Auto Syncronisation of two squeezbox

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Development (Ideas, Wishes) Auto Syncronisation of two squeezbox

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  • 23. Mai 2017 at 11:42 #29027

    Hello ‚im french,

    I would syncronize automaticly to squeezbox. If sound is detected on one of the two squeezbox then the second is sycronized. Do you think it is possible to do this?

    For exemple, i connect my Iphone with AirPlay on the squeezbox LivingRoom, the squeezbox of the kitchen is sycronized automaticly.
    I want this feature because, i would like lunch the subwoofer (connect to one squeezebox) when i play song on squeezbox livingroom.

    Thank you !!

    23. Mai 2017 at 13:34 #29030

    Hi spouti89.

    Firstly, its recommened to use one Squeezebox Server (LMS) in your setup. it would be better to have one LMS and multiple players that could be synchronise using the LMS web-interface. Moreover, in order to enable LMS to use the Airplay devices, you can install Shairtunes2 plugin from Install special Plugins for Squeezebox Server on the Squeezebox Server plugin webpage.

    Best Regards,
    Mohammad Mbydeen

    23. Mai 2017 at 14:04 #29031

    Thx for your reply Mbydeen,

    Actualy i have 1 server LMS and 3 players and i use shairtunes2 with MAX2PLAY, it’s work fine. (4 raspberry pi)
    But i search one solution to sycronise automaticly two players together. ( script, api, http request….)

    24. Mai 2017 at 19:35 #29058

    synchronized squeezeboxes are synchronized until you separate them manually. But the synchonizes Squeeze il not play automatically if it is powered off

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by std.
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