For my 1st tests I use the Headphone jacket.
When a song in the playlist is finished and nothing is playing I have loud white noise (Rauschen) which is not stopping.
Don`t you close the Audio channel of the player when nothing is played?
I tryed different Soundcard settings like hw, plughw (Alsa).
also there is Lowpassfilter and Crossfeed Level Adjuster for Headphones.This is a filter for audiophile usage to change lowpass filter cut frequency and crossfeed level of the audio-output. These settings take effect when using the output „-o headphones“ in advanced settings of Squeezelite. More infos about the filter technique can be found on
Mohammad Mbydeen
This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Mbydeen.
Thanks I will give it a try – with the DAC the sound is much better I can say.
The timeout option 4 sure will do a good job – nice to know this options exists.