Reply To: Max2play Bluetooth – Use Echo and fire TV as sources

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons Max2play Bluetooth – Use Echo and fire TV as sources Reply To: Max2play Bluetooth – Use Echo and fire TV as sources

2. Februar 2023 at 16:06 #52637

Thanks Mario. Yes i have setup the bluetooth class to 0x00041C and did verify it using the hciconfig too. But my Fire TV stick was still unable to discover the M2P device connected to my Sound bar !!! Perhaps i will check the bluetooth class of devices using

I could see some thing like 0x41C – for Majority Device Class – Audio/Video & Minor Device Class – Portable Audio

I could not generate 0x00041C with any combination and perhaps that why it didnt worked. I will try to generate various blueetooth classes and update here if some class is discovered by Fire TV !