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30. Juli 2024 at 3:11 #53210
In reply to: [UPDATE BUG FIX] Bluetooth Addon BETA
bits premiumParticipantI am trying to play from my phone to squeezebox server/Lyrion but the squeezebox touch player says:
Problem: Can’t open file for:
BluetoothI have uninstalled and reinstalled the max2play bluetooth
Clicked again install bluetooth streaming for squeezebox server.
All appear installed correctly.
Favourites has „Bluetooth“ wavin:bluetooth entry.
Lyrion server is 8.5.2 and has waveinput plugin enabled
Max2Play is 2.60 on Raspberry PI 3b+.#### Bluetooth Installation ####
#### Bluetooth Dongle ####
hci0: Type: Primary Bus: UART
BD Address: B8:27:EB:xx:xx:xx ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1
RX bytes:217875 acl:605 sco:0 events:428 errors:0
TX bytes:14182 acl:182 sco:0 commands:249 errors:0#### DEVICE xx’s S23+ ####
spawn /usr/bin/bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[0;94m[xx’s S23+][0m# info BC:10:7B:xx:xx:xx
Device BC:10:7B:xx:xx:xx (public)
Name: xx’s S23+
Alias: xx’s S23+
Class: 0x005a020c
Icon: phone
Paired: yes
Trusted: yes
Blocked: no
Connected: yes
LegacyPairing: no#### BLUEALSA RUNNING ####
119. Januar 2023 at 14:11 #52598In reply to: Neue HiFiBerry Soundkarte
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHi knorke,
die Verzögerung ist leider unumgänglich, zumindest bei der Nutzung des Squeezebox Servers mit dem WaveInput Plugin.
Tritt das Problem mit der Soundkarte nach dem neu aufsetzen immer noch auf?17. Januar 2023 at 18:46 #52593In reply to: Neue HiFiBerry Soundkarte
knorke007 premiumParticipantHi MarioM,
also ich hab zur M2P-Betaversion gewechselt, das HiFiBerry Plugin installiert dann waren auch die Treiber für die DAC-ADC Karte verfügbar,das WaveInput Plugin kam als nächstes, einen Favorit im Squeezebox Server angelegt, vorher das interne Audio deaktiviert und das Bluetoothmodul auch, dann hat es funktioniert vom Handy mit Kabel abzuspielen, leider, und das ist die Krux an der Sache, gibt es eine Verzögerung von 3-4 Sekunden wenn Play gedrückt wird bis der Sound startet, direkt Ausgabe auf der HiFiBerry DAC-ADC Karte.Ich wollte aber verschiedene weitere Clienten ansteuern via Squeezbox Server und dies sollte keine soo lange verzögerung haben da ich eigentlich von der DJ Konsole direkt abspielen will. Am besten gar keine Verzögerung aber das wird eher schwierig, denk ich.
Ideen sind willkommen.
@edit: bin zurück von der Beta auf Version 2.56
30. August 2022 at 23:17 #52374
Jack Bauer premiumParticipantAs complement, here are my conclusions for URL bookmark for WaveInput
wavin:default -> works
wavin:plughw:0 -> works
wavin:plughw:1 -> KO
wavin:0 -> KO
wavin:1 -> KO30. August 2022 at 22:24 #52372
Jack Bauer premiumParticipantHello,
Thanks for help. I’ve taken the beta version.
I’ve installed the hifiberry plugin from the plugin page, it worked, thanks.I’ve selected Hifi Berry DAC+ ADC PRO (B+ / PI 2/3/4)
I’ve updated the RPI with sudo apt update / sudo apt upgrade
I’ve also updated the kernel version from the Setup.php page.
I’ve installed LMS on my RPI
I’ve add Spotify plugin (to test the server is working)
I’ve add Waveinput plugin
I’ve add a bookmark on the LSM server on
I’ve connected my phone with a male jack to the dac input jack
I’ve played some music (volume max on the phone)
I’ve tried each one of the bookmarks on my sqeezebox player (that works with lsm spotify plugin)
None of them works. When I play them on the jivelite screen I’ve got an error message.
