There seems to be a disconnect between the way I have the Max2Play squeezebox server set up and the way I have it set up directly through Logitech Media Server
I previously had Max2Play configured where I’d be able to access the Max2Play squeezebox (and two other squeezeboxes on my network) through the Logitech Media Server interface. Now, the Max2Play SB doesn’t show.
When I am in the Squeezebox Server Tab and open Squeezebox Webadministration tab, it takes me to the Logitech Media Server Page, and it gives me access to two version of the Max2Play server – each connects to a different music source (when I click on settings, one version gives me access to the C drive and attached storage; the other, which was set up through the M2Play interface, gives me access to several system directories, but not to the C drive where the music files are stored). I had this working for years, now it’s not. Please advise. Thanks!