Aim Ultimate USB audio 2.0 and max2play

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  • 19. Mai 2016 at 16:07 #20188

    Dear all,

    I want install two USB HD audio digital box (aim) on my RPI with Max2play for multiroom (multisqueeze plugin).

    Do you know if I can use these DAC? Or for install them on my RPI.

    With Putty, I tried to have the ssh access without success (I tried root and max2play). could you give me the good login and password?


    21. Mai 2016 at 15:40 #20202

    hi all,

    I managed to install my both DAC (aim Ultimate USB audio) on my RPI with max2play.

    With this configuration I can have 2 virtual squeezebox on the same RPI and with two different sound cards.

    But I have two minor problems:

    – The sound level is different between the two sound cards… why???
    – With Max2play, I can have a Airplay access but only one… Is it possible to have two Airplay access (one by sound card)?

    Thanks for your help,


    23. Mai 2016 at 13:55 #20215

    Hi kevlille,
    The correct login is user: pi pw: raspberry
    If you want root rights, enter „su“ and the password is max2play.
    The sound levels should be the same, have you used the option „USB sound card“ in Raspberry Settings?
    You should see two different AirPlay sources, but can just play one at a time without iTunes.

    25. Mai 2016 at 23:58 #20297

    Hi Heiner,

    Sorry for the late response.

    Yes I used the option „USB sound card“…. I don’t understand with there is a difference of sound level.

    There is no trick to have two instance of Airplay and linked each with the two different USB sound cards?… may be with ssh?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by kevlille.
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