I’ve also executed the following according to hifi berry doc (
sudo usermod -G audio squeezeboxserverCould you help me figuring out what’s wrong or what’s not working properly ?
Thank you
2. Mai 2022 at 10:27 #52207In reply to: PC-Speaker
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHallo Ali,
das ist leider nicht so ohne weiteres möglich. Meines Wissens nach kann man unter Windows keine DLNA-Geräte als Soundausgabe auswählen, ohne Drittanbietersoftware zu installieren. Suche am besten mal nach „Windows DLNA Audio Output“, da findest du Forenbeiträge in denen das diskutiert wird. Vielleicht stößt du dabei auf auch Software, die die hilft.
Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre evtl. den Squeezebox Server auf dem PC zu installieren und über das WaveInput Plugin zum Pi zu streamen. Das habe ich allerdings nicht selbst testen können und kann dir damit nicht garantieren, dass es funktioniert. Ursprünglich wurde das SQS Plugin aber dafür entwickelt.
Ansonsten fällt mir nur noch der Weg über eine Soundkarte mit Audioeingang (wie den HiFiBerry DAC+ ADC), oder eben über Bluetooth ein.
14. Februar 2022 at 12:44 #52048
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHi Quebrantahuesos,
All good, that is a perfectly understandable setup and should also be feasible in one way or another.
In my opinion, you have two options:
Send the analogue signal from the TV to the Squeezebox server and output it through the speakers or run Kodi directly on the Pi and use the speakers as audio output. My recommendation would be the latter.
With the first option, you have two problems: You need an extra sound card (or maybe even a whole system) that has an analogue input. And you will have to deal with latency problems. One sound card you could use here is the HiFiBerry DAC+ ADC, as you have already mentioned. Using the WaveInput plugin, you could use the input signal as a source for the Squeezebox server.
Did that answer your question?
With the second option, you might have a problem with performance. Depending on how powerful your Pi is, it could go down the tubes when playing large files with Kodi. Nevertheless, I think this is the best method. In Kodi’s settings, you can simply select the sound card as the audio output and off you go.
29. Januar 2022 at 9:46 #52000
poitzl premiumParticipant[22-01-29 08:36:19.3221] main::init (390) Starting Logitech Media Server (v8.3.0, 1642697903, Thu 20 Jan 2022 06:26:24 PM CET) perl 5.020002 – arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
[22-01-29 08:36:20.6834] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1343) Warning: [08:36:20.6823] You’re using a rather old version of IO::Socket::SSL (v2.002) – please try to update to at least 2.020 for improved compatibility.
[22-01-29 08:36:23.0870] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (237) Couldn’t load WaveInput. Error: Plugin ist nicht kompatibel mit dieser Version von Logitech Media Server. Aktualisieren Sie die Anwendung.
[22-01-29 08:36:26.2789] Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (125) Warning: wavin:bluez_source.C0_D3_C0_24_24_1C found in playlist:
file:///var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/clientplaylist_b824ebc171f0.m3u doesn’t exist on disk – skipping!
[22-01-29 08:36:26.2810] Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (125) Warning: file:///mnt/music/wavin:bluez_source.C0_D3_C0_24_24_1C found in playlist:
file:///var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/clientplaylist_b824ebc171f0.m3u doesn’t exist on disk – skipping!
[22-01-29 08:36:26.2827] Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (125) Warning: file:///mnt/extdrive/wavin:bluez_source.C0_D3_C0_24_24_1C found in playlist:
file:///var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/clientplaylist_b824ebc171f0.m3u doesn’t exist on disk – skipping!
