I like max2play, I currently have an 8 room speakercraft system I want to replace.
I am thinking of using 8xhifiberry amp plus units.
With ipeng app I see how I can sync players, however I seem to be unable to sync AirPlay. I send the AirPlay stream to the max2player it plays until I turn on the linked players on, but then all 3 players go quiet (I am using ipeng on iPad and iPhone to emulate additional clients.
If I make multiple max2play units can I sync the AirTunes streams across all units (so my whole house has the same audio in Al rooms)?
Haven’t exactly the same problem.
I have 5 rooms. If i lunch the first room on airplay, i dont arrived to syncronize 2 or more room.
I have try to go on LMS server and i have clicked to sycronised room on the TOP BUTTON.
After have cliking, my music is stoped on LMS not on my device ( iphone).
Do you have a solution to syncronize room with ShareTunes 2 ?
Thank you Heiner for this reply.
I hope this implementation arrive shortly.
I have a multiroom but it’s impossible to syncronise the room, Its horrible 🙂
Do you have a date or a thread forum of this new fonctionnality ?
Ideal sync playback is supported by Squeezelite and the Squeezebox Server already. Since you have LMS, you should be able to sync players with any Squeezebox app and also use the plugin „Group Players“ to create groups with automatic syncing 😉