1024×600 resolution in Jivelite with Waveshare 7 inch (C) screen

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI 1024×600 resolution in Jivelite with Waveshare 7 inch (C) screen

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  • 15. Januar 2016 at 10:53 #17885


    I’ve bought a Raspberry Pi 2 and a waveshare 7 inch capacitive touch screen with a native resolution of 1024×600.
    Max2Play and Jivelite work in principle but I when I choose the Joggler Skin the interface of Jivelite ony fills around
    2/3 of the screen which makes sense because it’s probably made for a 800×480 resolution.

    I found out that I can download the jivelite sources myself and edit
    I changed the rsolution here:
    Framework:setVideoMode(800, 480, 0, false)
    to 1024×600.
    My only question: Which PREFIX do I have to set when I compile Jivelite s.t. Max2Play can still manage my jivelite installation?


    26. Januar 2016 at 1:00 #18125

    Wish I could see anything on my Waveshare-screen. What did you do to handle that?
    I can see only black screen…

    edit: Ok, just change the \boot\config.txt
    But now I have a flicky display. Could you share your config.txt with me, please?
    And how did you get the touch-function? (if you got it…)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by jendrik.
    26. Januar 2016 at 10:23 #18131

    Dear jendrik,

    I don’t have my config.txt at hand right now. But simply google for it. I didn’t do anything different from what I found in the web.
    However, the touch screen I never got to work, not even with the official waveshare raspbian images! So I’m now planning to use the screen for display only and control the device via the Orange Squeeze app for Android.

    The waveshare screens seem to be of poor quality anyway. I’ve got a vertical red line in the middle of the screen already although I’ve really taken good care of it. I just didn’t like the resolution of the official Raspberry pi screen (600×480 or so). That’s why I went for waveshare.

    After a lot of searching the source code, I’ve actually managed to adjust the JogglerSkin to my 1024×600 resolution.

    1. Februar 2016 at 12:29 #18277

    Hallo jzimmer1000,

    thank you for your question.

    The lua-file is no compiled file and simply be replaced within an existing Jivelite installation. For example, after burning a new Max2Play image, install the pre-compiled Jivelite version we are offering in Max2Play, move to the folder
    and overwrite the existing lua-file with your modified version.

    If your display is working fine, we would like to offer your skin in Max2Play officially. What do you think about it?

    Maximilian from Max2Play

    25. Mai 2016 at 0:35 #20253

    Hello jzimmer1000

    Where can I find the jivelite sourses?
    I also have a touch with 1024×600.

    Thanks for your help.


    17. Juni 2016 at 10:26 #20709

    Hello Maximilian,
    I also have the waveshare 7″ touch display. To use the full resolution of the display (1024×600)
    I just changed the values in share/jive/applets/JogglerSkin/JogglerSkinApplet.lua from 800×400
    to 1024×600. Now it works perfectly. Maybe you can add another skin using this resolution
    to max2play.

    Many thanks.

    1. Juli 2016 at 18:30 #21061

    Hello together!

    I’m using an eleduino 7 inch display with a resolution of 1024×600 also. I have changed the applet code and it works good for me so far. Now playing screens are adjusted but analog VU does not work/show. Maybe I will refine the whole thing in the not so near future…
    I append the diff-file below and you can apply the changes yourself with „patch JogglerSkinApplet.lua < 1024x600JogglerSkin.diff“ after pasting this in a file named 1024x600JogglerSkin.diff. Make a backup of the original file before!

    Please share your refinements here!

    — Paste into file 1024x600JogglerSkin.diff after this line —
    > This applet was modified to implement an 1024×600 skin
    > „This applet implements an 800×480 resolution skin.“
    < This applet implements an 800×480 resolution skin.

    > Redesigned from StandardJoggler by Martin Schneider.
    < THUMB_SIZE = 40,
    < THUMB_SIZE_MENU = 40,

    > THUMB_SIZE = 50,
    > THUMB_SIZE_MENU = 50,
    < POPUP_THUMB_SIZE = 120,

    > POPUP_THUMB_SIZE = 150,
    < artworkSize = ‚270×270‘,

    > artworkSize = ‚440×440‘,
    < artworkSize = ‚450×450‘,

    > artworkSize = ‚570×570‘,
    < artworkSize = ‚270×270‘,

    > artworkSize = ‚340×340‘,
    < artworkSize = ‚270×270‘,

    > artworkSize = ‚340×340‘,
    < artworkSize = ‚270×270‘,

    > artworkSize = ‚340×340‘,
    < Framework:setVideoMode(800, 480, 0, false)

    > Framework:setVideoMode(1024, 600, 0, false)
    < local NP_TRACK_FONT_SIZE = 30

    > local NP_TRACK_FONT_SIZE = 36
    < local volumeBarWidth = 240 — screenWidth – (transport controls + volume controls + dividers + border around volume bar)
    < local buttonPadding = 0

    > local volumeBarWidth = 450 — screenWidth – (transport controls + volume controls + dividers + border around volume bar)
    > local buttonPadding = 10
    < x = 318,

    > x = 460,
    < w = 270,

    > w = 440,
    < x = 20,
    < y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 33,

    > x = 7,
    > y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 7,
    < h = 270,

    > h = 440,
    < w = 270,

    > w = 440,
    < x = 322,
    < y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 29 + 26 + 32 + 32 + 23 + 80,

    > x = 460,
    > –y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 29 + 26 + 32 + 32 + 23 + 80,
    > y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 289,
    < font = _boldfont(18),

    > font = _boldfont(24),
    < font = _boldfont(18),

    > font = _boldfont(24),
    < font = _boldfont(18),

    > font = _boldfont(24),
    < font = _boldfont(18),

    > font = _boldfont(24),
    < w = 290,
    < h = 50,

    > w = 400,
    > h = 30,
    < x = 322,

    > x = 403,
    < w = 450,

    > w = 570,
    < x = 172,

    > x = 220,
    < h = 450,

    > h = 570,
    < w = 450,

    > w = 570,
    < x = 50,
    < y = 300,

    > x = 63,
    > y = 375,
    < w = 80,

    > w = 100,
    < w = 80,

    > w = 100,
    < w = 80,

    > w = 100,
    < w = 80,

    > w = 100,
    < w = 540,
    < h = 50,

    > w = 675,
    > h = 63,
    < x = 720,

    > x = 900,
    < x = 80,

    > x = 100,
    < h = 60,

    > h = 75,
    < x = 10,

    > x = 13,
    < h = 60,

    > h = 75,
    < w = 80,

    > w = 100,
    < w = 80,

    > w = 100,
    < w = 80,

    > w = 100,
    < w = 80,

    > w = 100,
    < h = 29,

    > h = 37,
    < h = 38,

    > h = 48,
    < w = 800,
    < h = 446 – (2 * TITLE_HEIGHT + 4 + 45),

    > w = 1024,
    > h = 566 – (2 * TITLE_HEIGHT + 4 + 45),
    < w = 800,
    < h = 446 – (2 * TITLE_HEIGHT + 4 + 45),

    > w = 1024,
    > h = 566 – (2 * TITLE_HEIGHT + 4 + 45),
    < w = 800,
    < h = 413 – (TITLE_HEIGHT + 38 + 38),

    > w = 1024,
    > h = 533 – (TITLE_HEIGHT + 38 + 38),
    < w = 800,
    < h = 413 – (TITLE_HEIGHT + 38 + 38),

    > w = 1024,
    > h = 533 – (TITLE_HEIGHT + 38 + 38),
    < h = 56,

    > h = 70,
    < w = 56,
    < h = 56,

    > w = 70,
    > h = 70,
    < w = 56,
    < h = 56,

    > w = 70,
    > h = 70,
    < h = 50,

    > h = 63,

    1. Juli 2016 at 18:33 #21062

    Follow up to the Max2Play team: Feel free to include this modification in your distribution.


    11. Juli 2016 at 15:51 #21417

    Hi Ajax,
    Sorry for the late response and thanks for sharing! Unfortunately, the text in this forum is problematic to paste in code. Please send us a file of your patch so that we can include in it a future release.

    12. Juli 2016 at 14:46 #21501

    Good news – thanks to Marting, there is now an easy way to update the Joggler Skin with the changes from Martin. Just choose the Patch in the dropdown menu for the skins on Jivelite Page of Max2Play web interface and click install.

    This is now available in the Beta of Max2Play and will be part of the official 2.34 release.

    23. Februar 2018 at 13:41 #34066

    Working JogglerSkinApplets.lua for 1024×600 screen.
    Uses Ajax changes and some small adjustments on the iconbar.

    =head1 NAME


    =head1 DESCRIPTION

    This applet implements an 1024×600 resolution skin.

    Redesigned from WQVGAsmallSkin by Andy Davison.
    Redesigned from StandardJoggler by Martin Schneider.

    Built upon the work of 3guk, Tarkan Akdam and Justblair.

    Version 1. (19th januari 2018)

    =head1 FUNCTIONS

    Applet related methods are described in L<jive.Applet>.
    SqueezeboxSkin overrides the following methods:


    — stuff we use
    local ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, type, tostring = ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, type, tostring

    local oo = require(„loop.simple“)

    local Applet = require(„jive.Applet“)
    local Audio = require(„jive.ui.Audio“)
    local Font = require(„jive.ui.Font“)
    local Framework = require(„jive.ui.Framework“)
    local Icon = require(„jive.ui.Icon“)
    local Label = require(„jive.ui.Label“)
    local RadioButton = require(„jive.ui.RadioButton“)
    local RadioGroup = require(„jive.ui.RadioGroup“)
    local SimpleMenu = require(„jive.ui.SimpleMenu“)
    local Surface = require(„jive.ui.Surface“)
    local Textarea = require(„jive.ui.Textarea“)
    local Tile = require(„jive.ui.Tile“)
    local Window = require(„jive.ui.Window“)

    local table = require(„jive.utils.table“)
    local debug = require(„jive.utils.debug“)
    local autotable = require(„jive.utils.autotable“)

    local log = require(„jive.utils.log“).logger(„applet.JogglerSkin“)

    local EVENT_ACTION = jive.ui.EVENT_ACTION
    local LAYER_FRAME = jive.ui.LAYER_FRAME
    local LAYER_TITLE = jive.ui.LAYER_TITLE

    local LAYOUT_NORTH = jive.ui.LAYOUT_NORTH
    local LAYOUT_EAST = jive.ui.LAYOUT_EAST
    local LAYOUT_SOUTH = jive.ui.LAYOUT_SOUTH
    local LAYOUT_WEST = jive.ui.LAYOUT_WEST
    local LAYOUT_NONE = jive.ui.LAYOUT_NONE

    local WH_FILL = jive.ui.WH_FILL

    local jiveMain = jiveMain
    local appletManager = appletManager

    module(…, Framework.constants)
    oo.class(_M, Applet)

