I’m trying to get audio output to work with the Pifi DAC+ 2.0 i2s card. This card works fine in RuneAudio, but I can’t get it to work under Max2Play. Through the Max2Play UI I’ve tried:
1) Under HiFiBerry, select Hifi Berry DAC+. This does not work
2) Under Raspberry Settings, select Pifi DAC+. When selecting this I cannot select „Save“ as the button is greyed out. This functionality seems to be disabled or broken.
I could also edit /boot/config.txt but don’t know what to add.
I also heard that bluetooth on the raspberry pi 3 can interfere with i2s overlays… would I need to disable bluetooth on the rpi?
Has anyone successfully configured the Pifi DAC+ 2.0 card with Max2Play? I’d love to use this, otherwise I’ll have to return to RuneAudio.