Hi is it possible to connect squeezebox server to mysqueezebox.com? I am unable to do so. One cant see the other one. do I need to make some config through my router? I dont know. If there is a guide somewhere about this subject please show me. thanks.
When you start Squeezebox Server for the first time, you can log in with your mysqueezebox.com data. After that, the two are automatically linked. Apart from that you can also log in through the Squeezebox Server settings.
Hi, I seem to have the same problem than Weka. My Squeezeserver is running, I can access everything via the webinterface. Still when I use the correct username and ID on mysqueezebox.com it never connects the m2p player. Seems my Squeezebox does not connect to the internet (also I don’t get the bluetooth streaming via Squeezebox server to run, maybe the same reason?) and I have no idea why!
I would need some help!
Addition: in the last 15 min. my player suddenly appeared under players in mysb.com. Still it shows not connected although it is running and online at home.
Addition 2: in the meantime I took my max2play PI away from the switch and connected directly to the router, just to make sure that the switch does not allow the PI to communicate in the web. Nothing changed. Mysqueezebox.com still says my player is „Not Connected“
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by viandto.
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by viandto.
Can you play radio streams through the Squeezebox Server? If so, then at least the internet connection should be active. Nonetheless, it may be possible that certain services are automatically blocked by your router (e.g. by a parental control). Please check that again.