I already had a 1st contact to the m2p – support about that, however, I continue the discussion here. Here is what came out till now:
What I wish to do is to play video on a pc and to get the sound to the speakers via LMS. In detail, I asked, whether the following setup would work:
1. Windows PC plays Video: (image goes to beamer), audio streams gets out of the pc over bluetooth audio.
2. Raspberry pi 3 b+ with M2P receives Bluetooth audio and acts as LMS /
squeezeserver, sending the audio to the connected squeezebox clients
3. Squeezebox client (in my case USBridge) receives and plays Audio
(via a USB DAC)
Everything should be made with only a minimal latency that can be corrected with the video player software on the pc.
Very quickly and competently the m2p support replied, that in theory, this seems possible, however, that some latency has to be expected. Unless one uses Kodi with m2p. Anyway, I cannot change the setup that my DAC is connected to USBridge, so Kodi seems unfortunatly not to be a feasable option.
My next question would be, how much latency would have to be expected with the setup described above…?
This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by ursdiego.
What exactly would hinder an HDMI connection from your Pi to your beamer for picture and the audio output via USBridge to your DAC?
The latency is created between the different interfaces and their exchanging of streams. So, sound to bluetooth (big) latency, through LMS server latency, to end client latency. The amount of latency depends on various other factors as well, connection strength, file types, bit rates, other processes, etc. In general, we recommend running video player solutions directly through the sound card output.