Just purchased premium M2P and tried with RPi 3 B+ and Allo Boss DAC card and it does not play audio in simplest MPD audio player. All steps in configuring a setup performed and no sound on my Yamaha AMP. I have tried AirPlay from my iPhone and that works fine. I see that many people had same issues but is there any resolution for this? I mean I have purchased premium subscription as it claims it works with Allo Boss DAC. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Please check the advanced options of MPD and paste them here.
We recommend using the advanced solution with Squeezebox Server which is Max2Play’s primary solution.
Since the DAC works with AirPlay, it probably blocks the sound card for play with MPD. If you use MPD, you cannot use simple AirPlay simultaneously. There are other solutions for normal playback and AirPlay under the advanced option.