Kodi plugin for amazon prime

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  • 16. Februar 2019 at 21:36 #44474

    I am trying to install a plugin for amazon prime music. The plugin is from the kodinerds site.

    I am particularly interested in what the error means: Controller OR View Files are missing in the Plugin.
    Which controller or view is meant??? What expect max2play?

    Following error appears, I have listed the compled error log below.
    /* — complete error log —–*/
    Datei hochgeladen
    Datei erfolgreich verschoben
    Get Plugin from
    Load Plugin from zip
    Archive: /opt/max2play/cache/plugin.zip
    creating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/addon.xml
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/icon.png
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/default.py
    creating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/
    extracting: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/__init__.py
    creating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/lib/
    extracting: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/lib/__init__.py
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/lib/ScrapeUtils.py
    creating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/language/
    creating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/language/German/
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/language/German/strings.xml
    creating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/language/English/
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/language/English/strings.xml
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/fanart.jpg
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/resources/settings.xml
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/LICENSE.txt
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/changelog-0.4.0.txt
    inflating: /opt/max2play/cache/newplugin/plugin.audio.prime_music/changelog.txt
    Installing Plugin plugin.audio.prime_music
    Controller OR View Files are missing in the Plugin – Install canceled

    Plugin Installer ERROR! Vielleicht durch eine fehlende Internetverbindung oder einen Schreibfehler im Dateisystem.

    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by chrimoe.
    18. Februar 2019 at 11:25 #44502

    Hi chrimoe,

    This is the general error that occurs if the installer does not have access to find the pertinent files to continue installing.

    Have you retried and checked if the error occurs at the same line. If not, it might be a server/internet connection issue. If so, the installer does not work with Max2Play’s Kodi.

    22. Februar 2019 at 14:18 #44544

    Hi Heiner,

    every attempt is acknowledged with exactly the same error message – no changes!

    And please tell me, what the pertinent files are?

    25. Februar 2019 at 12:40 #44554

    Hi chrimoe,

    Unfortunately, we cannot offer assistance regarding missing files within the Kodi plugin structure. Make sure it is compatible with Raspbian Stretch and your current Kernel version as well as contacting the plugin creator regarding Max2Play.

    25. Februar 2019 at 22:28 #44560

    Hi Heiner,

    if I interpret the error correctly, the max2play system / environment expect controller or view files. And these files are missing!?

    Is that so?

    if yes, please can you tell me, which Controller OR View Files are expected?

    Thanks a lot.


    28. Februar 2019 at 17:43 #44576

    Hi Christian,

    Sorry about the late reply.

    I installed the plugin and got the following log:

    –2019-02-28 16:02:42– https://github.com/pitpompej/kodi_plugins/raw/master/zip/plugin.audio.prime_music/plugin.audio.prime_music_0.10.5.zip
    Resolving github.com (github.com)…,
    Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 302 Found
    Location: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pitpompej/kodi_plugins/master/zip/plugin.audio.prime_music/plugin.audio.prime_music_0.10.5.zip [following]
    –2019-02-28 16:02:43– https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pitpompej/kodi_plugins/master/zip/plugin.audio.prime_music/plugin.audio.prime_music_0.10.5.zip
    Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)…
    Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
    Length: 185756 (181K) [application/zip]
    Saving to: ‘/opt/max2play/cache/plugin.audio.prime_music_0.10.5.zip’

    0K ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. 27% 895K 0s
    50K ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. 55% 2.10M 0s
    100K ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. 82% 2.29M 0s
    150K ………. ………. ………. . 100% 4.20M=0.1s

    2019-02-28 16:02:43 (1.64 MB/s) – ‘/opt/max2play/cache/plugin.audio.prime_music_0.10.5.zip’ saved [185756/185756]

    Plugin downloaded to path /opt/max2play/cache

    Did you use the lower url bar?

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