[22-01-29 08:36:27.3741] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::ControlPoint::_gotError (279) Error retrieving device description: 401 Unauthorized
[22-01-29 08:36:27.3797] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::ControlPoint::_gotError (279) Error retrieving device description: 401 Unauthorized
[22-01-29 08:36:27.6801] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (343) Error: getting
Connect timed out:
[22-01-29 08:36:27.6808] Slim::Plugin::Sounds::Plugin::_gotSoundsError (82) Error: Unable to cache Sounds & Effects menu from SN: Connect timed out:
[22-01-29 08:36:30.0447] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::ControlPoint::_gotError (279) Error retrieving device description: 401 Unauthorized
[22-01-29 08:36:33.4094] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::ControlPoint::_gotError (279) Error retrieving device description: 401 Unauthorized
[22-01-29 08:38:31.2068] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Remote::__ANON__ (236) Error: Can’t connect to remote server to retrieve playlist for, Connect timed out: .
[22-01-29 08:38:46.1712] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Remote::__ANON__ (236) Error: Can’t connect to remote server to retrieve playlist for, Connect timed out: Ungültiger Dateideskriptor.
[22-01-29 08:41:33.9239] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::ControlPoint::_gotError (279) Error retrieving device description: 401 Unauthorized
[22-01-29 08:41:34.3988] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::ControlPoint::_gotError (279) Error retrieving device description: 401 Unauthorized
[22-01-29 08:41:46.5932] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::ControlPoint::_gotError (279) Error retrieving device description: 401 Unauthorized
[22-01-29 08:41:50.9849] Slim::Plugin::RemoteLibrary::UPnP::ControlPoint::_gotError (279) Error retrieving device description: 401 Unauthorized
[22-01-29 08:41:55.4408] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Remote::__ANON__ (236) Error: Can’t connect to remote server to retrieve playlist for, Connect timed out: .
[22-01-29 08:42:10.2455] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Remote::__ANON__ (236) Error: Can’t connect to remote server to retrieve playlist for, Connect timed out: Ungültiger Dateideskriptor.28. September 2021 at 14:07 #51685
travion premiumParticipantI was finally able to get the wave-input plugin to work with my record player.
I have two Max2Play’s running a Hifiberry AMP and a Hifiberry DAC-ADC. First I had the Squeezebox server running on the Hifiberry AMP, and the wave-input plugin did not work. I am reading that a few people have the issue that the plugin starts and then stops. That’s exactly what I had with my incorrect setup.
What I didn’t realise was (MarioM mentions this) is that the Squeezebox Server has to be installed on the HiFiBerry DAC – ADC machine.These are the steps I took:
1. I checked the card with arecord -l in the terminal and it gave me:
card 1: sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplusadcpro]
–> therefore URL „wavin:plughw:1“
2. In the LMS settings (IP:9000) under plugins checked the Waveinput (v1.04) , save and close.
3. Created a favorite with the „wavin:plughw:1“
4. Done and this worksThere is a 4-7 second delay when playing records. It’s a little weird , but it does work.
22. Juni 2021 at 19:07 #51352In reply to: Bluetooth – latency via Squeezebox Server
Stephane Bourque premiumParticipantHi Mario,
Thank you for you reply. So I tried everything you proposed, namely:
– Start fresh with the latest Stretch build for 7 inch Touch Display
– Update all the modules I’m using
– Install the nightly 8.2 Squeezebox Server
– Install the WaveInput plugin fix for 8.xI have then again followed the instructions you are pointing to.
Unfortunately, I get the same results as last time.
The peculiar thing is that I can stream directly to the sound card but going through the Squeezebox Server is not giving any useful results.
I posted all DEBUG info in my previous post. Maybe there is something that would make sense to in there?
Thanks in advance,
11. Juni 2021 at 13:06 #51326In reply to: Hardware Lösung
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHallo Dieter,
ich denke der HiFiBerry DAC+ ADC (oder ADC Pro) würde da für dich in Fragen kommen. Er besitzt einen analogen Eingang und einen Stereo Cinch Ausgang. Mit dem WaveInput Plugin des Squeezebox Servers könntest du so den Input Stream auf deinen Squeezelite Geräten im Netzwerk ausgeben.
18. Mai 2021 at 13:44 #51259In reply to: Bluetooth – latency via Squeezebox Server
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHi Bernhard,
You will always have some latency when streaming via Bluetooth. If you add the Squeezebox server to the chain you will hardly manage to keep audio and video in sync. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about that. Even if you connect your audio source to the Max2Play device via cable, there might be a small latency when using the WaveInput plugin.
