Hi everyone,
i have an irritating problem here:
I do have a functioning Allo DigiOne Card and a functioning S.USV card. Both work perfectly when I operate them individually on one of my Raspberrys.
What I would like to do, though, is to build a Pi with both cards together and that does not work.
As soon as I add the S.USV to the system, sound output from the Digione disappears. Everything else seems normal: The LED on the card is green, the player is found from my SqueezeServer-emulator (Roon) and playback seems normal too (even network lights flicker).
But there is simply no sound.
I tried different Pis, tried the cards individually, looked for anything unusual in the M2P interface: Nothing to be found.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
Best regards,
This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by elmarhe. Reason: Typos fixed
Depending on the GPIO pins your SUSV card occupies, you might not be able to run it concurrently with the DigiOne. If possible, please check which pins the card uses and which ones it can put through to the next HAT card.
However, in the meantime I have found a workaround in installing SD-card write-protection. This enables me to just switch the system (which just runs a player) off without problems and that was the main reason for the S.USV.
So for the moment I am OK with that solution.
If I find the time, I will follow your suggestion – simply out of curiosity 🙂