I started with Slimp3 box.

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  • 28. September 2015 at 14:59 #15853

    Just wanted to let people know here I been with Slimdevices for a long time. Got there old I guess 1ST box the Slimp3. I got the slimRIO working before too by a link saying how. I remember I did not want to run a server to use the slimdevices. Wanted to make a small server and back then used a little motherboard and started to have one so got the Slimp3 box. I was happy I did with a server it can do a lot.

    I got this mail long ago and saved it and just scanned it.

    Here is the other side of it.

    It’s neat know to have a 7 inch touch screen that does not cost a lot. Logitech or slim devices never did that. This on too can hook up a keyboard and mouse and even go to a desktop with it. No so with the Logitech or slim devices.

    I guess Logitech quit there squeezebox right? They have it open source now? It that how you could do Max2Play?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Raymond Day.
    29. September 2015 at 16:08 #15883

    Yep, we are happy you enjoy our image. We also cannot understand why this great system is not pushed more by its creators.

    29. September 2015 at 16:59 #15884

    The big thing missing is when you turn it off can’t tell it to use a clock. I hope they update this soon.

    All so I just seen when it’s off and goes to sleep mode pressing the touch screen just a arrow pointer will show up and it will not come out of sleep have to go to it’s web page to start it.

    29. September 2015 at 17:35 #15887

    Please see your other thread for your first request.
    Regarding the screensaver, again, this is a Jivelite issue which we are currently looking into. For now, however, we recommend changing the settings on the screensaver in Jivelite, so it does not go into it so quickly.

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