    — Define useful variables for this skin
    local imgpath = „applets/JogglerSkin/images/“
    local fontpath = „fonts/“
    local FONT_NAME = „FreeSans“
    local BOLD_PREFIX = „Bold“

    function init(self)
    self.images = {}

    self.imageTiles = {}
    self.hTiles = {}
    self.vTiles = {}
    self.tiles = {}

    function param(self)
    return {
    THUMB_SIZE = 50,
    — NOWPLAYING_TRACKINFO_LINES used in assisting scroll behavior animation on NP
    — 3 is for a three line track, artist, and album (e.g., SBtouch)
    — 2 is for a two line track, artist+album (e.g., SBradio, SBcontroller)
    nowPlayingScreenStyles = {
    — every skin needs to start off with a nowplaying style
    style = ’nowplaying‘,
    artworkSize = ‚440×440′,
    text = self:string(„ART_AND_TEXT“),
    style = ’nowplaying_art_only‘,
    artworkSize = ‚570×570′,
    suppressTitlebar = 1,
    text = self:string(„ART_ONLY“),
    style = ’nowplaying_text_only‘,
    artworkSize = ‚340×340′,
    text = self:string(„TEXT_ONLY“),
    style = ’nowplaying_spectrum_text‘,
    artworkSize = ‚340×340′,
    localPlayerOnly = 1,
    text = self:string(„SPECTRUM_ANALYZER“),
    style = ’nowplaying_vuanalog_text‘,
    artworkSize = ‚340×340‘,
    localPlayerOnly = 1,
    text = self:string(„ANALOG_VU_METER“),

    local function _loadImage(self, file)
    return Surface:loadImage(imgpath .. file)

    local function _buildTileKey(tileTable)
    local key = „“
    for i = 1, #tileTable do
    local element = tileTable[i] or „NIL“
    key = key .. element .. „&“

    return key

    local function _loadTile(self, tileTable)
    if not tileTable then
    return nil

    local key = _buildTileKey(tileTable)

    if not self.tiles[key] then
    self.tiles[key] = Tile:loadTiles(tileTable)

    return self.tiles[key]

    local function _loadHTile(self, tileTable)
    if not tileTable then
    return nil

    local key = _buildTileKey(tileTable)

    if not self.hTiles[key] then
    self.hTiles[key] = Tile:loadHTiles(tileTable)

    return self.hTiles[key]

    local function _loadVTile(self, tileTable)
    if not tileTable then
    return nil

    local key = _buildTileKey(tileTable)

    if not self.vTiles[key] then
    self.vTiles[key] = Tile:loadVTiles(tileTable)

    return self.vTiles[key]

    local function _loadImageTile(self, file)
    if not file then
    return nil

    return Tile:loadImage(file)

    — define a local function to make it easier to create icons.
    local function _icon(x, y, img)
    local var = {}
    var.x = x
    var.y = y
    var.img = _loadImage(self, img)
    var.layer = LAYER_FRAME
    var.position = LAYOUT_SOUTH

    return var

    — define a local function that makes it easier to set fonts
    local function _font(fontSize)
    return Font:load(fontpath .. FONT_NAME .. „.ttf“, fontSize)

    — define a local function that makes it easier to set bold fonts
    local function _boldfont(fontSize)
    return Font:load(fontpath .. FONT_NAME .. BOLD_PREFIX .. „.ttf“, fontSize)

    — defines a new style that inherrits from an existing style
    local function _uses(parent, value)
    if parent == nil then
    log:warn(„nil parent in _uses at:\n“, debug.traceback())
    local style = {}
    setmetatable(style, { __index = parent })
    for k,v in pairs(value or {}) do
    if type(v) == „table“ and type(parent[k]) == „table“ then
    — recursively inherrit from parent style
    style[k] = _uses(parent[k], v)
    style[k] = v

    return style

    — skin
    — The meta arranges for this to be called to skin the interface.
    function skin(self, s)
    Framework:setVideoMode(1024, 600, 0, false)

    local screenWidth, screenHeight = Framework:getScreenSize()

    –init lastInputType so selected item style is not shown on skin load
    Framework.mostRecentInputType = „mouse“

    — skin
    local thisSkin = ‚touch‘
    local skinSuffix = „_“ .. thisSkin .. „.png“

    — Images and Tiles
    local inputTitleBox = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Titlebar/titlebar.png“ )
    local backButton = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Icons/icon_back_button_tb.png“)
    local cancelButton = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Icons/icon_close_button_tb.png“)
    local homeButton = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Icons/icon_home_button_tb.png“)
    local helpButton = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Icons/icon_help_button_tb.png“)
    local powerButton = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Icons/icon_power_button_tb.png“)
    local nowPlayingButton = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Icons/icon_nplay_button_tb.png“)
    local playlistButton = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Icons/icon_nplay_list_tb.png“)
    local moreButton = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Icons/icon_more_tb.png“)
    local touchToolbarBackground = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/toolbar_tch_bkgrd.png“)
    local sliderBackground = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/toolbar_lrg.png“)
    local touchToolbarKeyDivider = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/toolbar_divider.png“)
    local deleteKeyBackground = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Buttons/button_delete_text_entry.png“)
    local deleteKeyPressedBackground = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Buttons/button_delete_text_entry_press.png“)
    local helpTextBackground = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Titlebar/tbar_dropdwn_bkrgd.png“)

    local blackBackground = Tile:fillColor(0x000000ff)
    local nocturneWallpaper = _loadImageTile(self, „applets/SetupWallpaper/wallpaper/pcp_nocturne.png“)

    –FIXME, _r asset here doesn’t work…it’s supposed to have a fadeout effect and it doesn’t appear on screen
    local fiveItemBox = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „5_line_lists/tch_5line_divider_l.png“,
    imgpath .. „5_line_lists/tch_5line_divider.png“,
    imgpath .. „5_line_lists/tch_5line_divider_r.png“,
    local fiveItemSelectionBox = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „5_line_lists/menu_sel_box_5line.png“,
    imgpath .. „5_line_lists/menu_sel_box_5line_r.png“,
    local fiveItemPressedBox = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „5_line_lists/menu_sel_box_5line_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „5_line_lists/menu_sel_box_5line_press_r.png“,

    local threeItemSelectionBox = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „3_line_lists/menu_sel_box_3line_l.png“,
    imgpath .. „3_line_lists/menu_sel_box_3line.png“,
    imgpath .. „3_line_lists/menu_sel_box_3line_r.png“,
    local threeItemPressedBox = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „3_line_lists/menu_sel_box_3item_press.png“)

    local contextMenuPressedBox = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/button_cm_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/button_cm_tl_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/button_cm_t_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/button_cm_tr_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/button_cm_r_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/button_cm_br_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/button_cm_b_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/button_cm_bl_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/button_cm_l_press.png“,

    local keyTopLeft = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_tl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_l.png“,

    local keyTopLeftPressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_n_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_nw_button_press_tl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_n_button_press_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_nw_button_press_l.png“,

    local keyTop = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_t_wvert.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyTopPressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_n_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_n_button_press_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyTopRight = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_t_wvert.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_tr.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_r.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyTopRightPressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_n_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_n_button_press_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_ne_button_press_tr.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_ne_button_press_r.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyLeft = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboardLeftEdge.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_l.png“,

    local keyLeftPressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keyboard_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keyboard_button_press.png“,

    local keyMiddle = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyMiddlePressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keyboard_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local sliderButtonPressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keyboard_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyRight = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboardRightEdge.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_r.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyRightPressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keyboard_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keyboard_button_press.png“,

    local keyBottomLeft = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboardLeftEdge.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_b.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_bl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_l.png“,

    local keyBottomLeftPressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_s_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboardLeftEdge.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_s_button_press_b.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_sw_button_press_bl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_sw_button_press_l.png“,

    local keyBottom = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_b_wvert.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyBottomPressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_s_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_s_button_press_b.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyBottomRight = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboardRightEdge.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_r.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_br.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_bkgrd_b_wvert.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local keyBottomRightPressed = _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_s_button_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_hort.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboardRightEdge.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_se_button_press_r.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_se_button_press_br.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/keybrd_s_button_press_b.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/keyboard_divider_vert.png“,

    local titleBox =
    _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Titlebar/titlebar.png“,
    imgpath .. „Titlebar/titlebar_shadow.png“,

    local textinputBackground =
    _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/titlebar_box.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/text_entry_titlebar_box_tl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/text_entry_titlebar_box_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/text_entry_titlebar_box_tr.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/text_entry_titlebar_box_r.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/text_entry_titlebar_box_br.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/text_entry_titlebar_box_b.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/text_entry_titlebar_box_bl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/text_entry_titlebar_box_l.png“,

    local pressedTitlebarButtonBox =
    _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_tl_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_t_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_tr_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_r_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_br_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_b_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_bl_press.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_l_press.png“,

    local titlebarButtonBox =
    _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_tl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_tr.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_r.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_br.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_b.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_bl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Buttons/button_titlebar_l.png“,

    local popupBox =
    _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/popup_box.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/popup_box_tl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/popup_box_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/popup_box_tr.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/popup_box_r.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/popup_box_br.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/popup_box_b.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/popup_box_bl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/popup_box_l.png“,

    local contextMenuBox =
    _loadTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/cm_popup_box.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/cm_popup_box_tl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/cm_popup_box_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/cm_popup_box_tr.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/cm_popup_box_r.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/cm_popup_box_br.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/cm_popup_box_b.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/cm_popup_box_bl.png“,
    imgpath .. „Popup_Menu/cm_popup_box_l.png“,

    local scrollBackground =
    _loadVTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Scroll_Bar/scrollbar_bkgrd_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Scroll_Bar/scrollbar_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Scroll_Bar/scrollbar_bkgrd_b.png“,

    local scrollBar =
    _loadVTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Scroll_Bar/scrollbar_body_t.png“,
    imgpath .. „Scroll_Bar/scrollbar_body.png“,
    imgpath .. „Scroll_Bar/scrollbar_body_b.png“,

    local popupBackground = blackBackground

    local textinputCursor = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Text_Entry/Keyboard_Touch/tch_cursor.png“)

    local THUMB_SIZE = self:param().THUMB_SIZE

    local TITLE_PADDING = { 0, 15, 0, 15 }
    local CHECK_PADDING = { 2, 0, 6, 0 }
    local CHECKBOX_RADIO_PADDING = { 2, 0, 0, 0 }

    local MENU_ITEM_ICON_PADDING = { 0, 0, 8, 0 }
    local MENU_PLAYLISTITEM_TEXT_PADDING = { 16, 1, 9, 1 }

    local MENU_CURRENTALBUM_TEXT_PADDING = { 6, 20, 0, 10 }
    local TEXTAREA_PADDING = { 13, 8, 8, 0 }

    local TEXT_COLOR = { 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7 }
    local TEXT_COLOR_BLACK = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
    local TEXT_SH_COLOR = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 }
    local TEXT_COLOR_TEAL = { 0, 0xbe, 0xbe }

    local SELECT_COLOR = { 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7 }
    local SELECT_SH_COLOR = { }

    local TITLE_HEIGHT = 65
    local TITLE_FONT_SIZE = 20
    local TITLEBAR_FONT_SIZE = 28
    local ALBUMMENU_FONT_SIZE = 20
    local TEXTMENU_FONT_SIZE = 25
    local POPUP_TEXT_SIZE_1 = 34
    local POPUP_TEXT_SIZE_2 = 26
    local TRACK_FONT_SIZE = 18
    local TEXTAREA_FONT_SIZE = 18

    local CM_MENU_HEIGHT = 45

    local TEXTINPUT_FONT_SIZE = 60

    local HELP_FONT_SIZE = 18
    local UPDATE_SUBTEXT_SIZE = 20

    local ITEM_ICON_ALIGN = ‚center‘
    local ITEM_LEFT_PADDING = 12
    local THREE_ITEM_HEIGHT = 72
    local FIVE_ITEM_HEIGHT = 45
    local TITLE_BUTTON_WIDTH = 76

    local smallSpinny = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Alerts/wifi_connecting_sm.png“),
    frameRate = 8,
    frameWidth = 26,
    padding = 0,
    h = WH_FILL,
    local largeSpinny = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Alerts/wifi_connecting.png“),
    position = LAYOUT_CENTER,
    w = WH_FILL,
    align = „center“,
    frameRate = 8,
    frameWidth = 120,
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 10 }
    — convenience method for removing a button from the window
    local noButton = {
    img = false,
    bgImg = false,
    w = 0

    local playArrow = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/selection_play_3line_on.png“),
    local addArrow = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/selection_add_3line_on.png“),
    local favItem = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_fav.png“),


