Reply To: Squeezebox server not reachable port 9000

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) Squeezebox server not reachable port 9000 Reply To: Squeezebox server not reachable port 9000

1. Februar 2017 at 17:36 #26543

Hi, all new to M2P and this Forum.

Just trying to get Squeezebox Server running and this thread looked to be inline to some extent with my problem.

When I press „Open Squeezebox Server Webadministration“ in M2P, i go to ‚‘,
trying to feed my e-mail and password I only get error „Invalid username or password.“

Going to, it works fine logging in with my credientials. Even created a new user at,
but no change.

Any clues, help appreciated !

(( Phi