[UPDATED; NEW VERSION OUT] Is it possible to upgrade SqueezeLite?

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI [UPDATED; NEW VERSION OUT] Is it possible to upgrade SqueezeLite?


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  • 9. September 2017 at 14:00 #31231

    Hi Guys, for the last several days I’ve been tracking down a problem within HomeAssistant, TTS & Max2play. I send out a voice message in Home Assistant that I see in LMS and it appears to work but no sound, yes the volume is turned way up. In OpenHab I found this Known Issue and I’m thinking this might be my problem:

    There are some versions of squeezelite that will not correctly play very short duration mp3 files. Versions of squeezelite after v1.7 and before v1.8.6 will not play very short duration mp3 files reliably. For example, if you’re using piCorePlayer (which uses squeezelite), please check your version of squeezelite if you’re having trouble playing notifications. This bug has been fixed in squeezelite version 1.8.6-985, which is included in piCorePlayer version 3.20.

    I see in Max2play that the squeezelite version is 1.84-726. Is it possible to upgrade to v1.86-985? Is that something I can do without breaking Max2play?

    I should mention I found the option under Audio Player, SqueezeLite, Edit Advance, Update squeezelite & checked off the box but it keeps me at 1.84.726

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Cyn.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Heiner.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Heiner.
    13. September 2017 at 14:31 #31305

    Hi Cyn,

    First of all, sorry about the inconvenience and the late response.

    Squeezelite’s version in Max2Play is a special, customized one based on the same as PiCore, but with added functionality from our side as well. Thus, the most current version of Squeezelite available for Max2Play is 1.84.726 at the moment.

    However, we are working on an updated repository right now and will let you know as soon as the new version will be available for update.

    14. September 2017 at 15:33 #31331

    Hi Cyn,

    good news: we updated the custom Max2Play Squeezelite Version to use the latest Squeezelite from Ralph Irving. Your problems should be solved when you do an update of squeezelite in the Max2Play web interface on the audioplayer tab. Version is now „Squeezelite Max2Play v1.0.3 based on v1.8.7-999, Copyright 2012-2015 Adrian Smith, 2015-2017 Ralph Irving.“

    Our custom Squeezelite offers functions like hardware volume synchronisation with Squeezebox Server (e.g. needed when using rotary encoders), Bluetooth on/off, Player Play/Pause via Hardware-Button.

    All the Best,

    15. September 2017 at 18:10 #31348

    Thank you so much for the quick update. Installed without issue and now on to testing my Home Assistant App..

    18. September 2017 at 13:33 #31367

    Hi Cyn,

    Great! Please keep us updated on your home assistant implementation.

    13. Oktober 2018 at 3:38 #38594

    Im having a similar problem and I can’t seem to update squeezelite from the interface to the versions your referencing above… when I update this is the version that is listed and put in the logs
    Squeezelite Max2Play v1.0.2 based on v1.8.4-726, Copyright 2012-2015 Adrian Smith, 2015-2016 Ralph Irving.
    how can I get to the new ones as id love to get text to speech playing on my devices.. also im running multi squeeze if that matters

    15. Oktober 2018 at 9:45 #38616

    Hi bscuderi,

    I just tested and it should work by ticking the option in Squeezelite „Update Squeezelite“ and clicking „save“. After the yellow text went through, you should get the info that you should reboot.

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