    ——— CONSTANTS ———

    local _progressBackground = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Alerts/alert_progress_bar_bkgrd.png“)

    local _progressBar = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Alerts/alert_progress_bar_body.png“,

    local _songProgressBackground = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Song_Progress_Bar/SP_Bar_Touch/tch_progressbar_bkgrd_l.png“,
    imgpath .. „Song_Progress_Bar/SP_Bar_Touch/tch_progressbar_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Song_Progress_Bar/SP_Bar_Touch/tch_progressbar_bkgrd_r.png“,

    local _songProgressBar = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Song_Progress_Bar/SP_Bar_Touch/tch_progressbar_slider.png“

    local _songProgressBarDisabled = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Song_Progress_Bar/SP_Bar_Remote/rem_progressbar_slider.png“

    local _vizProgressBar = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „UNOFFICIAL/viz_progress_fill_l.png“,
    imgpath .. „UNOFFICIAL/viz_progress_fill.png“,
    imgpath .. „UNOFFICIAL/viz_progress_fill_r.png“,
    local _vizProgressBarPill = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „UNOFFICIAL/viz_progress_slider.png“)

    local _volumeSliderBackground = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/tch_volumebar_bkgrd_l.png“,
    imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/tch_volumebar_bkgrd.png“,
    imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/tch_volumebar_bkgrd_r.png“,

    local _volumeSliderBar = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „UNOFFICIAL/tch_volumebar_fill_l.png“,
    imgpath .. „UNOFFICIAL/tch_volumebar_fill.png“,
    imgpath .. „UNOFFICIAL/tch_volumebar_fill_r.png“,

    local _volumeSliderPill = _loadImageTile(self, imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/tch_volume_slider.png“)

    local _popupSliderBar = _loadHTile(self, {
    imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/tch_volumebar_fill_l.png“,
    imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/tch_volumebar_fill.png“,
    imgpath .. „Touch_Toolbar/tch_volumebar_fill_r.png“,


    — These are the default styles for the widgets

    s.window = {
    w = screenWidth,
    h = screenHeight,

    — window with absolute positioning
    s.absolute = _uses(s.window, {
    layout = Window.noLayout,

    s.popup = _uses(s.window, {
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    bgImg = popupBackground,

    s.title = {
    border = 0,
    position = LAYOUT_NORTH,
    bgImg = titleBox,
    padding = { 0, 5, 0, 5 },
    order = { „lbutton“, „text“, „rbutton“ },
    lbutton = {
    border = { 8, 0, 8, 0 },
    h = WH_FILL,
    rbutton = {
    border = { 8, 0, 8, 0 },
    h = WH_FILL,
    text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    padding = TITLE_PADDING,
    align = „center“,
    font = _boldfont(TITLEBAR_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,

    s.title.textButton = _uses(s.title.text, {
    bgImg = titlebarButtonBox,
    padding = { 4, 15, 4, 15 },

    s.title.pressed = {}
    s.title.pressed.textButton = _uses(s.title.textButton, {
    bgImg = pressedTitlebarButtonBox,

    s.text_block_black = {
    bgImg = blackBackground,
    position = LAYOUT_NORTH,
    h = 100,
    order = { ‚text‘ },
    text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = 100,
    padding = { 10, 160, 10, 0 },
    align = „center“,
    font = _font(100),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,

    s.menu = {
    position = LAYOUT_CENTER,
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    itemHeight = FIVE_ITEM_HEIGHT,
    fg = {0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb },
    font = _boldfont(120),

    s.menu_hidden = _uses(s.menu, {
    hidden = 1,

    s.item = {
    order = { „icon“, „text“, „arrow“ },
    padding = { ITEM_LEFT_PADDING, 0, 8, 0 },
    text = {
    padding = { 0, 0, 2, 0 },
    align = „left“,
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    font = _boldfont(TEXTMENU_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    icon = {
    align = ‚center‘,
    arrow = {
    align = ITEM_ICON_ALIGN,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/selection_right_5line.png“),
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    bgImg = fiveItemBox,

    s.item_play = _uses(s.item, {
    arrow = { img = false },
    s.item_add = _uses(s.item, {
    arrow = addArrow

    — Checkbox
    s.checkbox = {}
    s.checkbox.align = ‚center‘
    s.checkbox.padding = CHECKBOX_RADIO_PADDING
    s.checkbox.h = WH_FILL
    s.checkbox.img_on = _loadImage(self, „Icons/checkbox_on.png“)
    s.checkbox.img_off = _loadImage(self, „Icons/checkbox_off.png“)

    — Radio button
    s.radio = {}
    s.radio.align = ‚center‘
    s.radio.padding = CHECKBOX_RADIO_PADDING
    s.radio.h = WH_FILL
    s.radio.img_on = _loadImage(self, „Icons/radiobutton_on.png“)
    s.radio.img_off = _loadImage(self, „Icons/radiobutton_off.png“)

    s.item_choice = _uses(s.item, {
    order = { ‚icon‘, ‚text‘, ‚check‘ },
    choice = {
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚right‘,
    font = _boldfont(TEXTMENU_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    s.item_checked = _uses(s.item, {
    order = { „icon“, „text“, „check“, „arrow“ },
    check = {
    align = ITEM_ICON_ALIGN,
    padding = CHECK_PADDING,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_check_5line.png“)

    s.item_info = _uses(s.item, {
    order = { ‚text‘ },
    padding = { ITEM_LEFT_PADDING, 0, 0, 0 },
    text = {
    align = „top-left“,
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    padding = { 0, 6, 0, 6 },
    font = _font(14),
    line = {
    font = _font(14),
    height = 14,
    font = _boldfont(18),
    height = 18,

    s.item_no_arrow = _uses(s.item, {
    order = { ‚icon‘, ‚text‘ },
    s.item_checked_no_arrow = _uses(s.item, {
    order = { ‚icon‘, ‚text‘, ‚check‘ },

    s.selected = {
    item = _uses(s.item, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_play = _uses(s.item_play, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_add = _uses(s.item_add, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_checked = _uses(s.item_checked, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_no_arrow = _uses(s.item_no_arrow, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_checked_no_arrow = _uses(s.item_checked_no_arrow, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_choice = _uses(s.item_choice, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_info = _uses(s.item_info, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox

    s.pressed = {
    item = _uses(s.item, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox,
    item_checked = _uses(s.item_checked, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox,
    item_play = _uses(s.item_play, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox,
    item_add = _uses(s.item_add, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox,
    item_no_arrow = _uses(s.item_no_arrow, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox,
    item_checked_no_arrow = _uses(s.item_checked_no_arrow, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox,
    item_choice = _uses(s.item_choice, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox,
    item_info = _uses(s.item_info, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox,

    s.locked = {
    item = _uses(s.pressed.item, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    item_checked = _uses(s.pressed.item_checked, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    item_play = _uses(s.pressed.item_play, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    item_add = _uses(s.pressed.item_add, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    item_no_arrow = _uses(s.item_no_arrow, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    item_checked_no_arrow = _uses(s.item_checked_no_arrow, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    item_info = _uses(s.item_info, {
    arrow = smallSpinny,

    s.item_blank = {
    padding = { },
    text = {},
    bgImg = helpTextBackground,

    s.pressed.item_blank = _uses(s.item_blank)
    s.selected.item_blank = _uses(s.item_blank)

    s.help_text = {
    w = screenWidth – 30,
    padding = { 12, 8, 12, 0 },
    border = 0,
    font = _font(HELP_FONT_SIZE),
    lineHeight = 23,
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    align = „top-left“,

    s.scrollbar = {
    w = 46,
    border = 0,
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    horizontal = 0,
    bgImg = scrollBackground,
    img = scrollBar,

    s.text = {
    w = screenWidth,
    h = WH_FILL,
    padding = TEXTAREA_PADDING,
    font = _boldfont(TEXTAREA_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    align = „left“,

    s.multiline_text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    padding = { 10, 0, 2, 10 },
    font = _font(18),
    height = 21,
    fg = { 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe6 },
    sh = { },
    align = „left“,
    s.multiline_popup_text = _uses(s.multiline_text, {
    padding = { 14, 18, 14, 18 },
    border = { 0, 0, 10, 0 },

    s.slider = {
    border = 10,
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    horizontal = 1,
    bgImg = _progressBackground,
    img = _progressBar,

    s.slider_group = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    border = { 0, 5, 0, 10 },
    order = { „min“, „slider“, „max“ },


    — text input
    s.textinput = {
    h = 72,
    padding = { 24, 0, 24, 0 },
    font = _boldfont(TEXTINPUT_FONT_SIZE),
    cursorFont = _boldfont(TEXTINPUT_SELECTED_FONT_SIZE),
    wheelFont = _boldfont(TEXTINPUT_FONT_SIZE),
    charOffsetY = 32,
    wh = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x55 },
    cursorImg = textinputCursor,

    — keyboard
    s.keyboard = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    border = { 8, 6, 8, 0 },
    padding = { 2, 0, 2, 0 },

    s.keyboard_textinput = {
    bgImg = textinputBackground,
    w = WH_FILL,
    order = { „textinput“, „backspace“ },
    border = 0,
    textinput = {
    padding = { 16, 0, 0, 4 },

    s.keyboard.key = {
    font = _boldfont(48),
    fg = { 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDC },
    align = ‚center‘,
    bgImg = keyMiddle,

    s.keyboard.key_topLeft = _uses(s.keyboard.key, { bgImg = keyTopLeft })
    s.keyboard.key_top = _uses(s.keyboard.key, { bgImg = keyTop })
    s.keyboard.key_topRight = _uses(s.keyboard.key, { bgImg = keyTopRight })
    s.keyboard.key_left = _uses(s.keyboard.key, { bgImg = keyLeft })
    s.keyboard.key_middle = _uses(s.keyboard.key, { bgImg = keyMiddle })
    s.keyboard.key_right = _uses(s.keyboard.key, { bgImg = keyRight })
    s.keyboard.key_bottomLeft = _uses(s.keyboard.key, { bgImg = keyBottomLeft })
    s.keyboard.key_bottom = _uses(s.keyboard.key, { bgImg = keyBottom })
    s.keyboard.key_bottomRight = _uses(s.keyboard.key, { bgImg = keyBottomRight })