17. Mai 2021 at 20:52 #51256
betawax premiumParticipantHi everyone
I have a ‚master‘ max2play with a hifiberry amp and wanted a line input too.
It was dead simple…
I had max2play in a working setup, as my main squeezebox server which serves 4 other pi’s. This one was setup with the hifiberry amp. I bought a Behringer U-Control UCA202 USB Audio Interface 2-in/2-out (externe USB Soundkarte)
– activated the waveinput plugin in lms.
– connected the UCA202 with a chromecast audio connected to it.
– ssh into the box (pi/max2play)
– arecord -l to find the sound card number. (1 in my case).
– sudo reboot
Had to change the hifiberry amp from „-o hw:1 -V Digital -C 5″ to „-o hw:2 -V Digital -C 5″. Was easy peasy because max2play told me to do so 🙂
– in lms I added a favorite: url „wavin:plughw:1“ where the final 1 is the number found with arecord -l
Selected the favorite and casted to it, done.With my previous fiddling with icecast/darkice as a streamserver it worked too: downsides were that I had to use another raspberry pi and I had to set the volume almost to max. If you switch to another source that’s enough to scare the hell out of my home rabbit 🙂
13. Mai 2021 at 17:27 #51243In reply to: Bluetooth – latency via Squeezebox Server
bernh premiumParticipantHello, i have the same problem. It´s just a latency of 2-3 seconds, but it´s too much to get a good streaming experience. Is there a possibility to reduce the latency?
I have a pi 4 and use the buildt in bluetooth, i also use the beta version of max2play and the nightly 8.2 version. I have also installed the waveinput plugin for the 8.x versions.
What i want to do is to stream from my windows pc, my firetv stick and my android phone to the squeezebox server and then stream that input to multiple raspberry squeezeboxes in the house. But i want to stream any audio output, for example youtube videos or netflix. Therefore they have to be synchronized and must have a low latency for watching videos.
thanks, Bernhard
12. Oktober 2020 at 19:01 #49830
kanetoad premiumParticipantHey,
What version of LMS do people have running please?
I’m on 7.9.4 and doing everything that’s been mentioned here but I’m still getting white noise.M2P 200803, Waveinput installed from the M2P GUI, added url favorite…
The beta’s looking good guys, thank you!
29. Juni 2020 at 12:30 #49105
nickgosling premiumParticipantSo,
I have successfully had a very quick play with this this morning on a PI4 and a hifiberry DAC +ADC. Unfortunately I have changed so many settings that I am not sure what has worked but I’ll try to summarize.
-I installed MAX2Play (pi4 image)
-Selected hifiberry from the popup for max2play
-Selected the DAD+ADC card from the hifiberry tab in max2play
-Installed Squeezebox server 7.9 nightly.
-Realised that I needed the beta image – installed the BETA max2play update
-Added the Waveinput plugin in squeezebox plugins
-Tried adding a favorite with wavin:plughw:1 – lots of hiss.
-Added the waveinput fix on the squeezebox server tab of max2play
-Tried adding a favorite with wavin:plughw:1 – This time it wouldnt work at all. HMMM
-Disabled the Bluetooth and normal audio of the pi in the Raspberry settings page
– Changed the waveinput favorite address to wavin:sysdefaultIT WORKED. Albeit with a 10-15 sec delay but its amazing progress for me. I am delighted that this is a possibility and the sound was perfect.
I am now going to get back to homeschooling my kids and have a play at the weekend with a bit more effort and robustness. There is a blog by HiFi berry on how to get this working too so I may try that to see if the delay is better using a very basic install of LMS. I’ll then report back to the forum.
Thank you so much guys for helping me get to this point.
5. Juni 2020 at 8:50 #48945
themetman premiumParticipantThank you @MarioM I have done a fresh install.
Setup the HiFiBery Card with „sysdefault … hifiberrydacplusadc …“
Upgraded to Beta-200602.
Installed Squeezebox Server and installed the WaveInput from the SB Server Page in the Max2Play Interface
Added the „wavin:plughw:1“ to my favourites.
