Reply To: OLED Display bleibt dunkel

16. August 2017 at 13:06 #30657

Hi NewOne,

– Mit Grundlage meinte ich die Ausgabe der Zeit und von wo diese herkommt. Jivelite, Kodi, Debug, etc.

– Bitte versuche, Squeezelite zu stoppen bevor du Spotify Connect startest. Wir arbeiten aktuell an einer Lösung um beide parallel laufen zu lassen, aber aktuell kann es dabei zu Problemen kommen.

– Ja, diese Lösung haben wir zum Komfort implementiert von dieser github Seite:

Hier sind die relevanten Infos zum anpassen:

Additional instructions: uses the variable LOGFILE to determine where to place it’s log file. The default is /var/log/RaspDacDisplay.log.
There are several variables you can adjust at the beginning of to modify the software for different behavior. These are…
HESITATION_TIME – Titles or artists which are wider than the display width get scrolled. This variable sets how long the display should pause in seconds before the scrolling begins
ANIMATION_SMOOTHING – Sets the speed the upper speed for display update. Values between .1 and .25 seem to work well.
TIMEZONE – Sets what timezone should be used when displaying the current system time. Possible values can be found in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory. Examples…
New York City. TIMEZONE=“US/Eastern“
San Francisco. TIMEZONE=“US/Pacific“
Paris. TIMEZONE = „Europe/Paris“
PAGES System:
There is now a more flexible system in place to configure what gets displayed on the screen. It uses a metaphor of a collection of pages that are displayed for each of the major modes of the system (stop, play, alert). A more complete description of how to modify and create pages is included in the „Page Format.txt“ file.
Note that ARTIST_TIME, and TITLE_TIME have been removed. This functionality is now captured in the PAGES system