    — styles for keys that use smaller font
    s.keyboard.key_bottom_small = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottom, { font = _boldfont(36) } )
    s.keyboard.key_bottomRight_small = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomRight, {
    font = _boldfont(36),
    fg = { 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7 },
    } )
    s.keyboard.key_bottomLeft_small = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomLeft, { font = _boldfont(36) } )
    s.keyboard.key_left_small = _uses(s.keyboard.key_left, { font = _boldfont(36) } )

    s.keyboard.spacer_topLeft = _uses(s.keyboard.key_topLeft)
    s.keyboard.spacer_top = _uses(s.keyboard.key_top)
    s.keyboard.spacer_topRight = _uses(s.keyboard.key_topRight)
    s.keyboard.spacer_left = _uses(s.keyboard.key_left)
    s.keyboard.spacer_middle = _uses(s.keyboard.key_middle)
    s.keyboard.spacer_right = _uses(s.keyboard.key_right)
    s.keyboard.spacer_bottomLeft = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomLeft)
    s.keyboard.spacer_bottom = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottom)
    s.keyboard.spacer_bottomRight = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomRight)

    s.keyboard.shiftOff = _uses(s.keyboard.key_left, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_shift_off.png“),
    padding = { 1, 0, 0, 0 },
    s.keyboard.shiftOn = _uses(s.keyboard.key_left, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_shift_on.png“),
    padding = { 1, 0, 0, 0 },

    s.keyboard.arrow_left_middle = _uses(s.keyboard.key_middle, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_arrow_left.png“)
    s.keyboard.arrow_right_right = _uses(s.keyboard.key_right, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_arrow_right.png“)
    s.keyboard.arrow_left_bottom = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottom, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_arrow_left.png“)
    s.keyboard.arrow_right_bottom = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottom, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_arrow_right.png“)

    s.keyboard.done = {
    text = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomRight_small, {
    text = self:string(„ENTER_SMALL“),
    fg = { 0x00, 0xbe, 0xbe },
    sh = { },
    h = WH_FILL,
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 1 },
    icon = { hidden = 1 },

    s.keyboard.doneDisabled = _uses(s.keyboard.done, {
    text = {
    fg = { 0x66, 0x66, 0x66 },

    s.keyboard.doneSpinny = {
    icon = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomRight, {
    bgImg = keyBottomRight,
    hidden = 0,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Alerts/wifi_connecting_sm.png“),
    frameRate = 8,
    frameWidth = 26,
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚center‘,
    text = { hidden = 1, w = 0 },

    s.keyboard.space = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottom_small, {
    bgImg = keyBottom,
    text = self:string(„SPACEBAR_SMALL“),

    s.keyboard.pressed = {
    shiftOff = _uses(s.keyboard.shiftOff, {
    bgImg = keyLeftPressed
    shiftOn = _uses(s.keyboard.shiftOn, {
    bgImg = keyLeftPressed
    done = _uses(s.keyboard.done, {
    bgImg = keyBottomRightPressed,
    doneDisabled = _uses(s.keyboard.doneDisabled, {
    — disabled, not set
    doneSpinny = _uses(s.keyboard.doneSpinny, {
    — disabled, not set
    space = _uses(s.keyboard.space, {
    bgImg = keyBottomPressed
    arrow_right_bottom = _uses(s.keyboard.arrow_right_bottom, {
    bgImg = keyBottomPressed
    arrow_right_right = _uses(s.keyboard.arrow_right_right, {
    bgImg = keyRightPressed
    arrow_left_bottom = _uses(s.keyboard.arrow_left_bottom, {
    bgImg = keyBottomPressed
    arrow_left_middle = _uses(s.keyboard.arrow_left_middle, {
    bgImg = keyMiddlePressed
    key = _uses(s.keyboard.key, {
    bgImg = keyMiddlePressed
    key_topLeft = _uses(s.keyboard.key_topLeft, {
    bgImg = keyTopLeftPressed
    key_top = _uses(s.keyboard.key_top, {
    bgImg = keyTopPressed
    key_topRight = _uses(s.keyboard.key_topRight, {
    bgImg = keyTopRightPressed
    key_left = _uses(s.keyboard.key_left, {
    bgImg = keyLeftPressed
    key_middle = _uses(s.keyboard.key_middle, {
    bgImg = keyMiddlePressed
    key_right = _uses(s.keyboard.key_right, {
    bgImg = keyRightPressed
    key_bottomLeft = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomLeft, {
    bgImg = keyBottomLeftPressed
    key_bottom = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottom, {
    bgImg = keyBottomPressed
    key_bottomRight = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomRight, {
    bgImg = keyBottomRightPressed
    key_left_small = _uses(s.keyboard.key_left_small, {
    bgImg = keyLeftPressed
    key_bottomLeft_small = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomLeft_small, {
    bgImg = keyBottomLeftPressed
    key_bottom_small = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottom_small, {
    bgImg = keyBottomPressed
    key_bottomRight_small = _uses(s.keyboard.key_bottomRight_small, {
    bgImg = keyBottomRightPressed

    spacer_topLeft = _uses(s.keyboard.spacer_topLeft),
    spacer_top = _uses(s.keyboard.spacer_top),
    spacer_topRight = _uses(s.keyboard.spacer_topRight),
    spacer_left = _uses(s.keyboard.spacer_left),
    spacer_middle = _uses(s.keyboard.spacer_middle),
    spacer_right = _uses(s.keyboard.spacer_right),
    spacer_bottomLeft = _uses(s.keyboard.spacer_bottomLeft),
    spacer_bottom = _uses(s.keyboard.spacer_bottom),
    spacer_bottomRight = _uses(s.keyboard.spacer_bottomRight),

    local _timeFirstColumnX12h = 218
    local _timeFirstColumnX24h = 280

    s.time_input_background_12h = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = screenHeight – TITLE_HEIGHT,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Multi_Character_Entry/tch_multi_char_bkgrd_3c.png“),
    x = 0,

    s.time_input_background_24h = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = screenHeight – TITLE_HEIGHT,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Multi_Character_Entry/tch_multi_char_bkgrd_2c.png“),
    x = 0,

    s.time_input_menu_box_12h = {
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Multi_Character_Entry/menu_box_fixed.png“),
    w = 370,
    h = 80,
    x = 216,
    y = 228,
    s.time_input_menu_box_24h = _uses(s.time_input_menu_box_12h, {
    — img = _loadImage(self, „UNOFFICIAL/menu_box_fixed_2c.png“),
    w = 242,
    x = 278,


    — time input window
    s.input_time_12h = _uses(s.window)
    s.input_time_12h.hour = _uses(s.menu, {
    w = 100,
    –h = screenHeight – TITLE_HEIGHT,
    h = screenHeight,
    itemHeight = 80,
    position = LAYOUT_WEST,
    padding = 0,
    border = { _timeFirstColumnX12h, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
    item = {
    bgImg = false,
    order = { ‚text‘ },
    text = {
    align = ‚right‘,
    font = _boldfont(45),
    padding = { 2, 4, 8, 0 },
    fg = { 0xb3, 0xb3, 0xb3 },
    sh = { },
    selected = {
    item = {
    order = { ‚text‘ },
    bgImg = false,
    text = {
    font = _boldfont(45),
    fg = { 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe6 },
    sh = { },
    align = ‚right‘,
    padding = { 2, 4, 8, 0 },
    pressed = {
    item = {
    order = { ‚text‘ },
    bgImg = false,
    text = {
    font = _boldfont(45),
    fg = { 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe6 },
    sh = { },
    align = ‚right‘,
    padding = { 2, 4, 8, 0 },
    s.input_time_12h.minute = _uses(s.input_time_12h.hour, {
    border = { _timeFirstColumnX12h + 125, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
    s.input_time_12h.ampm = _uses(s.input_time_12h.hour, {
    border = { _timeFirstColumnX12h + 125 + 120, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
    item = {
    text = {
    padding = { 0, 2, 8, 0 },
    font = _boldfont(26),
    selected = {
    item = {
    text = {
    padding = { 0, 4, 8, 0 },
    font = _boldfont(26),
    pressed = {
    item = {
    text = {
    padding = { 0, 4, 8, 0 },
    font = _boldfont(26),
    s.input_time_12h.hourUnselected = s.input_time_12h.hour
    s.input_time_12h.minuteUnselected = s.input_time_12h.minute
    s.input_time_12h.ampmUnselected = s.input_time_12h.ampm

    s.input_time_24h = _uses(s.input_time_12h, {
    hour = {
    border = { _timeFirstColumnX24h, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
    minute = {
    border = { _timeFirstColumnX24h + 124, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
    hourUnselected = {
    border = { _timeFirstColumnX24h, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
    minuteUnselected = {
    border = { _timeFirstColumnX24h + 124, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },

    — one set for buttons, one for spacers

    ——— WINDOW STYLES ———

    — These styles override the default styles for a specific window

    — typical text list window
    s.text_list = _uses(s.window)

    — text_only removes icons
    s.text_only = _uses(s.text_list, {
    menu = {
    item = {
    order = { ‚text‘, ‚arrow‘, },
    selected = {
    item = {
    order = { ‚text‘, ‚arrow‘, },
    pressed = {
    item = {
    order = { ‚text‘, ‚arrow‘, },
    locked = {
    item = {
    order = { ‚text‘, ‚arrow‘, },

    s.text_list.title = _uses(s.title, {
    text = {
    line = {
    font = _boldfont(TITLEBAR_FONT_SIZE),
    height = 32,
    font = _font(14),
    fg = { 0xB3, 0xB3, 0xB3 },

    s.text_list.title.textButton = _uses(s.text_list.title.text, {
    bgImg = titlebarButtonBox,
    padding = { 4, 15, 4, 15 },
    s.text_list.title.pressed = {}
    s.text_list.title.pressed.textButton = _uses(s.text_list.title.text, {
    bgImg = pressedTitlebarButtonBox,
    padding = { 4, 15, 4, 15 },

    — choose player window is exactly the same as text_list on all windows except WQVGAlarge
    s.choose_player = s.text_list

    s.multiline_text_list = _uses(s.text_list)

    s.multiline_text_list.menu = _uses(s.menu, {
    itemHeight = THREE_ITEM_HEIGHT,
    item = {
    padding = { 10, 8, 0, 8 },
    bgImg = false,
    icon = {
    align = ‚top‘,

    s.multiline_text_list.menu.item_no_arrow = _uses(s.multiline_text_list.menu.item)

    s.multiline_text_list.menu.selected = {}
    s.multiline_text_list.menu.selected.item = _uses(s.multiline_text_list.menu.item, {
    bgImg = threeItemSelectionBox,
    s.multiline_text_list.menu.selected.item_no_arrow = _uses(s.multiline_text_list.menu.selected.item)

    s.multiline_text_list.menu.pressed = {}
    s.multiline_text_list.menu.pressed.item = _uses(s.multiline_text_list.menu.item, {
    bgImg = threeItemPressedBox,
    s.multiline_text_list.menu.pressed.item_no_arrow = _uses(s.multiline_text_list.menu.pressed.item)

