What kind of power supply are you using? Is something strange displayed in the Health Checker on the Settings/Reboot page in the Max2Play web interface when you try to play a song via Spotify? Did you connect your Max2Play device to the internet via LAN or WiFi? Have you already tried our Spotify Connect plugin and are you experiencing the same problems as with Spotty/LMS?
j’ai essayé les 2 via lms et votre plugin pareil mais je crois que lms est tres lent aussi.
J’ai un rasptouch avec une digione et le bouton sur cote ne fonctionne pas non plus.
il est en rj45 cat6 avec la wifi de désactivé, ma connection est en fibre optique, pas de probleme de vitesse sur mes autres appareils et j’ai bien reboot ma box.
I suspect that could be due to the power supply. A 7-12V power supply is recommended for the Rasptouch with power management module. Is the system otherwise running smoothly?
Please follow these instructions when setting up the Rasptouch and especially when connecting and configuring the Power Button: