I have concluded that these problems are NOT user error.
I just yesterday again started from scratch and flashed a fresh M2P image of 2.32, expanded the file system, applied settings for HiFiBerry, activated the wireless, and entered the SSID/PW for my network at which point the IP address was shown. This morning, I applied the update to 2.32 and it downloaded properly.
Once that was all done, I used the M2P interface to shut the Pi down, I removed the ethernet cable, relocated the unit to my audio system, plugged it in and… it lost the wireless IP address. Plugging in the ethernet cable enables me to access the device, but the unit shows: Status: WiFi USB adapter status is active. WiFi connection status is active (IP: NO IP! No connection!)
This has been a persistent problem with this software and it’s infuriating. Please advise.
i have exactly the same Problem. Is a external USB Wlan Adapter a must have? Cause i thought the Pi3 has wlan built in!
Today i get my Pi3 with an M2P Image, with IQaudio Dac…Sound Interface
Version 2.33 ist installed
So i connect the Pi3 with LAN, and i get a IP Adress, i used the Web Interface, everything is ok, then i select my ssid, enable Wifi access and enter my Password, after this i reboot via Interface the Pi3. But before reboot i see this:
Status: WiFi adapter status is active. WiFi connection status is active (IP: NO IP! No connection!)
After a reboot without the LAN Cable i cant see my Pi3 on the Router anymore, i used a Scan Network Tool too, but no chance 🙁
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by neo.
Hi hammerhead and neo,
You might try disconnecting the LAN cable right after having set up the WiFi and during the reboot. You can also try out the WPS feature of Max2Play which now also works with the built-in WiFi module of the Raspberry Pi 3 (https://www.max2play.com/en/how-tos/how-to-wifi-configuration-with-wps-and-max2play/). Neo, you are correct that the RPi 3 does not require a USB WiFi Adapter.