    — popup „spinny“ window
    s.waiting_popup = _uses(s.popup, {
    text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = (POPUP_TEXT_SIZE_1 + 8 ),
    position = LAYOUT_NORTH,
    border = { 0, 50, 0, 0 },
    padding = { 15, 0, 15, 0 },
    align = „center“,
    font = _font(POPUP_TEXT_SIZE_1),
    lineHeight = POPUP_TEXT_SIZE_1 + 8,
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    subtext = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = 47,
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 20 },
    padding = { 15, 0, 15, 0 },
    align = „top“,
    font = _boldfont(POPUP_TEXT_SIZE_2),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,

    s.waiting_popup.subtext_connected = _uses(s.waiting_popup.subtext, {

    s.black_popup = _uses(s.waiting_popup)
    s.black_popup.title = _uses(s.title, {
    bgImg = false,
    order = { },

    — input window (including keyboard)
    s.input = _uses(s.window)
    s.input.title = _uses(s.title, {
    — remove 3px from the height and 3px from the bottom padding
    h = 44,
    padding = { 0, 5, 0, 2 },
    bgImg = inputTitleBox,

    local clearMask = Tile:fillColor(0x00000000)

    s.power_on_window = _uses(s.window)
    s.power_on_window.maskImg = clearMask
    s.power_on_window.title = _uses(s.title, {
    bgImg = false,

    — update window
    s.update_popup = _uses(s.popup, {
    text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = (POPUP_TEXT_SIZE_1 + 8 ),
    position = LAYOUT_NORTH,
    border = { 0, 34, 0, 2 },
    padding = { 10, 0, 10, 0 },
    align = „center“,
    font = _font(POPUP_TEXT_SIZE_1),
    lineHeight = POPUP_TEXT_SIZE_1 + 8,
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    subtext = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    — note this is a hack as the height and padding push
    — the content out of the widget bounding box.
    h = 30,
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 28 },
    font = _boldfont(UPDATE_SUBTEXT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    align = „bottom“,
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,

    progress = {
    border = { 15, 7, 15, 17 },
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    horizontal = 1,
    bgImg = _progressBackground,
    img = _progressBar,

    s.home_menu = _uses(s.text_list, {
    menu = {
    item = _uses(s.item, {
    icon = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_loading“ .. skinSuffix)
    selected = {
    item = _uses(s.selected.item, {
    icon = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_loading“ .. skinSuffix),
    locked = {
    item = _uses(s.locked.item, {
    icon = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_loading“ .. skinSuffix),

    s.home_menu.menu.item.icon_no_artwork = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_loading“ .. skinSuffix ),
    h = THUMB_SIZE,
    align = ‚center‘,
    s.home_menu.menu.selected.item.icon_no_artwork = s.home_menu.menu.item.icon_no_artwork
    s.home_menu.menu.locked.item.icon_no_artwork = s.home_menu.menu.item.icon_no_artwork

    — icon_list window
    s.icon_list = _uses(s.window, {
    menu = {
    item = {
    order = { „icon“, „text“, „arrow“ },
    padding = { ITEM_LEFT_PADDING, 0, 0, 0 },
    text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚left‘,
    font = _font(ALBUMMENU_SMALL_FONT_SIZE),
    line = {
    font = _boldfont(ALBUMMENU_FONT_SIZE),
    height = 22,
    font = _font(ALBUMMENU_SMALL_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    icon = {
    h = THUMB_SIZE,
    align = ‚center‘,
    arrow = _uses(s.item.arrow),

    s.icon_list.menu.item_checked = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item, {
    order = { ‚icon‘, ‚text‘, ‚check‘, ‚arrow‘ },
    check = {
    align = ITEM_ICON_ALIGN,
    padding = CHECK_PADDING,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_check_5line.png“)
    s.icon_list.menu.item_play = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item, {
    arrow = { img = false },
    s.icon_list.menu.albumcurrent = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_play, {
    arrow = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_nplay_3line_off.png“),
    text = { padding = 0, },
    — Bug 11482c#13, don’t know why the bgImg has to be redefined again here, but this fixes the issue
    bgImg = fiveItemBox,
    s.icon_list.menu.item_add = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item, {
    arrow = addArrow,
    s.icon_list.menu.item_no_arrow = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item, {
    order = { ‚icon‘, ‚text‘ },
    s.icon_list.menu.item_checked_no_arrow = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_checked, {
    order = { ‚icon‘, ‚text‘, ‚check‘ },

    s.icon_list.menu.selected = {
    item = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    albumcurrent = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.albumcurrent, {
    arrow = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_nplay_3line_sel.png“),
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox,
    item_checked = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_checked, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_play = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_play, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_add = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_add, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_no_arrow = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_no_arrow, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_checked_no_arrow = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_checked_no_arrow, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    s.icon_list.menu.pressed = {
    item = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox
    albumcurrent = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.albumcurrent, {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox
    item_checked = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_checked, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox
    item_play = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_play, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox
    item_add = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_add, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox
    item_no_arrow = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_no_arrow, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox
    item_checked_no_arrow = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.item_checked_no_arrow, {
    bgImg = fiveItemPressedBox
    s.icon_list.menu.locked = {
    item = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.pressed.item, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    item_checked = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.pressed.item_checked, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    item_play = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.pressed.item_play, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    item_add = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.pressed.item_add, {
    arrow = smallSpinny
    albumcurrent = _uses(s.icon_list.menu.pressed.albumcurrent, {
    arrow = smallSpinny

    — list window with help text
    s.help_list = _uses(s.text_list)

    — BUG 11662, help_list used to have the top textarea fill the available space. That’s been removed, but leaving this code in for now as an example of how to do that
    s.help_list = _uses(s.window)

    s.help_list.menu = _uses(s.menu, {
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    maxHeight = FIVE_ITEM_HEIGHT * 3,
    itemHeight = FIVE_ITEM_HEIGHT,

    s.help_list.help_text = _uses(s.help_text, {
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = „left“

    — error window
    — XXX: needs layout
    s.error = _uses(s.help_list)

    — information window
    s.information = _uses(s.window)

    s.information.text = {
    font = _font(TEXTAREA_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    padding = { 18, 18, 10, 0},
    lineHeight = 23,

    — help window (likely the same as information)
    s.help_info = _uses(s.information)

    –track_list window
    — XXXX todo
    — identical to text_list but has icon in upper left of titlebar
    s.track_list = _uses(s.text_list)

    s.track_list.title = _uses(s.title, {
    order = { ‚lbutton‘, ‚icon‘, ‚text‘, ‚rbutton‘ },
    icon = {
    w = THUMB_SIZE,
    h = WH_FILL,
    padding = { 10, 1, 8, 1 },

    — playlist same as icon list
    s.play_list = _uses(s.icon_list)

    — toast_popup popup (is now text only)
    s.toast_popup_textarea = {
    padding = { 20, 20, 20, 20 } ,
    align = ‚left‘,
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    font = _boldfont(21),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,

    — toast_popup popup with art and text
    s.toast_popup = {
    x = 5,
    y = screenHeight/2/2,
    w = screenWidth – 10,
    h = screenHeight/2,
    bgImg = popupBox,
    group = {
    padding = 10,
    order = { ‚icon‘, ‚text‘ },
    text = {
    padding = { 10, 12, 12, 12 } ,
    align = ‚top-left‘,
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    font = _font(HELP_FONT_SIZE),
    lineHeight = HELP_FONT_SIZE + 5,
    icon = {
    align = ‚top-left‘,
    border = { 12, 12, 0, 0 },
    img = _loadImage(self, „UNOFFICIAL/menu_album_noartwork_64.png“),
    h = WH_FILL,
    w = 64,
    — toast popup with textarea
    s.toast_popup_text = _uses(s.toast_popup, {
    group = {
    order = { ‚text‘ },
    text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚top-left‘,
    padding = { 10, 12, 12, 12 },
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,

    — toast popup with icon only
    s.toast_popup_icon = _uses(s.toast_popup, {
    w = 190,
    h = 178,
    x = 145,
    y = 72,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    group = {
    order = { ‚icon‘ },
    border = { 22, 22, 0, 0 },
    padding = 0,
    icon = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚center‘,

    — new style that incorporates text, icon, more text, and maybe a badge
    s.toast_popup_mixed = {
    x = 19,
    y = 16,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    w = screenWidth – 38,
    h = 214,
    bgImg = popupBox,
    text = {
    position = LAYOUT_NORTH,
    padding = { 8, 24, 8, 0 },
    align = ‚top‘,
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    font = _boldfont(18),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    subtext = {
    position = LAYOUT_NORTH,
    padding = { 8, 178, 8, 0 },
    align = ‚top‘,
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    font = _boldfont(18),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,

    s._badge = {
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    zOrder = 99,
    — middle of the screen plus half of the icon width minus half of the badge width. gotta love LAYOUT_NONE
    x = screenWidth/2 + 21,
    w = 34,
    y = 34,
    s.badge_none = _uses(s._badge, {
    img = false,
    s.badge_favorite = _uses(s._badge, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_badge_fav.png“)
    s.badge_add = _uses(s._badge, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_badge_add.png“)

    s.context_menu = {
    x = 8,
    y = 16,
    w = screenWidth – 16,
    h = screenHeight – 32,
    bgImg = contextMenuBox,
    layer = LAYER_TITLE,

    multiline_text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = 172,
    padding = { 18, 2, 14, 18 },
    border = { 0, 0, 6, 15 },
    lineHeight = 22,
    font = _font(18),
    fg = { 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe6 },
    sh = { },
    align = „top-left“,
    scrollbar = {
    h = 164,
    border = {0, 2, 2, 10},

    title = {
    layer = LAYER_TITLE,
    h = 52,
    padding = {10,10,10,5},
    bgImg = false,
    button_cancel = {
    layer = LAYER_TITLE,
    w = 43,
    align = ‚right‘,
    pressed = {
    button_cancel = {
    bgImg = pressedTitlebarButtonBox,
    layer = LAYER_TITLE,
    w = 43,
    text = {
    layer = LAYER_TITLE,
    w = WH_FILL,
    padding = {0,0,20,0},
    align = „center“,
    font = _boldfont(TITLE_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,

    menu = {
    h = CM_MENU_HEIGHT * 8,
    border = { 7, 0, 7, 0 },
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 100 },
    scrollbar = {
    h = CM_MENU_HEIGHT * 8,
    item = {
    order = { „text“, „arrow“ },
    padding = { ITEM_LEFT_PADDING, 0, 12, 0 },
    text = {
    padding = { 0, 4, 0, 0 },
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚left‘,
    font = _font(ALBUMMENU_SMALL_FONT_SIZE),
    line = {
    font = _boldfont(ALBUMMENU_FONT_SIZE),
    height = 22,
    font = _font(ALBUMMENU_SMALL_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    arrow = _uses(s.item.arrow),
    selected = {
    item = {
    order = { „text“, „arrow“ },
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox,
    padding = { ITEM_LEFT_PADDING, 0, 12, 0 },
    text = {
    padding = { 0, 4, 0, 0 },
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚left‘,
    font = _font(ALBUMMENU_SMALL_FONT_SIZE),
    line = {
    font = _boldfont(ALBUMMENU_FONT_SIZE),
    height = 22,
    font = _font(ALBUMMENU_SMALL_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    arrow = _uses(s.item.arrow),


    s.context_menu.menu.item_play = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.item, {
    arrow = {img = playArrow.img},
    s.context_menu.menu.selected.item_play = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.selected.item, {
    arrow = {img = playArrow.img},

    s.context_menu.menu.item_insert = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.item, {
    arrow = {img = addArrow.img},
    s.context_menu.menu.selected.item_insert = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.selected.item, {
    arrow = {img = addArrow.img},

    s.context_menu.menu.item_add = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.item, {
    arrow = {img = addArrow.img},
    s.context_menu.menu.selected.item_add = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.selected.item, {
    arrow = {img = addArrow.img},

    s.context_menu.menu.item_playall = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.item, {
    arrow = {img = playArrow.img},
    s.context_menu.menu.selected.item_playall = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.selected.item, {
    arrow = {img = playArrow.img},

    s.context_menu.menu.item_fav = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.item, {
    arrow = {img = favItem.img},
    s.context_menu.menu.selected.item_fav = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.selected.item, {
    arrow = {img = favItem.img},

    s.context_menu.menu.item_no_arrow = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.item, {
    order = { ‚text‘ },
    s.context_menu.menu.selected.item_no_arrow = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.selected.item, {
    order = { ‚text‘ },

    s.context_menu.menu.pressed = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.selected, {
    item = {
    bgImg = contextMenuPressedBox,

    s.context_menu.menu.locked = _uses(s.context_menu.menu.pressed, {
    item = {
    arrow = smallSpinny,