Then set it to play on my other Pi, and guess what??????It Worked!!!!
So we now have a method for anyone else out there with the same problem. Bit of a saga, but got there in the end.
Regards31. Mai 2020 at 11:45 #48886
themetman premiumParticipantThank you, @MarioM once again. I am running version m2p_buster_rpi-v250.img of the Max2Play OS. Is there another one I should be using?
I do no have Bluetooth activated at all in the Settings/Reboot Section.
I have removed the Plugin in the Squeezebox Server Interface.
I have restarted the Squeezebox Server, and even Rebooted the device.
I have tried at least 4 times to install the WaveInput Plugin like so:
1. Check the WaveInput item near the bottom of the page, and click ‚Apply‘
2. Wait until the ‚restart Now, restart later‘ Dialog box appears. and click ‚Restart Now‘
3. wait for it to reappearIt stubbornly refuses to install, so I installed version 104_7.6 manually from here to here
and restarted the Squeezebox Server and it showed up.I left the setting as this wavin:plughw:1 from before, and all I get is still white noise over speach or sound.
I would like to use your Wave Input Fix on our Squeezebox Server page in the Max2Play webinterface but I cannot see it. It is not listed in the ‚Install special Plugins for Squeezebox Server‘ so I am stuck once again.
25. Mai 2020 at 11:19 #48849In reply to: Using the input-function of Hifiberry DAC+ ADC Pro
kanetoad premiumParticipantHi MarioM
Thanks for the tip, were you using Raspbian or a M2P build?
With M2P i have setup a LMS without the player locally installed but I can’t this working; my Squeezelite Player syncs with LMS and plays the waveinput favorite but nothing is playing through.Kane
20. Mai 2020 at 16:50 #48828In reply to: Line in zum Squeezebox Server
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHi knorke007,
Wenn du das Waveinput-Plugin im LMS verwendest, gib „wavin:plughw:1“ als URL ein (wenn du den Favoriten erstellst). Die Zahl hinter „plughw:“ entspricht dem Slot, der deiner Soundkarte zugewiesen wurde. Nutze am besten den Befehl „arecord -l“ (kleines L) um herausfinden, welcher es ist.
20. Mai 2020 at 16:48 #48827
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHi everyone,
just a quick update on Waveinput with Max2Play: If you use the Waveinput plugin in the LMS, enter „wavin:plughw:1“ as the URL when adding a favorite. The number behind „plughw:“ corresponds to the slot assigned to your sound card. Use the „arecord -l“ command (small L) to find out which one it is.
20. Mai 2020 at 16:47 #48826In reply to: Using the input-function of Hifiberry DAC+ ADC Pro
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHi everyone,
just a quick update on Waveinput with Max2Play: If you use the Waveinput plugin in the LMS, enter „wavin:plughw:1“ as the URL when adding a favorite. The number behind „plughw:“ corresponds to the slot assigned to your sound card. Use the „arecord -l“ command (small L) to find out which one it is.
20. Mai 2020 at 16:46 #48825In reply to: Turntable input into Multiroom – Hifiberry DAC+ ADC
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHi everyone,
just a quick update on Waveinput with Max2Play: If you use the Waveinput plugin in the LMS, enter „wavin:plughw:1“ as the URL when adding a favorite. The number behind „plughw:“ corresponds to the slot assigned to your sound card. Use the „arecord -l“ command (small L) to find out which one it is.
5. Mai 2020 at 14:58 #48699In reply to: [UPDATE BUG FIX] Bluetooth Addon BETA
MarioM ModeratorKeymasterHallo Michael,
deine Beobachtungen konnten wir teilen. Vermutlich hängt das damit zusammen, das WaveInput nicht mit dem LMS 8.0 kompatibel ist. Wir werden uns darum kümmern.
31. März 2020 at 12:00 #48350In reply to: Soundkarte mit Line in
knorke007 premiumParticipantHallo Heiner,
Danke erstmal dafür, ich komme endlich meinem Ziel näher aber so wie die Lage grade ist, brauch ich das Teil nicht zu bestellen, das bleibt dann in irgendeinem Container liegen bis zum St.Nimmerleinstag.
