I tried connecting several bluetooth keyboards to max2play. The only ones who succesfully connect are an Apple Keyboard and The Harmony Hub buildin keyboard. All others (3 in my case) fail to connect. I’d like to connect a cheap/small, potato couch friendly, chinese keyboard which probably will be ruined by frequent dropping and sitting on it.
I’m using a SSH client and bleutoothctl. Pairing is possible. They fail to connect if I trust and connect the device.
The Bluetooth Plugin is to connect with Bluetooth speaker or stream via your smartphone music to the max2play device. Not to connect a bluetooth keyboard.
If you want to use a cheap and small keyboard – try to search after a wireless keyboard with an additional dongle. This dongle you only need to stick at the Raspberry Pi and you can use the keyboard.
Yes, a cheap dongle based keyboard does the job. I’ll do that, it could include a touchpad in one device. I forgot about this option in my bluetooth quest.
I still wonder why I can succesfully pair and connect a original Apple keyboard and no others. It appears the difference with a „normal“ BT stack is minimal and maybe, maybe the max2play BT stack could support more BT keyboards… Not important anymore.