Clean USB not working on Allo USBridge Signature Player

Max2Play Home Forums General Questions on Hardware and Max2Play Versions Clean USB not working on Allo USBridge Signature Player

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  • 20. Juli 2024 at 16:57 #53208

    Hi everybody.
    I bought a side plate from MAX2PLAY for the box of a USBridge Signature that I bought used, since there are no new ones for sale.
    After receiving the side plate, I mounted the Digione Signature on the USBridge Signature and connected a Shanti to both, but I ran into a problem: the USB Clean port doesn’t work correctly.
    The USB Clean port does not recognize my desktop DACs (Ares II, Pontus II and E30), it only works with Dagonfly Cobalt. The front USB ports recognize all DACs without any problems and the Digione Signature works fine.
    I did some research and realized that there are a lot of people having the same problem since 2020, but I wasn’t sure if it will be a hardware or software problem.
    There were users who said it stopped working after updates to Volumio and Moode and others who replaced the TUSB4041IPAPR USB controller.
    I think that if it was just a hardware problem, Cobal wouldn’t work, so I’m more inclined to the hypothesis that it has to do with software updates. In my case I used the latest versions of Volumio and Moode.
    Can anyone help me?
    Thank you very much.

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