Immerhin habe ich nun mal eine Richtung.Nachfrage: kannst Du mir erklären wie ich das mit einer USB Soundkarte von Creative, den Soundblaster, bewerkstelligen kann mit dem Plugin Waveinput. Das Plugin kann ich installieren, den Favoriten habe ich auch angelegt, jedoch läuft der Stream nur ein paar Sekunden ohne Ton.
Also der Favorit erscheint im Squeezecommander auf dem Handy, aber das Signal kommt nicht durch. Ich blick da nicht ganz durch mit den vielen Einträgen in der Liste unter >Audioplayer-erweiterte Optionen-Soundkarte< vllt habe ich die falsche Durchschleife gewählt.
Ich habe auf allen Playern im System M2P installiert und es funktioniert auch tadellos als Multiroom System. Das beste was ich jeh hatte.
Jetzt fehlt nur noch ein Line-In um vom Laptop aus b.z.w. vom Mischpult aus das Signal in den LMS einzuspeisen und quasi Live zu mixen in meiner Bude. Das,hat noch niemand. !! Kannst Du mir helfen, dieses Projekt zu verwirklichen.Herzliche Grüße Peter
28. Februar 2020 at 19:27 #48103In reply to: Synchronisationsprobleme
flyingscot premiumParticipantIch habe jetzt konsequent alles auf Analog Ausgang umgestellt. D.h. 1x RP3B+ (Hifiberry DAC+Pro) und 3xRP Zero (Hifiberry DAC+Zero), der RP4 betreibt nur noch den LMS, NAS und über den Hifiberry DAC+ADC einen Analogeingang (WaveInput Plugin).
Nur direkt beim Starten einer Gruppe gibt es meist einen Resync über jeden Player, danach nicht mehr.
So kann es bleiben…
27. Februar 2020 at 14:06 #48094In reply to: [Announce] New Max2Play Image for Raspberry Pi 4
flyingscot premiumParticipantto be more precise: „It is not possible to use the (Hifiberry DAC+ADC) ANALOG-In Port in parallel with the (Hifiberry DAC+ADC) ANALOG-Out Port, using SqueezeLite/WaveInput“
I use HDMI as Audio-Out, so everythings works.
When I remember it right, you can change the squeezelite parameters, so that it will match the same bit depth/sampling frequency WaveInput needs. Then it might be possible zu use it in parallel.
This reply was modified 5 years ago by
This reply was modified 5 years ago by
27. Februar 2020 at 11:37 #48092In reply to: [Announce] New Max2Play Image for Raspberry Pi 4
flyingscot premiumParticipantFor me its easier to check the right soundcard on the command line. So I logged into the RPi by SSH (Logon: pi, Password: max2play) and become root („sudo bash“).
With the command arecord -L you get a list of the available audio input interfaces.
To your information: It is not possible to use the Audio-In Port in parallel with the Audio-Out Port, using SqueezeLite/WaveInput: Squeezelite normally uses the highest bit rate possible, WaveInput uses 16 Bit. The Hifiberry sound chip is not capable using different bit depth/sampling frequencies for simultainiously input and output.
25. Februar 2020 at 18:08 #48079In reply to: [Announce] New Max2Play Image for Raspberry Pi 4
flyingscot premiumParticipantI am running the Hifiberry DAC+ADC on a Pi 4 with the WaveInput plugin.
In difference to your case, I do not use the analog output. Only the analog input and HDMI for digital audio output isin use.
To get WaveInput running, you need to know the correct soundcard and channel of the audio input of the ADC.
On my installation I entered wavin:plughw:1,0 as favorite and it runs correctly.
20. November 2019 at 14:59 #47567In reply to: Bluetooth connect interrupts Squeezebox player
Heiner premiumKeymasterHi ehrnfldm,
The BT input overrides all previous playback. This is necessary for the implementation of waveinput to work.
This reply was modified 5 years ago by
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