Max2Play for the 7″ Touch Display (Raspberry Pi) img not booting

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Max2Play for the 7″ Touch Display (Raspberry Pi) img not booting

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  • 26. Mai 2016 at 11:12 #20302

    Is anyone else having a problem with the ?

    My Pi3 (+7″screen) won’t boot with this img, though it does boot fine with ( and also (

    The green led flash sequence of 4 fast + 4 slow suggests a problem with start.elf?

    Have tried different SD cards, burned on different pc from different downloads.

    Any ideas?


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by lidbanger. Reason: Forgot to say I also tried Noobs :)
    26. Mai 2016 at 12:31 #20305

    Hi lid,
    This image is based on wheezy and not compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3. The download page states all compatibilities for the respective images. The Touchscreen image works with RPi 1+2. However, you can use all the plugins and functionalities from it with the other images.

    26. Mai 2016 at 12:46 #20306

    Thanks Heiner,

    Ah – sorry I didn’t see the Pi 1+2 bit. So I should use ?


    26. Mai 2016 at 12:52 #20307

    Yes, you can currently choose between the default jessie RPi 3 image or the HiFiBerry image.

    26. Mai 2016 at 12:56 #20308

    Not sure which to use? I want to use this as a replacement for my Squeezebox sever and server to the my 4 Squeezebox Boom players.

    Which do you advise?

    Sorry for the stupid questions 🙁

    26. Mai 2016 at 13:37 #20309

    The HiFiBerry image ideal if you use a HiFiBerry sound card with your Pi. You can directly activate it and the drivers and configuration is made with one click. However, the default image can also add the HiFiBerry plugin and any other plugins. So both will do the job but without a HiFiBerry card, I would recommend the default Pi image.

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