Can someone tell me how to change the default behaviour when I select a song. I would like the context menu to appear when I left click (or hit enter) on an item/song.
I assume I need to modify the SlimBrowerApplet but I wanted to make sure before attempting to change things.
Also how do I get the debug messages, I see in then lua files that lots of debug information is posted, but I have no idea where to find it (or maybe I just don’t know how to turn it on)
I assume you are referring to a solution with Jivelite. If you mean a solution for the LMS web interface, you can have a look at their technical information through the Help-Button at http://LMSADDRESS/html/docs/help.html
With Jivelite, you will indeed need to maned the SlimBrowerApplet in addition to the skin you would use. You can find the file to edit in the following directory in Max2Play: /tmp/jivelite.txt