    — alarm popup
    s.alarm_header = {
    w = screenWidth,
    –padding = { 50, 0, 50, 0 },
    –order = { ‚icon‘, ‚time‘ },
    order = { ‚time‘ },

    s.alarm_time = {
    w = screenWidth – 20,
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    align = „center“,
    font = _boldfont(62),

    s.preview_text = _uses(s.alarm_time, {
    font = _boldfont(TITLE_FONT_SIZE),

    — alarm menu window
    s.alarm_popup = {
    x = 10,
    y = 10,
    w = screenWidth – 20,
    h = screenHeight – 17,
    border = 0,
    padding = 0,
    bgImg = contextMenuBox,
    layer = LAYER_TITLE,

    title = {
    hidden = 1,

    menu = {
    h = CM_MENU_HEIGHT * 5,
    w = screenWidth – 34,
    x = 7,
    y = 65,
    border = 0,
    itemHeight = CM_MENU_HEIGHT,
    position = LAYOUT_NORTH,
    scrollbar = {
    h = CM_MENU_HEIGHT * 5 – 8,
    border = {0,4,0,0},
    item = {
    order = { „text“, „arrow“ },
    text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚left‘,
    font = _boldfont(TEXTMENU_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    arrow = _uses(s.item.arrow),
    selected = {
    item = {
    bgImg = fiveItemSelectionBox,
    order = { „text“, „arrow“ },
    text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚left‘,
    font = _boldfont(TEXTMENU_FONT_SIZE),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    arrow = _uses(s.item.arrow),

    — slider popup (volume)
    s.slider_popup = {
    x = 50,
    y = screenHeight/2 – 100,
    w = screenWidth – 100,
    h = 200,
    bgImg = popupBox,
    heading = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    border = 10,
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    font = _boldfont(32),
    padding = { 4, 16, 4, 0 },
    align = „center“,
    bgImg = false,
    slider_group = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    align = ‚center‘,
    padding = { 10, 0, 10, 0 },
    order = { ’slider‘ },

    — scanner popup
    s.scanner_popup = _uses(s.slider_popup, {
    h = 110,
    y = screenHeight/2 – 55,

    s.image_popup = _uses(s.popup, {
    image = {
    w = screenWidth,
    position = LAYOUT_CENTER,
    align = „center“,
    h = screenHeight,
    border = 0,

    ——— SLIDERS ———

    s.volume_slider = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 10 },
    bgImg = _volumeSliderBackground,
    img = _popupSliderBar,

    s.scanner_slider = _uses(s.volume_slider, {
    img = _volumeSliderBar,

    ——— BUTTONS ———

    — base button
    local _button = {
    bgImg = titlebarButtonBox,
    h = WH_FILL,
    border = { 8, 0, 8, 0 },
    icon = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    hidden = 1,
    align = ‚center‘,
    img = false,
    text = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = WH_FILL,
    hidden = 1,
    border = 0,
    padding = 0,
    align = ‚center‘,
    font = _font(16),
    fg = { 0xdc,0xdc, 0xdc },
    local _pressed_button = _uses(_button, {
    bgImg = pressedTitlebarButtonBox,

    — icon button factory
    local _titleButtonIcon = function(name, icon, attr)
    s[name] = _uses(_button)
    s[name].layer = LAYER_TITLE

    s.pressed[name] = _uses(_pressed_button)

    attr = {
    hidden = 0,
    img = icon,
    layer = LAYER_TITLE,

    s[name].icon = _uses(_button.icon, attr)
    s[name].w = 65
    s.pressed[name].icon = _uses(_pressed_button.icon, attr)
    s.pressed[name].w = 65

    — text button factory
    local _titleButtonText = function(name, string)
    s[name] = _uses(_button)
    s.pressed[name] = _uses(_pressed_button)

    attr = {
    hidden = 0,
    text = string,

    s[name].text = _uses(_button.text, attr)
    s[name].w = 65
    s.pressed[name].text = _uses(_pressed_button.text, attr)
    s.pressed[name].w = 65

    — invisible button
    s.button_none = _uses(_button, {
    bgImg = false,
    w = TITLE_BUTTON_WIDTH – 12,

    _titleButtonIcon(„button_back“, backButton)
    _titleButtonIcon(„button_cancel“, cancelButton)
    _titleButtonIcon(„button_go_home“, homeButton)
    _titleButtonIcon(„button_playlist“, playlistButton)
    _titleButtonIcon(„button_more“, moreButton)
    _titleButtonIcon(„button_go_playlist“, playlistButton)
    _titleButtonIcon(„button_go_now_playing“, nowPlayingButton)
    _titleButtonIcon(„button_power“, powerButton)
    _titleButtonIcon(„button_nothing“, nil)
    _titleButtonIcon(„button_help“, helpButton)
    _titleButtonText(„button_more_help“, self:string(„MORE_HELP“))
    _titleButtonText(„button_finish_operation“, self:string(„ENTER“))

    s.button_back.padding = { 2, 0, 0, 2 }
    s.button_playlist.padding = { 2, 0, 0, 2 }

    s.button_volume_min = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_vol_down.png“),
    border = { 5, 0, 5, 0 },

    s.button_volume_max = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_vol_up.png“),
    border = { 5, 0, 5, 0 },

    s.button_keyboard_back = {
    align = ‚left‘,
    w = 96,
    h = 66,
    padding = { 14, 0, 0, 0 },
    border = { 0, 2, 9, 5},
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_delete_tch_text_entry.png“),
    bgImg = deleteKeyBackground,
    s.pressed.button_keyboard_back = _uses(s.button_keyboard_back, {
    bgImg = deleteKeyPressedBackground,

    local _buttonicon = {
    h = THUMB_SIZE,
    align = ‚center‘,
    img = false,

    s.region_US = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_region_americas“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.region_XX = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_region_other“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.icon_help = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_help“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.wlan = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_wireless“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.wired = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ethernet“ .. skinSuffix),

    ——— ICONS ——–

    — icons used for ‚waiting‘ and ‚update‘ windows
    local _icon = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    align = „center“,
    position = LAYOUT_CENTER,
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 10 }

    local _popupicon = {
    padding = 0,
    border = { 22, 22, 0, 0 },
    h = WH_FILL,
    w = 146,

    — icon for albums with no artwork
    s.icon_no_artwork = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_album_noart“ .. skinSuffix ),
    h = THUMB_SIZE,
    align = ‚center‘,

    s.icon_no_artwork_playlist = _uses(s.icon_no_artwork)

    s.icon_connecting = _uses(_icon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Alerts/wifi_connecting.png“),
    frameRate = 8,
    frameWidth = 120,
    padding = { 0, 90, 0, 10 },

    s.icon_connected = _uses(_icon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Alerts/connecting_success_icon.png“),
    padding = { 0, 2, 0, 10 },

    s.icon_photo_loading = _uses(_icon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/image_viewer_loading.png“),

    s.icon_software_update = _uses(_icon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_firmware_update“ .. skinSuffix),

    s.icon_restart = _uses(_icon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_restart“ .. skinSuffix),

    s.icon_popup_pause = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_pause.png“),

    s.icon_popup_play = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_play.png“),

    s.icon_popup_fwd = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_fwd.png“),
    s.icon_popup_rew = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_rew.png“),

    s.icon_popup_stop = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_stop.png“),
    s.icon_popup_lineIn = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_linein_134.png“),

    s.icon_popup_volume = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_volume_bar.png“),
    w = WH_FILL,
    h = 90,
    align = ‚center‘,
    padding = { 0, 5, 0, 5 },

    s.icon_popup_mute = _uses(s.icon_popup_volume, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_volume_mute.png“),

    s.icon_popup_shuffle0 = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_shuffle_off.png“),

    s.icon_popup_shuffle1 = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_shuffle.png“),

    s.icon_popup_shuffle2 = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_shuffle_album.png“),

    s.icon_popup_repeat0 = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_repeat_off.png“),

    s.icon_popup_repeat1 = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_repeat_song.png“),

    s.icon_popup_repeat2 = _uses(_popupicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_repeat.png“),

    s.icon_popup_sleep_15 = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_sleep_15.png“),
    h = WH_FILL,
    w = WH_FILL,
    padding = { 24, 24, 0, 0 },
    s.icon_popup_sleep_30 = _uses(s.icon_popup_sleep_15, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_sleep_30.png“),
    s.icon_popup_sleep_45 = _uses(s.icon_popup_sleep_15, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_sleep_45.png“),
    s.icon_popup_sleep_60 = _uses(s.icon_popup_sleep_15, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_sleep_60.png“),
    s.icon_popup_sleep_90 = _uses(s.icon_popup_sleep_15, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_sleep_90.png“),
    s.icon_popup_sleep_cancel = _uses(s.icon_popup_sleep_15, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_popup_box_sleep_off.png“),
    padding = { 24, 34, 0, 0 },

    s.icon_power = _uses(_icon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_restart“ .. skinSuffix),

    s.icon_locked = _uses(_icon, {
    — FIXME no asset for this (needed?)
    — img = _loadImage(self, „Alerts/popup_locked_icon.png“),

    s.icon_alarm = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_alarm.png“),

    s.icon_art = _uses(_icon, {
    padding = 0,
    img = false,

    s.player_transporter = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_transporter“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_squeezebox = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_SB1n2“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_squeezebox2 = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_SB1n2“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_squeezebox3 = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_SB3“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_boom = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_boom“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_slimp3 = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_slimp3“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_softsqueeze = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_softsqueeze“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_controller = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_controller“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_receiver = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_receiver“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_squeezeplay = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_squeezeplay“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_http = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_tunein_url“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_baby = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_baby“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.player_fab4 = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_fab4“ .. skinSuffix),

