Mac OS folder sharing issues

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  • 23. März 2016 at 23:46 #19440

    Hi Guys
    My name is Gianpaolo
    I was looking for a software to insert a Rasp Pi 3 in my system…now I think to have found it. Is Max2Play.
    I bought one full licence and thanks to it I’m able to use my beloved M2tech Young as external DAC using Squeezbox server and squeezlite player.
    I read a HI-res file from an USB key directly connected on the Rasp and Young read correctly the sampling frequency from the player.
    Unfortunately I can’t do it using Airplay becouse seems that Airpaly doesn’t stream nothing over 44.1 Khz…There is a way to do it?
    But the most important issues is that I tryed to share music folder from my Mac to Raspberry striktly following instructions provided from you…even the video on YouTube…but there was nothing to do…I can’t mount the folder.
    I already activated sharing files opions in Mac…and in effect I can read that folder and document from my windows PC.
    I’m totally naked in front to Linux…and Max2Play promised me to be an easy way to go straight to my goal without Linux knowledge.
    Please Help me…
    Thansk for all your efforts…

    1. April 2016 at 13:29 #19563

    Hi Gpellicci,
    Could you share with us, what you entered in the filesystem mount menu and what error messages you received? Mac’s can cause a lot of problems in interaction with Linux or MS, we need to narrow it down in order to try to help you.

    17. April 2016 at 15:38 #19800

    Hi Heiner
    This are the showed network devices:
    Server / Path Description
    //VERONICA MacBook Pro di Veronica ( Mac IP address in my lan)
    //MAX2PLAY max2play server (Samba, Ubuntu)

    I wrote in the file system fields:
    // /mnt/share cifs user=gpp,password=xxxx,sec=ntlm,iocharset=utf8 (xxxxx is my hidden pwd)

    I tried also typing:
    //VERONICA/Users/Gpp/Music /mnt/share cifs user=gpp,password=xxxxx,sec=ntlm,iocharset=utf8

    This is the answer of Max2Play:
    Directory created: /mnt/share
    sudo: unable to resolve host max2play mount error(22): Invalid argument Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
    Punto di montaggio NON aggiunto! Si prega di controllare le istruzioni! (Mounting point not added! please check instructions)

    Thanks for your answer…
    Kind Regards

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by gpellicci.
    25. April 2016 at 15:50 #19958

    Hi Gianpaolo,
    We have now gotten our hands on a Macbook and recreated your application. You need to go to „Sharing“ in the Mac Options and create a share with „SMB“. The output address you get from that share can then be entered into the M2P interface as you described above.

    7. Mai 2016 at 16:56 #20067

    Hi Hiner
    As at the time of my first post…I already activated samba sharing files options (Windows sharing) in Mac and the system Mac give me this address smb:// (or equivalent ip address)
    In effect I can read that folder and document from my windows PC but not from Max2play.
    I wrote this string:
    // /mnt/share cifs user=gpp,password=xxxx,sec=ntlm,iocharset=utf8 (xxxxx is my hidden pwd)
    Max2play answer me always the same things:

    sudo: unable to resolve host max2play mount error(22): Invalid argument Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
    sudo: unable to resolve host max2play mount error: could not resolve address for VERONICA: Unknown error
    I tried also to share folders from my windows PC. In effect I can read that folder and document from my MAC but not from Max2play.

    This is little bit frustrating…this is the only step I miss to enjoy completely of your software.
    I don’t know what also I can do.


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