price. It gives Airplay-Speakers from many other manufacturers. B&W, Logitech, BOSE, Teufel, Panasonic, Sony, Boston Acoustic etc
    Also all Yamaha MusicCast Components are be able to user Airplay

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by flysurfer.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by std.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by std.
    9. Februar 2017 at 15:18 #26781


    it need a littele bit more time, but today I received the Philips Fidelio.
    It plays absolutely synchron to my Logitech Radio. But SB Radio sounds much better

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