    — misc home menu icons
    s.hm_appletImageViewer = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_image_viewer“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_eject = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_eject“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_sdcard = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_device_SDcard“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_usbdrive = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_device_USB“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_appletNowPlaying = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_nowplaying“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_settings = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_advancedSettings = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_adv“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_radio = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_tunein“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_radios = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_tunein“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myApps = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_my_apps“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myMusic = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_mymusic“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm__myMusic = _uses(s.hm_myMusic)
    s.hm_otherLibrary = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_other_library“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myMusicSelector = _uses(s.hm_myMusic)

    s.hm_favorites = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_favorites“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_settingsAlarm = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_alarm“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_settingsPlayerNameChange = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_name“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_settingsBrightness = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_brightness“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_settingsSync = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_sync“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_selectPlayer = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_choose_player“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_quit = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_power_off“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_playerpower = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_power_off“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myMusicArtists = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_artist“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myMusicAlbums = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_albums“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myMusicGenres = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_genres“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myMusicYears = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_years“ .. skinSuffix),

    s.hm_myMusicNewMusic = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_new_music“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myMusicPlaylists = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_playlist“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myMusicSearch = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_search“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_myMusicSearchArtists = _uses(s.hm_myMusicSearch)
    s.hm_myMusicSearchAlbums = _uses(s.hm_myMusicSearch)
    s.hm_myMusicSearchSongs = _uses(s.hm_myMusicSearch)
    s.hm_myMusicSearchPlaylists = _uses(s.hm_myMusicSearch)
    s.hm_myMusicSearchRecent = _uses(s.hm_myMusicSearch)
    s.hm_homeSearchRecent = _uses(s.hm_myMusicSearch)
    s.hm_globalSearch = _uses(s.hm_myMusicSearch)

    s.hm_myMusicMusicFolder = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_folder“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_randomplay = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_ml_random“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_skinTest = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_blank“ .. skinSuffix),

    s.hm_settingsRepeat = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_repeat“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_settingsShuffle = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_shuffle“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_settingsSleep = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_sleep“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_settingsScreen = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_screen“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_appletCustomizeHome = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_home“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_settingsAudio = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_audio“ .. skinSuffix),
    s.hm_linein = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_linein“ .. skinSuffix),

    — ??
    s.hm_loading = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_loading“ .. skinSuffix),
    — ??
    s.hm_settingsPlugin = _uses(_buttonicon, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „IconsResized/icon_settings_plugin“ .. skinSuffix),

    — indicator icons, on right of menus
    local _indicator = {
    align = „center“,

    s.wirelessLevel1 = _uses(_indicator, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_wireless_1.png“)

    s.wirelessLevel2 = _uses(_indicator, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_wireless_2.png“)

    s.wirelessLevel3 = _uses(_indicator, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_wireless_3.png“)

    s.wirelessLevel4 = _uses(_indicator, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_wireless_4.png“)

    ——— ICONBAR ———

    s.iconbar_group = {
    hidden = 1,

    — time (hidden off screen)
    s.button_time = {
    hidden = 1,

    — BEGIN NowPlaying skin code

    local NP_TRACK_FONT_SIZE = 36

    local controlHeight = 76
    local controlWidth = 85
    local volumeBarWidth = 410 — screenWidth – (transport controls + volume controls + dividers + border around volume bar)
    local buttonPadding = 10

    local _transportControlButton = {
    w = controlWidth,
    h = controlHeight,
    align = ‚center‘,
    padding = buttonPadding,

    local _transportControlBorder = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    w = 2,
    padding = 0,
    img = touchToolbarKeyDivider,

    s.toolbar_spacer = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    w = WH_FILL,

    local _tracklayout = {
    border = { 4, 0, 4, 0 },
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    w = WH_FILL,
    align = „left“,
    lineHeight = NP_TRACK_FONT_SIZE,
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    x = 460,

    s.nowplaying = _uses(s.window, {
    –title bar
    title = _uses(s.title, {
    zOrder = 1,
    text = {
    font = _boldfont(TITLEBAR_FONT_SIZE),
    bgImg = titlebarButtonBox,
    rbutton = {
    font = _font(14),
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    bgImg = titlebarButtonBox,
    padding = { 8, 0, 8, 0},
    align = ‚center‘,

    — Song metadata
    nptitle = {
    order = { ’nptrack‘ },
    position = _tracklayout.position,
    border = _tracklayout.border,
    x = _tracklayout.x,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 32 + 65,
    h = 32,
    nptrack = {
    w = screenWidth – _tracklayout.x – 10,
    h = WH_FILL,
    align = _tracklayout.align,
    lineHeight = _tracklayout.lineHeight,
    fg = _tracklayout.fg,
    font = _boldfont(NP_TRACK_FONT_SIZE),
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    npartistgroup = {
    order = { ’npartist‘ },
    position = _tracklayout.position,
    border = _tracklayout.border,
    x = _tracklayout.x,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 32 + 32 + 70,
    h = 32,
    npartist = {
    padding = { 0, 6, 0, 0 },
    w = screenWidth – _tracklayout.x – 10,
    align = _tracklayout.align,
    lineHeight = _tracklayout.lineHeight,
    fg = _tracklayout.fg,
    font = _font(NP_ARTISTALBUM_FONT_SIZE),
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    npalbumgroup = {
    order = {’npalbum‘ },
    position = _tracklayout.position,
    border = _tracklayout.border,
    x = _tracklayout.x,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 32 + 32 + 32 + 70,
    h = 32,
    npalbum = {
    w = screenWidth – _tracklayout.x – 10,
    padding = { 0, 6, 0, 0 },
    align = _tracklayout.align,
    lineHeight = _tracklayout.lineHeight,
    fg = _tracklayout.fg,
    font = _font(NP_ARTISTALBUM_FONT_SIZE),
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,
    npartistalbum = {
    hidden = 1,

    — cover art
    npartwork = {
    w = 440,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 7,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 7,
    align = „center“,
    h = 440,

    artwork = {
    w = 440,
    align = „center“,
    padding = 0,
    img = false,

    npvisu = { hidden = 1 },

    –transport controls
    npcontrols = {
    order = { ‚rew‘, ‚div1‘, ‚play‘, ‚div2‘, ‚fwd‘, ‚div3‘, ‚repeatMode‘, ‚div4′, ’shuffleMode‘,
    ‚div5‘, ‚volDown‘, ‚div6‘, ‚volSlider‘, ‚div7‘, ‚volUp‘ },
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    h = controlHeight,
    w = WH_FILL,
    bgImg = touchToolbarBackground,

    div1 = _uses(_transportControlBorder),
    div2 = _uses(_transportControlBorder),
    div3 = _uses(_transportControlBorder),
    div4 = _uses(_transportControlBorder),
    div5 = _uses(_transportControlBorder),
    div6 = _uses(_transportControlBorder),
    div7 = _uses(_transportControlBorder),

    rew = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_rew.png“),
    play = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_play.png“),
    pause = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_pause.png“),
    fwd = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_ffwd.png“),
    shuffleMode = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_shuffle_off.png“),
    shuffleOff = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_shuffle_off.png“),
    shuffleSong = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_shuffle_on.png“),
    shuffleAlbum = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_shuffle_album_on.png“),
    repeatMode = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_repeat_off.png“),
    repeatOff = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_repeat_off.png“),
    repeatPlaylist = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_repeat_on.png“),
    repeatSong = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_repeat_song_on.png“),
    volDown = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    — // w = 34,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_vol_down.png“),
    volUp = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    — // w = 34,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_vol_up.png“),
    thumbsUp = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_thumbup.png“),
    thumbsDown = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_thumbdown.png“),
    thumbsUpDisabled = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_thumbup_dis.png“),
    thumbsDownDisabled = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_thumbdown_dis.png“),
    love = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_love_on.png“),
    hate = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_love_off.png“),
    fwdDisabled = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_ffwd_dis.png“),
    rewDisabled = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_rew_dis.png“),
    shuffleDisabled = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_shuffle_dis.png“),
    repeatDisabled = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_repeat_dis.png“),

    — Progress bar
    npprogress = {
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 460,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 289,
    padding = { 0, 11, 0, 0 },
    order = { „elapsed“, „slider“, „remain“ },
    elapsed = {
    w = 80,
    align = ‚left‘,
    padding = { 0, 0, 4, 20 },
    font = _boldfont(24),
    fg = { 0xe7,0xe7, 0xe7 },
    sh = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 },
    remain = {
    w = 80,
    align = ‚right‘,
    padding = { 4, 0, 0, 20 },
    font = _boldfont(24),
    fg = { 0xe7,0xe7, 0xe7 },
    sh = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 },
    elapsedSmall = {
    w = 80,
    align = ‚left‘,
    padding = { 0, 0, 4, 20 },
    font = _boldfont(24),
    fg = { 0xe7,0xe7, 0xe7 },
    sh = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 },
    remainSmall = {
    w = 80,
    align = ‚right‘,
    padding = { 4, 0, 0, 20 },
    font = _boldfont(24),
    fg = { 0xe7,0xe7, 0xe7 },
    sh = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 },
    npprogressB = {
    w = 400,
    h = 30,
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    horizontal = 1,
    bgImg = _songProgressBackground,
    img = _songProgressBar,

    — special style for when there shouldn’t be a progress bar (e.g., internet radio streams)
    npprogressNB = {
    order = { „elapsed“ },
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 460,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 9 + 26 + 32 + 32 + 23 + 84,
    elapsed = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    align = „left“,
    font = _boldfont(18),
    fg = { 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7 },
    sh = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 },

    s.nowplaying.npprogressNB.elapsedSmall = s.nowplaying.npprogressNB.elapsed

    — sliders
    s.nowplaying.npprogress.npprogressB_disabled = _uses(s.nowplaying.npprogress.npprogressB, {
    img = _songProgressBarDisabled,

    s.npvolumeB = {
    w = volumeBarWidth,
    border = { 5, 20, 5, 0 },
    padding = { 6, 0, 6, 0 },
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    horizontal = 1,
    bgImg = _volumeSliderBackground,
    img = _volumeSliderBar,
    pillImg = _volumeSliderPill,
    s.npvolumeB_disabled = _uses(s.npvolumeB, {
    pillImg = false,

    — pressed styles
    s.nowplaying.title.pressed = _uses(s.nowplaying.title, {
    text = {
    fg = { 0xB3, 0xB3, 0xB3 },
    sh = { },
    bgImg = pressedTitlebarButtonBox,
    lbutton = {
    bgImg = pressedTitlebarButtonBox,
    rbutton = {
    bgImg = pressedTitlebarButtonBox,

    s.nowplaying.pressed = s.nowplaying
    s.nowplaying.nptitle.pressed = _uses(s.nowplaying.nptitle)
    s.nowplaying.npalbumgroup.pressed = _uses(s.nowplaying.npalbumgroup)
    s.nowplaying.npartistgroup.pressed = _uses(s.nowplaying.npartistgroup)
    s.nowplaying.npartwork.pressed = s.nowplaying.npartwork

    s.nowplaying.npcontrols.pressed = {
    rew = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.rew, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    play = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.play, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    pause = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.pause, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    fwd = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.fwd, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    repeatPlaylist = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.repeatPlaylist, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    repeatSong = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.repeatSong, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    repeatOff = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.repeatOff, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    repeatMode = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.repeatMode, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    shuffleAlbum = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.shuffleAlbum, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    shuffleSong = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.shuffleSong, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    shuffleMode = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.shuffleMode, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    shuffleOff = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.shuffleOff, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    volDown = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.volDown, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    volUp = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.volUp, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),

    thumbsUp = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.thumbsUp, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    thumbsDown = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.thumbsDown, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    thumbsUpDisabled = s.nowplaying.npcontrols.thumbsUpDisabled,
    thumbsDownDisabled = s.nowplaying.npcontrols.thumbsDownDisabled,
    love = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.love, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    hate = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.hate, { bgImg = keyMiddlePressed }),
    fwdDisabled = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.fwdDisabled),
    rewDisabled = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.rewDisabled),
    shuffleDisabled = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.shuffleDisabled),
    repeatDisabled = _uses(s.nowplaying.npcontrols.repeatDisabled),

    s.nowplaying_art_only = _uses(s.nowplaying, {

    bgImg = blackBackground,
    title = { hidden = 1 },
    nptitle = { hidden = 1 },
    npcontrols = { hidden = 1 },
    npprogress = { hidden = 1 },
    npprogressNB = { hidden = 1 },
    npartistgroup = { hidden = 1 },
    npalbumgroup = { hidden = 1 },
    npartwork = {
    w = 570,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 220,
    y = 15,
    align = „center“,
    h = 570,
    artwork = {
    w = 570,
    align = „center“,
    padding = 0,
    img = false,

    npvisu = { hidden = 1 },

    s.nowplaying_art_only.pressed = s.nowplaying_art_only

    s.nowplaying_text_only = _uses(s.nowplaying, {
    nptitle = {
    x = 40,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 50,
    nptrack = {
    w = screenWidth – 140,
    npartistgroup = {
    x = 40,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 50 + 65,
    npartist = {
    w = screenWidth – 65,
    npalbumgroup = {
    x = 40,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 50 + 60 + 55,
    npalbum = {
    w = screenWidth – 65,
    npartwork = { hidden = 1 },

    npvisu = { hidden = 1 },

    npprogress = {
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 63,
    y = 375,
    padding = { 0, 10, 0, 0 },
    elapsed = {
    w = 100,
    align = ‚left‘,
    padding = { 0, 0, 4, 20 },
    font = _boldfont(18),
    fg = { 0xe7,0xe7, 0xe7 },
    sh = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 },
    remain = {
    w = 100,
    align = ‚right‘,
    padding = { 4, 0, 0, 20 },
    font = _boldfont(18),
    fg = { 0xe7,0xe7, 0xe7 },
    sh = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 },
    elapsedSmall = {
    w = 100,
    align = ‚left‘,
    padding = { 0, 0, 4, 20 },
    font = _boldfont(18),
    fg = { 0xe7,0xe7, 0xe7 },
    sh = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 },
    remainSmall = {
    w = 100,
    align = ‚right‘,
    padding = { 4, 0, 0, 20 },
    font = _boldfont(18),
    fg = { 0xe7,0xe7, 0xe7 },
    sh = { 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 },
    npprogressB = {
    w = 675,
    h = 63,
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    horizontal = 1,
    bgImg = _songProgressBackground,
    img = _songProgressBar,
    npprogressNB = {
    x = 900,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 55,
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    s.nowplaying_text_only.npprogress.npprogressB_disabled = _uses(s.nowplaying_text_only.npprogress.npprogressB, {
    img = _songProgressBarDisabled,
    s.nowplaying_text_only.pressed = s.nowplaying_text_only
    s.nowplaying_text_only.nptitle.pressed = _uses(s.nowplaying_text_only.nptitle)
    s.nowplaying_text_only.npalbumgroup.pressed = _uses(s.nowplaying_text_only.npalbumgroup)
    s.nowplaying_text_only.npartistgroup.pressed = _uses(s.nowplaying_text_only.npartistgroup)

    — Visualizer: Container with titlebar, progressbar and controls.
    — The space between title and controls is used for the visualizer.
    s.nowplaying_visualizer_common = _uses(s.nowplaying, {
    bgImg = nocturneWallpaper,

    npartistgroup = { hidden = 1 },
    npalbumgroup = { hidden = 1 },
    npartwork = { hidden = 1 },

    title = _uses(s.title, {
    zOrder = 1,
    text = {
    — Hack: text needs to be there to fill the space, but is not visible
    padding = { screenWidth, 0, 0, 0 }

    — Drawn over regular text between buttons
    nptitle = {
    zOrder = 2,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 100,
    y = 0,
    border = { 0, 0 ,0, 0 },
    padding = { 20, 14, 5, 5 },
    nptrack = {
    align = „center“,
    w = screenWidth – 196,

    npartistalbum = {
    hidden = 0,
    zOrder = 2,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 0,
    w = screenWidth,
    h = 75,
    bgImg = titleBox,
    align = „center“,
    fg = { 0xb3, 0xb3, 0xb3 },
    padding = { 100, 0, 100, 5 },
    font = _font(NP_ARTISTALBUM_FONT_SIZE),

    npprogress = {
    zOrder = 3,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 13,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 20,
    h = 75,
    w = screenWidth – 30,
    elapsed = {
    w = 100,
    remain = {
    w = 100,
    elapsedSmall = {
    w = 100,
    remainSmall = {
    w = 100,
    npprogressB = {
    h = 37,
    w = WH_FILL,
    zOrder = 10,
    padding = { 0, 19, 0, 15 },
    horizontal = 1,
    bgImg = false,
    img = _vizProgressBar,
    pillImg = _vizProgressBarPill,

    npprogressNB = {
    x = screenWidth – 80,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 22,
    h = 48,
    s.nowplaying_visualizer_common.npprogress.npprogressB_disabled = s.nowplaying_visualizer_common.npprogress.npprogressB

    — Visualizer: Spectrum Visualizer
    s.nowplaying_spectrum_text = _uses(s.nowplaying_visualizer_common, {
    npvisu = {
    hidden = 0,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 0,
    y = 2 * TITLE_HEIGHT + 4,
    w = 1024,
    h = 556 – (2 * TITLE_HEIGHT + 4 + 45),
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },

    spectrum = {
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 0,
    y = 2 * TITLE_HEIGHT + 4,
    w = 1024,
    h = 556 – (2 * TITLE_HEIGHT + 4 + 45),
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },

    bg = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },

    barColor = { 0x14, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xff },
    capColor = { 0x74, 0x56, 0xa1, 0xff },

    isMono = 0, — 0 / 1

    capHeight = { 4, 4 }, — >= 0
    capSpace = { 4, 4 }, — >= 0
    channelFlipped = { 0, 1 }, — 0 / 1
    barsInBin = { 2, 2 }, — > 1
    barWidth = { 1, 1 }, — > 1
    barSpace = { 3, 3 }, — >= 0
    binSpace = { 6, 6 }, — >= 0
    clipSubbands = { 1, 1 }, — 0 / 1
    s.nowplaying_spectrum_text.pressed = s.nowplaying_spectrum_text

    s.nowplaying_spectrum_text.title.pressed = _uses(s.nowplaying_spectrum_text.title, {
    text = {
    — Hack: text needs to be there to fill the space, not visible
    padding = { screenWidth, 0, 0, 0 }

    — Visualizer: Analog VU Meter
    s.nowplaying_vuanalog_text = _uses(s.nowplaying_visualizer_common, {
    npvisu = {
    hidden = 0,
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 0,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 63,
    w = 1024,
    h = 533 – (TITLE_HEIGHT + 38 + 38),
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },

    vumeter_analog = {
    position = LAYOUT_NONE,
    x = 0,
    y = TITLE_HEIGHT + 63,
    w = 1024,
    h = 533 – (TITLE_HEIGHT + 38 + 38),
    border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    padding = { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
    bgImg = _loadImage(self, „UNOFFICIAL/VUMeter/vu_analog_25seq_w.png“),
    s.nowplaying_vuanalog_text.pressed = s.nowplaying_vuanalog_text

    s.nowplaying_vuanalog_text.title.pressed = _uses(s.nowplaying_vuanalog_text.title, {
    text = {
    — Hack: text needs to be there to fill the space, not visible
    padding = { screenWidth, 0, 0, 0 }

    s.brightness_group = {
    order = { ‚down‘, ‚div1′, ’slider‘, ‚div2‘, ‚up‘ },
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    h = 70,
    w = WH_FILL,
    bgImg = sliderBackground,

    div1 = _uses(_transportControlBorder),
    div2 = _uses(_transportControlBorder),

    down = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    w = 70,
    h = 70,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_brightness_down.png“),
    up = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    w = 70,
    h = 70,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_brightness_up.png“),
    s.brightness_group.pressed = {

    down = _uses(s.brightness_group.down, { bgImg = sliderButtonPressed }),
    up = _uses(s.brightness_group.up, { bgImg = sliderButtonPressed }),

    s.brightness_slider = {
    w = WH_FILL,
    border = { 5, 12, 5, 0 },
    padding = { 6, 0, 6, 0 },
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    horizontal = 1,
    bgImg = _volumeSliderBackground,
    img = _volumeSliderBar,
    pillImg = _volumeSliderPill,

    s.settings_slider_group = _uses(s.brightness_group, {
    down = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_minus.png“),
    up = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_plus.png“),

    s.settings_slider = _uses(s.brightness_slider, {
    s.settings_slider_group.pressed = {
    down = _uses(s.settings_slider_group.down, {
    bgImg = sliderButtonPressed,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_minus_dis.png“),
    up = _uses(s.settings_slider_group.up, {
    bgImg = sliderButtonPressed,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_plus_dis.png“),

    s.settings_volume_group = _uses(s.brightness_group, {
    down = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_vol_down.png“),
    up = {
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_vol_up.png“),
    s.settings_volume_group.pressed = {
    down = _uses(s.settings_volume_group.down, {
    bgImg = sliderButtonPressed,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_vol_down_dis.png“),
    up = _uses(s.settings_volume_group.up, {
    bgImg = sliderButtonPressed,
    img = _loadImage(self, „Icons/icon_toolbar_vol_up_dis.png“),

    s.debug_canvas = {
    zOrder = 9999

    s.demo_text = {
    font = _boldfont(18),
    position = LAYOUT_SOUTH,
    w = screenWidth,
    h = 63,
    align = ‚center‘,
    padding = { 6, 0, 6, 10 },
    fg = TEXT_COLOR,
    sh = TEXT_SH_COLOR,

    return s



    =head1 LICENSE

    Copyright 2010 Logitech. All Rights Reserved.

    This file is licensed under BSD. Please see the LICENSE file for details.


    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by linlar.
    27. Februar 2018 at 16:45 #34108

    Hi linlar,

    Is this in some way different from the integration that’s already included in our Jivelite plugin in the dropdown?

    27. Februar 2018 at 18:37 #34121

    Hi Heiner,

    I’m not sure.

    I used the changes from Ajax (1024×600) and modified the iconbar section becuse there was an error in volume buttons.

    ,comment out this two lines to remove the width adjust of volDown and volUp icon.
    volDown = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    — // w = 34,
    img = _loadImage(self, “Icons/icon_toolbar_vol_down.png”),
    volUp = _uses(_transportControlButton, {
    — // w = 34,

    Adjusted the length of volumeBarWidth from 450 to:
    local volumeBarWidth = 410 — screenWidth – (transport controls + volume controls + dividers + border around volume bar)

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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